
Book Description

Did you know that each avatar of Vishnu arrived with a specific purpose? Time and again, Vishnu has manifested in different forms to fulfil his role as a ‘protector’ of the world. Among the long list of 24 avatars, ten avatars have captured our imagination for centuries together—matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parshuram, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki. But how exactly did these avatars impact the society? And how do they link to the Charles Darwin theory of evolution? While each avatar has its own set of legends that extoll their characteristics and deeds, the stories behind them are just as interesting and informative. Presented in a contemporary and unbiased perspective, these stories of the ten avatars of Vishnu are an attempt to make mythology more believable and relevant to the world that we live in today.

Tales of Lord Vishnu

Book Description

Tales of Vishnu

Book Description

Vishnu, they say, is just one of a powerful threesome, the highest lords of the universe. However, though Brahma has created the universe and Shiva can destroy it, it is up to the great god Vishnu to keep all creatures within it well and happy. Always compassionate, he is also the wisest of the trinity. It is he who good-naturedly sorts out the mess the others create and above all, Vishnu always favors the good and the pure.


Book Description

In Puranic lore, Vishnu is the preserver of the universe and the cosmic order. The Dasha Avatar is the Puranic story of the ten incarnations of Vishnu who descends to the terrestrial world to establish stability and order, time and again. The avatars occur in a sequence – the first was matsya or fish representing life in water, followed by kurma or turtle signifying life in water and on land, then varaha or boar alluding to terrestrial life and so on. The sequence of the avatars could be taken to symbolise various stages in the evolution of life culminating in the advent of the perfect being.

Devotees of Vishnu

Book Description

Includes the following titles: Tales of Vishnu Tales of Narada Prahlad Dhruva and Ashtavakra The Churning of the Ocean

Vishnu - A Traditional Tale

Book Description

The protector in the Hindu pantheon, Lord Vishnu is a third of the powerful triumvirate. This story depicts the Lord's life and those of his many avatars.

The Book of Vishnu

Book Description

Beginning with an investigation of the possible non-Vedic, Dravidian origins of Vishnu, this book describes his form, aspects and attributes, as well as his various incarnations, such as Matsya the fish, Kurma the tortoise, Vamana the dwarf and many more.

Stories About Lord Vishnu-The Ten Incranations

Book Description

The stories of the ten incarnations of Vishnu are not only important in Hinduism, but also have wider benefits. They teach us that no matter how powerful evil is, truth ultimately triumphs. Every incarnation incarnated for a specific purpose. Matsya saved Manu and the Saptarishis, Varaha saved the earth, Rama destroyed unrighteousness – these stories teach the importance of dutifulness and fulfilling moral obligations. Not only but these stories teach the lesson of not giving up even in difficult situations and make us believe that the power to face challenges lies within us.

Vishnu Purana

Book Description

Vishnu Puran is believed to be one of the most important Puranas, if not the most valuable ancient record of the faith called Sanatan Dharma. Its stories reveal about the various exploits of Vishnu incarnations. In rendering this holy text into English, the attention has been paid to put only those details that have certain fundamental truths of life. Hence, in this work those details have been deliberately omitted which may appear rather confusing or uninteresting to the reader not having the initiation in the sacred love. The main thrust of this attempt has been to show a clear glimpse of our ancient hermitage.