Handbook of Research on the Future of Advertising and Brands in the New Entertainment Landscape

Book Description

In a globalized world full of noise, brands are constantly launching messages through different channels. For the last two decades, brands, marketers, and creatives have faced the difficult task of reaching those individuals who do not want to watch or listen to what they are trying to tell them. By producing fewer ads or making them louder or more striking, more brands and communications professionals are not going to get those people to pay more attention to their messages; they will only want to avoid advertising in all media. The Handbook of Research on the Future of Advertising and Brands in the New Entertainment Landscape provides a theoretical, reflective, and empirical perspective on branded content and branded entertainment in relation to audience engagement. It reviews different cases about branded content to address the dramatic change that brands and conventional advertising are facing short term. Covering topics such as branded content measurement tools, digital entertainment culture, and government storytelling, this major reference work is an excellent resource for marketers, advertising agencies, brand managers, business leaders and managers, communications professionals, government officials, non-profit organizations, students and educators of higher education, academic libraries, researchers, and academicians.

Improving University Reputation Through Academic Digital Branding

Book Description

As higher education institutions adapt to an increasingly digital world, it is imperative that they adopt technological techniques that allow them to establish a digital presence. Academic e-branding involves managing a university’s brand and image to promote and build the reputation of the institution, especially in regards to its student and faculty research and achievements. Without a solid digital presence, higher education institutions may struggle to remain competitive. Improving University Reputation Through Academic Digital Branding is a critical scholarly publication that explores digital branding and its role in establishing the reputation of academic institutions and programs. Featuring a range of topics including digital visibility, social media, and inclusive education, this book is ideal for higher education boards, brand managers, university and college marketers, researchers, academicians, practitioners, administrators, and students.

Internet of Things

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This book constitutes revised selected papers from the refereed proceedings of the 5th The Global IoT Summit, GIoTS 2022, which took place in Dublin, Ireland, in June 20–23, 2022. The 33 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed andselected from 75 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: ioT enabling technologies; ioT applications, services and real implementations; ioT security, privacy and data protection; and ioT pilots, testbeds and experimentation results.

Combating Fake News with Computational Intelligence Techniques

Book Description

This book presents the latest cutting-edge research, theoretical methods, and novel applications in the field of computational intelligence techniques and methods for combating fake news. Fake news is everywhere. Despite the efforts of major social network players such as Facebook and Twitter to fight disinformation, miracle cures and conspiracy theories continue to rain down on the net. Artificial intelligence can be a bulwark against the diversity of fake news on the Internet and social networks. This book discusses new models, practical solutions, and technological advances related to detecting and analyzing fake news based on computational intelligence models and techniques, to help decision-makers, managers, professionals, and researchers design new paradigms considering the unique opportunities associated with computational intelligence techniques. Further, the book helps readers understand computational intelligence techniques combating fake news in a systematic and straightforward way.

Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations

Book Description

Public involvement has the power to promote an active circulation of media content and can generate economic and cultural value for organizations. The current perspectives on interactions between audiences, organizations, and content production suggests a relational logic between audiences and media through new productivity proposals. In this sense, it is interesting to observe the reasoning of audience experience through the concepts of interactivity and participation. However, there is a gap between the intentions of communication professionals and their organizations and the effective circulation and content retention among the audiences of interest, as well as the distinction between informing and communicating. Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations discusses communication research with a focus on organizational communication that includes a range of methods, strategies, and viewpoints on digital communication. Covering a range of topics such as internal communication and public relations, this reference work is ideal for researchers, academicians, policymakers, business owners, practitioners, instructors, and students.

Publicidad contagiosa

Book Description

El marketing viral se inoculó en el panorama profesional publicitario como una vacuna eficazy económica contra la supuesta inmunidad de las audiencias a los mensajes comerciales. Conseguir que fueran los consumidores quienes transmitieran los anuncios espontáneamente entre sus redes sociales se consideró la panacea en un mercado comunicativo sobresaturado. Sin embargo, la publicidad boca a oreja, basada en recomendaciones, ya conseguía el mismo objetivo desde tiempos ancestrales. Fueron las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) las que posibilitaron el salto exponencial hacia la publicidad viral y, en consecuencia, un cambio de magnitudes sin precedentes: los contenidos comerciales pasaban a ser compartibles a escala planetaria, a la velocidad de un clic.Este libro se centra en detectar las claves creativas comunes que detonaron el contagio de 651 vídeos publicitarios entre los usuarios de las redes sociales digitales.A partir de un constructo analítico formado por drivers creativos, cepas virales y la variable ambigüedad, se propone la fórmula V = cc (d+c) + a, como base inspiradora para crear publicidad altamente contagiosa.

Reflejos Oscuros

Book Description

En un mundo aparentemente normal pero con una oscuridad oculta, "Reflejos Oscuros" nos sumerge en el viaje inquietante al corazón del mal humano. La historia sigue a Lucas, un psicólogo exitoso con una vida pública y privada en constante lucha. A pesar de su imagen compasiva, esconde su verdadera naturaleza psicópata, capaz de manipular de manera letal. Obsesionado con su paciente Clara, desata una espiral de terror y manipulación. La trama profundiza en la psicopatía, explorando los límites entre la empatía y la manipulación. A medida que Clara intenta desmantelar el culto secreto de Lucas, se sumerge en un entorno de horror psicológico donde la realidad se convierte en un juego perverso. La historia desafía las expectativas con giros sorprendentes y eventos aterradores, reflexionando sobre la lucha entre el bien y el mal. "Reflejos Oscuros" invita a explorar los rincones más oscuros del alma humana, donde la realidad se distorsiona en un reflejo del mal verdadero. Una travesía perturbadora que desafiará las percepciones y sumergirá en un mundo donde el terror reside en lo más profundo de la mente.

Publicidad 360º

Book Description

Esta publicación es fruto de la reflexión de, fundamentalmente, docentes del ámbito de la comunicación y de la publicidad basada en la necesidad de aunar fuerzas para ofrecer una obra de conjunto que intenta ver la publicidad como un hecho global y no solo aislado de la comunicación comercial. La presente obra profundiza en el valor de la publicidad y su importancia contemporánea, desde una perspectiva holística y con el objetivo de querer ser una publicación didáctica y de reflexión.


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Recent Advances in Information Systems and Technologies

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This book presents a selection of papers from the 2017 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'17), held between the 11st and 13th of April 2017 at Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal. WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges involved in modern Information Systems and Technologies research, together with technological developments and applications. The main topics covered are: Information and Knowledge Management; Organizational Models and Information Systems; Software and Systems Modeling; Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; Multimedia Systems and Applications; Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; Big Data Analytics and Applications; Human–Computer Interaction; Ethics, Computers & Security; Health Informatics; Information Technologies in Education; and Information Technologies in Radiocommunications.