Book Description

The art of minimum effort, maximum protective efficiency.Self protection starts with one's attitude-be neither victim nor perpetraitor! Utilizing the whole body to protect oneself or others from any physical attack, whether armed or unarmed, Inyo Budo Taijutsu transcends the notion of martial art styles into energy and movement expressed thru the whole body


Book Description

In order to understand the application of the techniques within the kata, it is useful to understand the feeling of the kata. One of the problems in learning these secrets is that they are not revealed casually or quickly. Many of the teachers who are able to truly transmit these teachings are located in Japan. Usually imparted within the name, such as Koku (creating space), the student should attempt to capture the underlying concept. Without knowing genri (application) of entering and exiting each Kamae the ability to create henka may be limited.

The Quality of My Taijutsu: A Progress Journal

Book Description

My Taijutsu sensei constantly stressed the importance of recording one's progress. The journal, he said, serves as a repository of the art's fundamentals; the basics we must periodically come back to if we are to move forward. It provides a record of what we have been taught, and of what we have done. It reminds us of the eight times we have fallen, and the nine times we have gotten back up. How true! Today, I give my students the same advice. They would never consider pursuing higher educational learning-for earning a livelihood-without ever taking notes. How then can they do less when learning a martial art? No, it's not for earning your livelihood ... but it's for saving your life.


Book Description

This book is the author's attempt to present what is probably the most important aspect of ninjutsu in print. Of course, philosophy is very important to the ninja, but since technique is a reflection of philosophy, careful study of this book should shed some light on the ideas that were used, and are still followed today, by the "Shadow Warrior." This book is, in many ways, a companion work to the author's "Traditional Ninja Weapons." However, the present work presents many new ideas about ninjutsu, which hopefully will help the reader gain a fuller understanding of this fascinating, albeit often misunderstood, martial art. In this work, the author has outlined a general overview of taijutsu while remaining as true as possible to the art's traditional form. There are, of course, many special cases that have not been included in the book because of space considerations. As always, the author would like to extend his thanks to the many instructors and training partners that have made this book possible.

Budo Taijutsu

Book Description

Budō Taijutsu (Martial Arts Body Technique), combines the essence of nine classical martial art systems from Japan. Through his organisation, the Bujinkan, Grandmaster Masaaki Hatsumi-sensei has overseen the growth of Budō Taijutsu to many thousands of practitioners worldwide. Its training philosophy of developing your response in accordance with the situation provides both a dynamic martial art and practical form of self-defence. In Budō Taijutsu: An Illustrated Reference Guide of Bujinkan Dōjō Budō Taijutsu, author and illustrator Duncan Mitchell provides a comprehensive training manual for both beginners and experienced students. The book starts with basic training advice, physical preparation exercises and how to take a fall safely before moving on to providing clear diagrams and brief explanations for the essential basic techniques of striking, joint locks, throws, choking and self-defence. The second half of the guide then gives detailed descriptions of Kata (practice forms) for: Shinden Fudō Ryū Dakentaijutsu Kuki Shinden Ryū Dakentaijutsu Takagi Yōshin Ryū Jūtaijutsu Gyokko Ryū Kosshijutsu Kotō Ryū Koppōjutsu Togakure Ryū Ninpō Taijutsu

Taijutsu Tactics

Book Description

With crashing kicks and well-placed punches the ninja devastates at will. By sculpting his body into a supple, lethal weapon, he can also dominate in close-quarter grappling. Here, the author Omoto Saiji reveals grappling motions for escape from any situation. These holds escapes and throws will give you a fighting edge.

Teaching Ninja

Book Description

-ELEMENTS -MARUI ROKU -ARUKI -AWARENESS -WARRIOR SPIRIT -SWORD -STRIKING -TUMBLING -WEAKNESSES & NEEDS The concept of Ninja International blossomed from the multitude of martial art styles available today. Ninjutsu has long been the most complete form of life training. To take up the art of Ninja can be an overwhelming thought at first, as it should be, for it is truly a life-long voyage of discovery. Simply thinking of the things one may encounter on a ninja mission can give you an idea of the unlimited array of techniques a perfect ninja may need to utilize. What is different about Tesaihiryu is the acknowledgement of each individual's path of maturation. Everyone grows in different ways, and so, we are not forcing rigid techniques down the throats of our disciples, but rather introducing to them the seeds of living, moving, growing tactics, that are malleable enough to customize for each individual. Our favorite way of expressing this fact is by reminding our students, and yours, that art is not art without personalization.

Naruto Uzumaki Chronicles 2

Book Description

Maps of Leaf Village and the surrounding areas; Ninja combat strategies for maximizing taijutsu efficiency; Manga excerpts.