Book Description
The story follows the lives of four ordinary individuals who by happenchance came to be working together. They, like most people were doing their best to get ahead by using the skills they had acquired on their journey through life up to that point. Little did they know that they had other skills that would take them in a completely unexpected direction. They had no hint of the turn of events that would make their names instantly recognized anywhere in the solar system or turn them into global heros. The storyline is not the only thing that presents the reader with the opportunity to transplant themselves into the story. Almost every challenge that is overcome and structure that is mentioned is possible using technology available today or at least within the grasp of today's innovators. The author presents one solution to the reader, but some readers will not be able to resist the temptation to visualize a different and possibly better course of action. This story should provide plenty of food for thought for people who like to problem solve. There are no magical beings in this story or characters with superhuman powers, so the author felt compelled to include some sexual content.