Stochastic Models of Buying Behavior

Book Description

Approaches to stochastic modeling; Estimating and testing stochastic models; Brand-choice models; Zero-order models; Two state markov models; Linear learning models for brand choice; A probability diffusion model; Application of the probability diffusion model; Purchase incidence models; Models for purchase timing and market penetration; A stochastic model for monitoring new product adoption; Parameter estimations and some emperical results for STEAM; Extension to STEAM.

Optimal Decisions Under Uncertainty

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Understanding the stochastic enviornment is as much important to the manager as to the economist. From production and marketing to financial management, a manager has to assess various costs imposed by uncertainty. The economist analyzes the role of incomplete and too often imperfect information structures on the optimal decisions made by a firm. The need for understanding the role of uncertainty in quantitative decision models, both in economics and management science provide the basic motivation of this monograph. The stochastic environment is analyzed here in terms of the following specific models of optimization: linear and quadratic models, linear programming, control theory and dynamic programming. Uncertainty is introduced here through the para meters, the constraints, and the objective function and its impact evaluated. Specifically recent developments in applied research are emphasized, so that they can help the decision-maker arrive at a solution which has some desirable charac teristics like robustness, stability and cautiousness. Mathematical treatment is kept at a fairly elementary level and applied as pects are emphasized much more than theory. Moreover, an attempt is made to in corporate the economic theory of uncertainty into the stochastic theory of opera tions research. Methods of optimal decision rules illustrated he re are applicable in three broad areas: (a) applied economic models in resource allocation and economic planning, (b) operations research models involving portfolio analysis and stochastic linear programming and (c) systems science models in stochastic control and adaptive behavior.

Consumers’ Spatial Choice Behavior

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Migration, commuting, and tourism are prominent phenomena demonstrating the political and economic relevance of the spatial choice behavior of households. The identification of the determinants and effects of the households' location choice is necessary for both entrepreneurial and policy planners who attempt to predict (or regulate) the future demand for location-specific commodities, such as infrastructure, land, or housing, and the supply of labor. Microeconomic studies of the spatial behavior of individuals have typically focused upon the demand for a single, homogeneous, yet location-specific com 2 modity (such as land! or housing ) or their supply of labor3 and investigated the formation of location-specific prices and wages in the presence of transportation and migration costs or analyzed the individual-and location-specific character istics triggering spatial rather than quantitative or temporal adjustments. In contrast to many theoretical analyses, empirical studies of the causes or con sequences of individual demand for location-specific commodities have often considered several "brands" of a heterogeneous good that are offered at various locations, are perfect substitutes, and may be produced by varying production 4 technologies. lCf. Alonso (1964) 2Cf. Muth (1969). 3Cf. Sjaastad (1962) and Greenwood (1975).

Review of Marketing 1990

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