Teacher's Guide for Erik, Carver of Greenland

Book Description

A complementary resource for the historical fiction novel, this guide is for experienced teachers of tweens age 10-12. Learn more about the history, geography, culture, religion, lifestyle, heroes, government, language, alphabet, writings, art, and music of this place and time. Guides include age-appropriate curriculum elements such as historical reading material, worksheets, writing projects, puzzles, arts & crafts, tests and timeline events.

Erik, Carver of Greenland

Book Description

A brave group of Norse Vikings founded a colony on Greenland in the tenth century. After almost four hundred years the settlement is struggling to survive. Erik is a thirteen year old carver whose life is about to change. Can he trust an old story and a set of runes? Does he have the courage to follow a dream?

Thomas, Scribe of Israel

Book Description

In 66 AD, Israel is ruled by the powerful Empire of Rome. Groups of zealots fight for freedom and the unique Jewish religion. Thomas is a twelve year old student who is training to be a scribe. Will he find a new home in the desert fortress of Qumran? Can he help protect the scrolls of the Holy Scriptures?

Beau, Doctor of France

Book Description

In 1793 AD, Paris is the center of the French Revolution. The citizens of France live in fear of arrest, imprisonment and death at the guillotine. Beau is a fourteen year-old student in the school of surgery. Can he help save the young dauphin? Will his secret plan be discovered?

Akshat, Boy of Tibet

Book Description

In 1625, Tibet is a land of nomads, monasteries and farmers. Nine year old Akshat herds sheep and yaks in the pastures of the western plateau. The death of his father begins a chain of events that will change his life forever. Can Akshat find his place in a world of monks, lamas and the world’s largest monastery?

Hathor, Artist of Ancient Egypt

Book Description

It is 1300 BC and Ramesses the Great has become the king of ancient Egypt. Twelve year old Hathor dreams of being a painter in the royal tombs. In the workmen’s village of Deir el Medina, Hathor learns painting and hieroglyphics. Can a young girl overcome obstacles and earn a position as a painter in the tomb of Queen Nefertari?

Basanti, Dancer of Ancient India

Book Description

In 376 AD, Chandra Gupta II will soon be king of Ancient India. He was blessed by the Hindu gods. Thirteen year old Basanti has trained since early childhood as a dancer. As the day of her first solo dance approaches, tragedy strikes her family. Can she win a competition and dance in the Hindu temples or for the new emperor?

Kensie, Storyteller of Scotland

Book Description

Seventeenth century Scotland is ruled by another English king, Charles II. Highland clan’s feud and struggle for power in this beautiful land. Kensie is a twelve year old storyteller who dreams of a future as a bard in a Highland Clan. Will Kensie’s secrets keep her from making her dream come true?

Rasmus, Craftsman of Constantinople

Book Description

Emperor Justinian ordered rebuilding throughout the magnificent 6th century capital of Constantinople. Craftsmen from across the Byzantine Empire will create beautiful buildings and mosaics. Rasmus is a thirteen year old mosaic apprentice. Opportunity and danger await him in the imperial palace. Can Rasmus solve the puzzle and save the emperor?