Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data

Book Description

La diversidad biológica es fruto de la interacción entre numerosas especies, ya sean marinas, vegetales o animales, a la par que de los muchos factores limitantes que caracterizan el medio que habitan. El análisis multivariante utiliza las relaciones entre diferentes variables para ordenar los objetos de estudio según sus propiedades colectivas y luego clasificarlos; es decir, agrupar especies o ecosistemas en distintas clases compuestas cada una por entidades con propiedades parecidas. El fin último es relacionar la variabilidad biológica observada con las correspondientes características medioambientales. Multivariate Analysis of Ecological Data explica de manera completa y estructurada cómo analizar e interpretar los datos ecológicos observados sobre múltiples variables, tanto biológicos como medioambientales. Tras una introducción general a los datos ecológicos multivariantes y la metodología estadística, se abordan en capítulos específicos, métodos como aglomeración (clustering), regresión, biplots, escalado multidimensional, análisis de correspondencias (simple y canónico) y análisis log-ratio, con atención también a sus problemas de modelado y aspectos inferenciales. El libro plantea una serie de aplicaciones a datos reales derivados de investigaciones ecológicas, además de dos casos detallados que llevan al lector a apreciar los retos de análisis, interpretación y comunicación inherentes a los estudios a gran escala y los diseños complejos.

Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research

Book Description

The aim of this encyclopedia is to provide a comprehensive reference work on scientific and other scholarly research on the quality of life, including health-related quality of life research or also called patient-reported outcomes research. Since the 1960s two overlapping but fairly distinct research communities and traditions have developed concerning ideas about the quality of life, individually and collectively, one with a fairly narrow focus on health-related issues and one with a quite broad focus. In many ways, the central issues of these fields have roots extending to the observations and speculations of ancient philosophers, creating a continuous exploration by diverse explorers in diverse historic and cultural circumstances over several centuries of the qualities of human existence. What we have not had so far is a single, multidimensional reference work connecting the most salient and important contributions to the relevant fields. Entries are organized alphabetically and cover basic concepts, relatively well established facts, lawlike and causal relations, theories, methods, standardized tests, biographic entries on significant figures, organizational profiles, indicators and indexes of qualities of individuals and of communities of diverse sizes, including rural areas, towns, cities, counties, provinces, states, regions, countries and groups of countries.

Tests for Univariate and Multivariate Normality

Book Description

Brief descriptions of some tests of goodness of fit applicable to the assumption of normality are presented. Tests are given for univariate as well as multivariate normality. A summary of their power properties is given. (Author).

Graphical Methods for Data Analysis

Book Description

This book present graphical methods for analysing data. Some methods are new and some are old, some require a computer and others only paper and pencil; but they are all powerful data analysis tools. In many situations, a set of data even a large set- can be adequately analysed through graphical methods alone. In most other situations, a few well-chosen graphical displays can significantly enhance numerical statistical analyses.

Advances on Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Probability and Statistics

Book Description

At the International Indian Statistical Association Conference, held at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, participants focused on advancements in theory and methodology of probability and statistics. This is one of two volumes containing invited papers from the meeting. The 32 chapters deal with different topics of interest, including stochastic processes and inference, distributions and characterizations, inference, Bayesian inference, selection methods, regression methods, and methods in health research. The text is ideal for applied mathematicians, statisticians, and researchers in the field.

Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS

Book Description

This book illustrates the ease with which AMOS 4.0 can be used to address research questions that lend themselves to structural equation modeling (SEM). This goal is achieved by: 1) presenting a nonmathematical introduction to the basic concepts and appli.

Testing For Normality

Book Description

Describes the selection, design, theory, and application of tests for normality. Covers robust estimation, test power, and univariate and multivariate normality. Contains tests ofr multivariate normality and coordinate-dependent and invariant approaches.

Theory and Applications of Recent Robust Methods

Book Description

Intended for both researchers and practitioners, this book will be a valuable resource for studying and applying recent robust statistical methods. It contains up-to-date research results in the theory of robust statistics Treats computational aspects and algorithms and shows interesting and new applications.