The Apocalyptic Timeline in the Book of Revelation: Volume 3: Raptures

Book Description

Is there truly rapture for Christians? If there is, when will it be? Will all Christians be raptured automatically? If not, who will be raptured? Can I be one of those raptured? This book scrutinizes the incidents and the detailed timeline of the things to come related to the raptures during the final seven years of human history. Authors Johnson, Lee, and Stephen reveal: There will be two raptures; The raptures are related to the feasts of the LORD in the spring; At the first rapture, only the 144,000 "overcomers" will be raptured; At the second rapture, only those ripened will be raptured; The remaining saints will go through the last 3.5 years of the persecution period; Those raptured and those who do not worship the Antichrist will reign with the Christ at the millennial kingdom. Therefore, "Look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

The Apocalyptic Timeline in the Book of Revelation: Volume 2: Trumpets

Book Description

When will World War III take place? Revelation 9:15 says, "the four angels were slay the third part of men." Will you be part of the third? This book identifies the sealing of the 144,000 Israelites, a great multitude, and the seven trumpets. Authors Johnson, Lee, and Stephen reveal: We are living in the latter trumpet era; The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill that happened in America was the fifth trumpet; The sixth trumpet-World War III-is imminent; Afterward, the Seven-Year Treaty will be confirmed just as Revelation 10 prophesied; Then, only seven years remain until the end of this world; The Antichrist-to-be is already present, possibly behind the world stage; Not much time is left until the last (7th) trumpet-the rapture. Therefore, "look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

Three Raptures

Book Description

Lamb explores the book of Revelation, posing such questions as: What if there were three raptures? Is that scenario sound, and what are its implications?

Revelation: A Chronology

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666 and 1000

Book Description

"666 is a novel which vividly captures events as they may occur during the Tribulation Period, a novel of Christian love as Faye and Bill face the terrors of the Anti-christ, a novel of intrigue as the Anti-christ manipulates the nations of the world, a novel of terrors as men and women are horribly branded with the Mark 666"--Page 4 of cover.

The Popular Handbook on the Rapture

Book Description

Why is there so much confusion about how and when the rapture will take place? What does the Bible say for certain about this event? When will the Tribulation occur, and who will face it? There is a lot of discussion among Christians about the rapture and the last days. Why all the different views? And how do those perspectives line up with Scripture? Tim LaHaye and Thomas Ice have assembled a team of longtime Bible prophecy experts who look carefully to God's Word for the answers. In this book, readers will discover what they can know for certain. And as they consider the things that still remain uncertain, they will gain a renewed trust that God knows what He is doing. His plan is perfect, and it will unfold in His timing. An easy-to-understand resource that provides much-needed clarification about the end times.


Book Description

G. K. Beale’s monumental New International Greek Testament Commentary volume on Revelation has been highly praised since its publication in 1999. This shorter commentary distills the superb grammatical analysis and exegesis from that tome (over 1,300 pages) into a book more accessible and pertinent to preachers, students, and general Christian readers. As in the original commentary, Beale views Revelation as an integrated whole, as a conscious continuation of the Old Testament prophetic books, and shows that recognizing Revelation’s nearly constant use of Old Testament allusions is key to unlocking its meaning. Interspersed throughout the volume are more than sixty sets of “Suggestions for Reflection” to help readers better grasp the relevance of Revelation to their lives and our world today.

The Date of the Rapture How and When the World Ends

Book Description

Is the current pandemic a warning sign from God the Rapture is imminent? This pandemic has altered our lifestyles. Potentially 80 to 100,000 could die in the U.S. in 2020. Over 22 million people have lost their jobs. The stock market has lost trillions of dollars. Fear, anxiety, and depression inflict millions of people. Feelings of hopelessness abound. This pandemic is the beginning of major warning signs from God. He will deliver additional warning signs before the Rapture. Then in a single moment, all believers and the dead in Christ will vanish into the air to be with Jesus. Non-believers will be left behind to experience horrible plagues during the following seven years of the Tribulation. This book presents a historical study of God's master plan and His timeline for the redemption of humanity. The Covenants of God provide insight to understand His master plan. It identifies the major covenants throughout history as paradigm shifts. By highlighting these shifts, you can easily understand God's master plan and why He periodically unveils new portions of it. The seven Levitical Feasts of Israel play a critical role in the coming of the Messiah. We discuss them. The master plan, the covenants, the feasts reveal the timeline for the next paradigm shift - The Rapture! We are near the end of God's timeline. Convergence of these factors reveal a highly probable date for the Rapture. We will analyze alternative dates. This book differs from most books on the Rapture since the major focus is not on interpreting scriptures in Daniel and other prophetic books in the Bible. It is a study of the history of God's plans for the redemption of humanity. The Rapture is next. Read the book and find out the date.


Book Description

Things to know about the Great Tribulation:The Antichrist is not the author of the events in the tribulation. He's manipulating them.Most deaths in the tribulation will not be at the hands of the Antichrist (Rev. 6:8, 9:13-15, 18).Most Christians who die in the Great Tribulation will not be martyred/beheaded (Rev. 6:8, 9:18).The mark of the beast will affect the merchants not the consumers (Rev. 18:3, 11, 15, 21).The consequences for refusing the mark of the beast is not death (Rev. 13:16-17) but restriction from participating in the Antichrist's one-world commerce system wherein all the participates will become rich.One will not be forced to choose between salvation and starvation (Matt. 6:25, 31, 33).A single act of taking the mark of the beast is just as forgivable in the tribulation as tattoos of Satan are today. (See the combination of unforgivable acts of worship in Revelation 14:9-11.)Many will worship the beast or his image or take his mark and be forgiven. It's the combination of those three acts that's unforgivable. (See the same principle in Romans 10:9 as it applies to eternal life.)Those who miss the rapture are not at the mercy of the Antichrist (Rom. 5:20).The word of God and the Holy Spirit are both present during the tribulation (Matt. 24:35; John14:16-17, 26).Salvation will be just as accessible in the tribulation as it is in the church dispensation (Matt. 18:20, 24:3; Heb. 13:5; Rev. 7:4, 11:3, 14:6).The opening of the seals is not God releasing his judgment in the Great Tribulation but the consequences of humanities accumulated behavior (Gal. 6:7).Satan does not have the authority ability or power to give life to anything (John 10:9-10; Acts 17:25-26, 28).The terms "before the foundation of the world," "predestination," "the Lamb's Book of Life" are all expressing the eternal state. Eliminate either of these conditions or positions from the plane of salvation, and there's no eternal life These terms are never associated with sin or sinners (Rom. 8:29; Eph. 1:5, 11; Rev. 13:8, 17:8, 21:9, 27).