Symposia on Theoretical Physics and Mathematics 8

Book Description

This volume comprises the lectures given at the Fifth Anniversary Symposium held at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Madras, India, during January 1967. Professor Dallaporta of Padua delivered the inaugural address on the fundamental problem of quasars "whose study appears to hold im plications for cosmology." He presented a critical review of several attempts to understand their exceptionally large red shifts and also discussed the physical theories concerning the cause of the explosions which give rise to the quasars and to the tremendous energy output they require - questions which still remain unanswered. He stated, in concluding, that we may have to invoke certain aspects of the present theories of elementary particles in order to unravel these mysteries. Professor Mercier, well known for his studies on the philosophical foundations of modern physics, critically examined the various at tempts, such as that of Einstein, to formulate a unified field theory.

Symposia on Theoretical Physics and Mathematics 9

Book Description

This volume represents the proceedings of the Sixth Anniversary MATSCIENCE Symposium on Theoretical Physics held in January 1968 as well as the Seminar in Analysis held earlier, in December 1967. A new feature of this volume is that it includes also contributions dealing with applications of mathematics to domains other than theoretical physics. Accordingly, the volume is divided into three parts-Part I deals with theoretical physics, Part II with applications of mathematical methods, and Part III with pure mathematics. The volume begins with a contribution from Okubo who proposed a new scheme to explain the CP puzzle by invoking the intermediate vector bosons. Gordon Shaw from Irvine dealt with the crucial importance of the effects of CDD poles in partial wave dispersion relations in dynamical calculation of resonances. Applications of current algebra and quark models were considered in the papers of Divakaran, Ramachandran, and Rajasekharan. Dubin presented a rigorous formulation of the Heisenberg ferromagnet.

Symposia on Theoretical Physics

Book Description

The second volume of this series is devoted to the Proceedings of the Second Anniversary Symposium under the chairmanship of the Niels Bohr Visiting Professor of the year - Professor L. Rosenfeld, Deputy Director of NORDIT A, Copenhagen, and the Editor of Nuclear Physics. With particular appropriateness, the Symposium was inaugu rated by the Honorable C. Subramaniam, Union Cabinet Minister, the founding father of the Institute. The meeting was characterized by two features: (1) the enlargement of the scope of the discussions in theoretical physics, with the inclusion of many-body problems and statistical mechanics! (2) Seminars on pure mathematics, stimulated by the prdence and participation of Professor Marshall H. Stone of Chicago as the First Ramanujan Visit ing Professor at the Institute. The year 1963 marked a new stage in the development of high energy physics - the first successes of SU (3) symmetry and the eight fold way had such an impact on the scientific world that the hard, unyielding domain of strong interactions was now again open to ex ploration. The volume opens with two significant lectures by Sudarshan and O'Raifeartaigh on fundamental problems relating to internal sym metries. The theory of Regge poles, after its initial triumph, met with rough weather, the nature and intensity of which can be realized from the series of discussions in this volume.

Symposia on Theoretical Physics 4

Book Description

The Third Anniversary Symposium, held in January 1965, was devoted mainly to various topics in elementary particle physics, with a few lectures on many-body problems and a short supple mentary program in mathematics. * In the Introductory Address Professor V. Weisskopf, Director General of CERN, Geneva, presented a broad survey of the then current scene in elementary particle physics, the most dominant trend in which is the concept of symmetry. He traced the use of the concept of rotational invariance and symmetry under permutation of identical objects in the realm of atomic spectra and how, with the inclusion of isotopic spin, such use was extended to the study of properties of nuclei. Professor Weisskopf also described how, in ad dition, elementary particles are characterized by a new quantum number, the hypercharge, which, with isotopic spin, is part of a wider symmetry SU(3). He mentioned three classes of experiments at CERN, one in search of quarks, one to investigate the existence of vector bosons suggested by theories as possible mediators of weak interaction, and one to test the existence of cosmic forces to explain C P or T violation. The quotations from Newton's Opticks at the beginning and the end of the lecture were strikingly relevant. Two lectures dealt with the application of SU(3) symmetry to weak and strong interactions, respectively. Ph. Meyer of the Uni versity of Paris, Orsay summarized his work on the conserved vector current hypothesis in relation to broken symmetries.

Matscience Symposia on Theoretical Physics

Book Description

The MATSCIENCE Institute holds two scientific meetings a year, an anniversary symposium in January to commemorate its birth in 1962 and a three-week summer school in August. The proceedings of the first three meetings were initially made available for private circulation as cyclostyled notes. Professor Rosenfeld, the editor of Nuclear Physics, expressed the view that such material, which repre sented the cooperative effort of the scientists from various countries who participated in the visiting program of our Institute, should be published in a "more permanent form" to reach a wider community of readers. We were given the opportunity to do this by Mr. Earl Coleman, President of Plenum Press, who made the spontaneous offer, during his visit to Madras just a year ago to publish these proceedings as a continuing series. It was also decided to include in each volume certain lectures delivered during the year, though not at the meeting itself, if they were relevant to the subject matter of the symposium. The handsome effort of Plenum Press to bring out the series begin ning with the very first symposium has been matched by the willing cooperation of our visiting scientists, who have made this an inter national endeavor, the wholesome consequences of which will be felt beyond the domain of science.

Generalized Symmetries In Physics - Proceedings Of The International Symposium On Mathematical Physics

Book Description

This volume contains material submitted to a symposium on mathematical physics in July 1993 at the Technical University of Clausthal. It focuses on mathematical and physical notions of symmetries, especially on generalized and quantum symmetries (quantum groups and algebras) with applications to integrable systems, quasi-exact solvability, quantization methods and nonlinear problems. The workshop is a continuation of the series of meetings and workshops on mathematical physics in Clausthal which brings together mathematicians, theoretical and mathematical physicists working in the different parts of generalized symmetries. Recent developments in the mathematical structure and physical applications of generalized symmetries are discussed.

Jingshin Theoretical Physics Symposium In Honor Of Prof Ta-you Wu

Book Description

Prof T-Y Wu is not only an eminent physicist with an encyclopedic knowledge, but also a motivational teacher and an influential policy maker in science and technology. The young Wu was inspired by Prof Y-T Yao, whose course on modern physics sparked an interest that burned during a long and productive career. Among Wu's achievements are 14 books and more than 120 papers covering subjects from atomic and molecular physics to plasmas and gases to atmospheric physics to relativity theory. Even at the age of 90 he remains active, publishing papers and lecturing on physics.Prof Wu feels grateful that he had the opportunity to educate a group of extremely talented students and, in particular, to discover T D Lee's remarkable talent. Although creative talent is no doubt a product of nature, it must also be nurtured. Prof Wu has played a crucial role for an entire generation of physicists in China and has won great respect from former students such as C N Yang, T D Lee, K Huang, and countless others. Prof Wu's love of physics and his dedication in teaching and research will always be remembered.