The Babylon Deception

Book Description

The Babylon Deception: A simple business trip from Las Vegas to San Francisco gets complicated by fires, drug pushers, and neo-Nazis. Did we mention street gangs, plutonium, and gold bars? It's another heartwarming episode in the lives of our two favorite wise guys, Nick and Jimmy, who made it through with only a few scratches in Disappearing Act: A Las Vegas Love Story, Sort of..., the first book in the Wise Guys You'll Love If You Know What's Good For You series.

Babylon Unveiled

Book Description

In 2019, the United States withdrew from the Syrian War and took out ISIS leader Baghdadi. By January 3, 2020 the most dangerous shadow terrorist leader, Iran's Qasem Soleimani, had been neutralized in Baghdad. News narratives quickly painted both Baghdadi and Soleimani as respected leaders while simultaneously decrying the Kurds in Syria. But what is the real story behind these ground-shifting Middle East events? Could they have been some of the best Middle East policy decisions we have seen in America's history?Follow one American Christian woman's eyewitness experience into the heart of the Middle East. Attorney Jennifer Breedon DeMaster exposes the lies about what led to the rise of ISIS, who has really been protecting the Christians, and which feared Muslim countries may house some of the greatest hope for followers of Jesus.This book will truly help anyone without "Middle East" expertise to understand exactly what's going on and why it has been kept from us.

Is America in Bible Prophecy?

Book Description

Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock deals with often-raised questions about America's future in this thoroughly researched, reader-friendly resource. Examining three prophetic passages that are commonly thought to describe America, Hitchcock concludes that the Bible is actually silent about the role of the United States in the End Times. He then discusses the implications of America's absence in prophetic writings. Along with Hitchcock's compelling forecast for the future, he offers specific actions Americans can take to keep their nation strong and blessed by God, as well as an appendix of additional questions and answers.


Book Description

Babylon will once again become a thriving city. In ancient times it was known for idolatrous worship, immoral living and ruthless giants. In the future this city will have these same dark features. Bible prophecies indicate future giants will get their start in Babylon. Some of these giants will play major roles in these last days. An end time leader called the "Mouth" will be a non-human ruler who will rule from Babylon. He will eventually become a world-wide ruler and cause great devastation. Another non-human ruler called the "Harlot" will also be associated with Babylon. She will corrupt the earth with her immoral activity. Often this "Harlot" is mistaken for the actual city of Babylon or a religious system but when digging deeper into God's Word, Scripture reveals differently. It's important that we know who these end time leaders are as the Bible depicts them so that we will know what to watch for in terms of their future appearance. In her book Babylon: The Fallen Reona Martin has stayed close to the Scriptures to present to you a Biblical sound study of future Babylon.

Lucifer, Adam, and the Spirit of Babylon

Book Description

ABOUT THE BOOK: In an age when terrorism is a continual threat to the peace and safety of the world, it has become critical to understand the motives and objectives that drive the terrorist to devise his plots and plans of destruction. If we do not understand his plan, we won't know how to use the weapons we have or to enter into successful combat to defeat him. In Lucifer, Adam, and the Spirit of Babylon, the author unmasks the nature of the diabolical relationship between Satan and his coconspirator, the fallen Adamic race, and reveals how together they will bring the population of the earth to its ultimate distance from God and seek to capture as many souls as possible before the end. He shows how Lucifer, the diabolical "engine" of evil, has been using the genetic makeup of Adam's humanity to develop a civilization that will express ultimate independence from God and destroy the largest number of souls through deception at the highest level. Once your eyes are opened to this conspiracy you will begin to see how the Church has been taking the bait of Babylon for the past century and how this will lead to receiving the mark of the beast. The end of the age is surely upon us and the spirit of the age is vying for your soul. The mark of the beast begins in the mind before it will make its way to the physical body. It is a way of thinking. The only antidote to the Mark of the Beast is the Mark of Christ, or the image of Christ being formed in you, and complete dependence upon the Holy Spirit. **** ABOUT THE AUTHOR: For the past thirty years Joe Giuffrida has served in nearly every capacity in the local church, from teacher, deacon, and worship team member, to associate pastor and Dean of a Bible school. His passion is to see the Body of Christ break free from the shackles that have kept it in subjection to the spirit of the world and to arise to the high calling of God in the earth. He has a B.S. in English, an M.S. in education, and is currently working on an M.S. in theology. He has taught in public, private, and rehabilitation classrooms. He and his wife, Jackie, currently reside in York, Pennsylvania.

Christianity and The Great Deception

Book Description

In book 1 of The Original Revelation series, Creation Cries Out! The Mazzaroth, we learned that our Creator’s plan of salvation was written in the stars as a witness to all humanity of a coming Messiah. In that first book I explained how the angelic realm corrupted that message and taught mankind to worship the Sun. In book, Mystery Babylon: The Religion of the Beast, 2 we learned how that “lie of Sun worship” was formulated into a formal religion in Babylon. In this book, book 3 of The Original Revelation series, we are going to trace this Mystery Religion of Babylon as it was formally transferred from Babylon to Rome and became known as The Cult of Sol Invictus (the cult of the invincible sun). The Babylonian High Priesthood was conferred upon the Emperor of Rome as Pontifus Maximus (High Priest of the Sungod). We still to this day use that title for the High Priest of the Sungod, we call this position The Pontiff (Pope) who today presides over the Babylonian Priesthood. In this book we are going to trace the history of the Christian Church, its rituals, its gods, its Christ, and compare them to both the religion of Babylon and the revelation of God in The Bible. We are going to ask and answer the hard questions. As the largest religion on Earth is it possible that Christianity is the “wide gate that leads to destruction”? Could it be that Christianity is The Mystery Religion of Babylon that “deceives all mankind” as prophesied? Have we all been led astray by a Greek conquest of the Hebrew faith? Did the victor in the Roman/Jewish Wars literally rewrite history? Did Constantine start a new religion and impose a lie upon humanity at the threat of death? Has humanity been conditioned for 1,500 years not to question “Babylonian rituals and doctrines” by the Catholic Church? Where the “church fathers” pagan? What is the Spirit of the False Messiah and the Spirit of Error? Who is the False Messiah? If you have ever thought to yourself “something is just not right with the Church today” then you will find your answers in this book. This book will be the hardest book you have ever read. It is an eye opening, jaw dropping, pride swallowing, tear jerking reality that will have you on your knees crying out in repentance to the Living God... IF you are His chosen. If you choose to read this book I will show you how deep this rabbit hole goes but... I am only offering you is the Truth. However, most people cannot handle The Truth, that is why the gate to eternal life is very narrow and “few there are that find it” Matthew 7:14.

Mideast Beast

Book Description

Whereas most students of the Bible have long held that some form of humanism or universalist religion would catapult the Antichrist to world power, this book systematically proves the biblical case for an Islamic Antichrist.

The Great Deception

Book Description

The Great Deception by Beverly Green __________________________________

The Babylon Deception

Book Description

The Babylon Deception: A simple business trip from Las Vegas to San Francisco gets complicated by fires, drug pushers, and neo-Nazis. Did we mention street gangs, plutonium, and gold bars? It's another heartwarming episode in the lives of our two favorite wise guys, Nick and Jimmy, who made it through with only a few scratches in Disappearing Act: A Las Vegas Love Story, Sort of..., the first book in the Wise Guys You'll Love If You Know What's Good For You series. Disappearing Act: hit the top of Amazon's Best Seller List for Hardboiled Mystery in June 2021. "Fast-moving book that keeps you turning the pages to follow along with the main character, a connected guy from Chicago, while he hunts for the 2 million bucks. The author has plenty of great dialogue and plot twists that keep you guessing on what's going to happen next. You won't win those bets, but you will get a great payoff in the end. Great read. You will enjoy it." -- D.F. Dempster, Reviewer. "I found the book very entertaining, being from start to finish a pleasure to read. Mr. Pace rolls out a tightly weaved plot filled to the gills with colorful characters, places, and things. It is a very creative and busy novel that accomplishes what many novels don't. It never hits one false note. Through all the wild twists and crazy developments you're introduced to, the reader can feel confident that all is safe in the hands of a master storyteller. This comes across page after page until the author folds all the pieces together, giving the story a very satisfying ending. This isn't my normal genre, but happy that I checked it out. I'm left curious to check out Mr. Pace's other works." -- Dave Fouts, Reviewer

Deceptions and Myths of the Bible

Book Description

Lloyd M. Graham is out to show that the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments as we know them, are not “holy” nor are they the “word of God” revealed. The stories of the Bible were set down by power-seeking priests eager to inspire awe and to gather flocks who would take part in their rites and rituals, and they weren’t very original, either. In Deceptions and Myths of the Bible, Graham reintroduces us to the true origins of Adam and Eve, who were derived from a Babylonian account; to the story of Noah’s flood, which was the result of over four hundred years of flood accounts from various ancient civilizations; to the man named Moses who was fashioned after the Syrian story of Mises; and even to the laws of the Bible, which were patterned after the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi. Graham points out the 137 similarities between the story of Jesus and the story of the Egyptian god Horus, and the hundreds and hundreds of similarities between the story of Christ and the Hindu god Krishna. For any reader interested in history or theology, Graham’s book is essential, eye-opening, and controversial reading. If you are an atheist, you’ll be eager to read these arguments in support of your beliefs. If you are agnostic, you will want to have this evidence at your fingertips as you weigh systems of belief and disbelief. If you are religious, you will want to know how your faith came into being and how a study of history might shake or support your beliefs.