Innovative Suburb-to-suburb Transit Practices

Book Description

Provides information about the suburban shift from the more traditional central business district oriented service patterns of selected transit agencies. Transit agencies with limited marketing successes in this area are being challenged to address these nontraditional markets anew.

Guidelines for Enhancing Suburban Mobility Using Public Transportation

Book Description

Guidelines for enhancing suburban mobility: Overview and summary of findings -- Suburban transit services: The planning context -- Actions to modify and improve the overall suburban transit framework -- Circulators and shuttles -- Subscription buses and vanpools -- Summary: Lessons and conclusions -- Bibliography -- Appendix A: Classifying suburban environments.

Transit Markets of the Future

Book Description

Examines the effects of current trends (e.g., demographic, economic, social, land use, and transport policy) and trends expected over the next 15 years on current and future transit markets. Although many of these trends are not favorable to public transit, a number are identified that provide opportunities for maintaining current transit markets and creating new, expanded, or different transit markets. The report identifies 40 transit service concepts that appear to offer the most effective means of adjusting to these societal trends.

Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services

Book Description

TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 53: Operational Experiences with Flexible Transit Services examines transit agency experiences with "flexible transit services," including all types of hybrid services that are not pure demand-responsive (including dial-a-ride and Americans with Disabilities Act paratransit) or fixed-route services, but that fall somewhere in between those traditional service models.

Maintenance Productivity Practices

Book Description

This synthesis will be of interest to transit agency staff responsible for vehicle maintenance and planning at their agencies. Staff can use this report to learn from the experiences of other agencies, as well as to compare their experiences with those of other agencies. It documents and summarizes transit agency experiences, using various maintenance productivity improvements and programming. The report summarizes the experiences of agencies that vary in size, union affiliation, and operating conditions. It provides descriptions of successful programs and creative modifications to existing programs.

Transit Bus Service Line and Cleaning Functions

Book Description

Provides a variety of approaches to transit bus service line and cleaning functions so transit agencies can evaluate the effectiveness of their own operations.

Improving Transit Security

Book Description

Examines the nature and extent of transit crime, effective strategies to combat problem situations, and case studies of specific control practices deemed successful by transit agency professionals (with no distinctions drawn between bus and rail modes) are discussed.