The Adventures of Bertie Bunny

Book Description

‘Wake up, Bertie. It’s your big day. You are going on your big trip’, said Mum, drawing the curtains to Bertie’s space-age bedroom. Bertie was not good at getting up in the mornings, so he quickly turned over and tried to ignore the fact that at 5 a.m. on this particular day he had to get up. ‘Angya,’ said Bertie angrily as he realised that his mother was not going to let him go back to sleep and that he would have to get up and get himself ready to go on his amazing trip. It was not that he was not very excited; it was just that in his mind, 5 a.m. did not exist as an hour that he saw very often. Bertie was going to be the first rabbit in space. He had been specially chosen from thousands of hopeful bunnies to be on a special spaceship and go to the moon. Bertie brushed his fur and ate his breakfast. He was almost too excited to eat, but his mother ensured that he ate something before he became weightless. Bertie cleaned his teeth before the taxi came at 5.45 a.m. precisely and whisked him off to the space station and launch pad where he was to meet his fellow astronauts

Bertie Bunny's Big Adventure

Book Description

Bertie Rides Again

Book Description

Let your kids hop on to another set of amazing adventures with Bertie Bunny! An aptly titled sequel, Bertie Rides Again follows adorable Bertie on some of his most exciting adventures yet. One page after another, readers get to see what Bertie is up to; he hops to the fire station, visits the farm, he goes camping, goes to the circus, attends a wedding and swims at the pool! Furthermore, Bertie gets to meet and gain new friends. He meets mice, the seagull, and most importantly, Thomas Cat! Peppered with moral lessons, each story of Bertie Rides Again fuels young readers’ imagination and reminds older readers of the beauty of being a child.

Bertie Bunny's Hoptastic Adventure!

Book Description

Join Bertie Bunny on his first adventure in the series and learn how having a talent is special and makes us all unique! Enjoy the story while looking at the beautiful and sweet watercolour illustrations.

My Bunny Rabbit Adventures

Book Description

Hello. My name is Robert, and I live with my mummy and daddy in a nice house with a lovely garden in the countryside. Next to our house are woods that have all kinds of trees and bushes in them. Some are very big, and some are very small. There are also lots of animals that live in the woods. Most of them are very shy and only come out to eat and play when it is quiet and when we have gone to bed. However, there are lots of little bunny rabbits who also live there, and they are all my friends. This storybook is about the adventures of some of those bunnies and the things they learned from their adventures. Their names are Hector, Florence, Harry, Tyler, William, Bertie, Gertie, and Brian. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I did writing it!

An Adventure of Bunny Bertie and Blueberry Elf

Book Description

Bunny Bertie finds a very sad Fairy Honeygold, he must find a way to help her, on the way he asks Blueberry Elf to help. Follow their adventure to see if they succeed and make Fairy Honeygold happy again.

Bertie Bunny at Home and Abroad

Book Description

Bertie Bunny was lying in bed one bright sunny morning with Alfie, his beloved teddy bear tucked securely under his arm. Bertie's nostrils twitched excitedly as they detected the smell of food, in this case baking coming from the kitchen. Bertie threw poor Alfie aside as he leapt out of bed and pulled on his dressing gown and slippers. Alfie lay in a heap on the floor as Bertie flew down the corridor to the kitchen and towards the smell of baking that was coming from it. When Bertie reached the kitchen, mum was nearly up to her elbows in flour and was kneading the dough for bread rolls and splits as part of her preparations for this afternoon's tea party. She had invited some of her friends over for a girly afternoon of reminiscing about the olden days when they were young. Unfortunately mum had been unable to employ someone to look after Bertie so he would be sitting in on the tea party, a thought that filled mum with absolute dread. Bertie scampered across the kitchen and clambered up onto an area of the work surface that did not have flour on it. At the corner of his eye Bertie espied three bowls of butter cream. One was ordinary butter cream for the butterfly buns which had just come out of the oven, one had coffee flavouring and one had chocolate butter cream. The last two were for two sponge cakes that were cooling on a couple of racks nearby. Bertie stretched out his paw and was about to dip it in one of the bowls when he felt a sharp slap on his paw. Mum had seen a beige furry paw coming towards one of her mixing bowls, knowing whose it was she reached out just in time to prevent Bertie from dipping a paw or two into the icing. Bertie squealed as he withdrew his paw and rubbed it. Mum had hurt him and he did not like it. Gently, mum lifted Bertie down from the worktop and urged him to take his bath. After wiping her floury hands, she ran his bath and laid out his clothes in the bedroom. She felt sorry for Alfie who was still lying on the floor where Bertie had left him. She picked his bear up, made his bed and tidied up and then went back to prepare Bertie's breakfast. Meanwhile, Bertie was laying in his bath, telling Fred, his duck, about the day that was to come and how he was looking forward to eating the tea that mum was in the midst of preparing. Mum was still baking when Bertie having had his bath, came out for his breakfast. Mum had made the bread rolls and splits and was now preparing sausage rolls and vol au vents. Bertie's mouth watered and when he had eaten his boiled egg and soldiers, Bertie begged to be allowed to help with the tea party. Gently, mum advised that it might be better if Bertie went outside to play, but warned him not to get dirty. Bertie played with his football and dreamed that he was scoring in the World Cup Finals. As he played, he gave a running commentary to anyone who was listening, unfortunately there was no-one there but Bertie did not care, he was having such a good time. In the midst of his numerous celebrations after scoring a classic goal, Bertie heard his mother calling him. Obediently Bertie trotted inside. Mum had iced the cakes and sponges which left the mixing bowls with the leftover butter creams. Now licking out bowls was right up his street. Bertie virtually climbed inside the bowls to ensure that every last scrape was out of them. When he had finished, he was covered in butter cream of all flavours from the tips of his ears to the ends of his feet. Bertie was filthy. Mum was far from happy as she stripped Bertie of his clothing and placed him in his second bath of the morning. His shorts and tee shirt were placed straight in the wash and a fresh towel was laid out for him to dry himself. Mum searched out another set of shorts and a tee shirt whilst Bertie smiled as he lay once again in the bath with Fred. Meanwhile mum had finished all the baking and had placed the food under cloths ready to bring down to the lounge l

Bertie the Pooping Easter Bunny

Book Description

Join Bertie the Easter Bunny in this fun rhyming book for kids aged 2-6. Bertie's not like the other bunnies... Follow him on his Easter adventures to self-acceptance. Grab this new release in time for Easter! 8.5'' x 8.5'' Premium Glossy Cover Full Color Illustrations An easy quick gift for kids


Book Description

Peter Rabbit's cousin, Benjamin Bunny, has been a very popular character since this book's first publication in 1904. In this tale we hear all about his and Peter's adventures in Mr McGregor's vegetable garden, and what happens to them when they meet a cat! Even more frightening, is what happens to the two pesky bunnies when Old Mr Benjamin Bunny finds out what they have been up to! Beatrix Potter is regarded as one of the world's best-loved children's authors of all time. From her first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, published by Frederick Warne in 1902, she went on to create a series of stories based around animal characters including Mrs. Tiggy-winkle, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-duck, Mr. Jeremy Fisher and Tom Kitten.