The Book of Atma

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How to Heal with Singing Bowls

Book Description

Book & CD. Over the centuries many people have found relief from pain, stress, negative energy, and a variety of physical ailments through the sound and vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls, whose use has become increasingly popular in the West. This book offers step-by-step techniques for using the bowls for meditation, relaxation, and healing ailments such as insomnia, headache, stress-related intestinal disorders, and high blood pressure. A CD demonstrating the methods accompanies the book.

Atma Bodha By Shankaracharya

Book Description

Traditionally, 'Who am I?' has been the central quest of Vedic texts. Knowing 'I' without any external attributes such as body, mind, age, etc. is termed as self-knowledge. Or, we can say that knowing 'what we are' and 'what we are not' constitutes the complete answer. For example, a transparent crystal placed near a hibiscus flower appears to be red. Until we see it without the flower, we'll not know that it is transparent and not red. Similarly, if our notion about ourselves is mixed with some external attributes, which are different from us, we'll perceive our reality differently. This wrong perception will give rise to various conflicts like death, pain, and anxiety. So, it looks imperative to know our fundamental reality to destroy the pain and taste the immortal bliss within. Once we accept that there is something we need to know, we talk about the ways in which the correct understanding can be reached. We find ways to test our understanding. And, we also want to know how this reality looks like. In this short, original, and profound work, Shankaracharya has answered these questions and shared his insight about non-dual reality.

Atmasiddhi Shastra

Book Description

The Journey of Self-Discovery from the Heart of an Enlightened Master. Humanity has accomplished incredible feats. We have reached for the stars, and achieved things our forefathers considered impossible. And yet, the same key questions that eluded them, have eluded us - Who am I? Where have I come from? What is my true purpose? Questions spark the beginning of an inner journey. Atmasiddhi Shastra is a 142-verse masterpiece, composed by 19th century self-realised saint Shrimad Rajchandraji in a single sitting of about 1.5 hours when He was only 28 years old. Quenching the genuine thirst of a seeker, Shrimadji shares six spiritual truths in this clearest, most cogent outline of the path. A brilliant clarification on diverse perspectives, it prompts you to realise who you are, and who you are not. World-renowned spiritual leader Pujya Gurudevshri Rakeshji reveals the hidden treasures embedded within every verse of Atmasiddhi Shastra. The book is a step-by-step guide to self-realisation written with great compassion and vision by an enlightened Master. An indisputable path to universal truths is presented through an open-hearted dialogue between an experienced Master and an earnest seeker. Exploring the soul, destiny, karma, death, rebirth, God and liberation, Atmasiddhi Shastra weaves scriptural testimony with a scientific approach, philosophy with practicality, doctrine with devotion, and logic with love. It covers every step of the path, with milestones of progress, warnings of pitfalls and perils, and a vivid glimpse of the final destination. A guidebook for those in search of their everlasting nature, the deep spiritual richness of every verse is made accessible to read, retain and ruminate. Nothing that one requires to experience the soul, or to attain liberation is hidden or left out. A revolution awaits all those who seek wholeheartedly within these pages. A masterclass in spirituality for every modern seeker, Atmasiddhi Shastra is a deeply personal experience. Ignite your inner quest. Discover your higher purpose. Reclaim your true identity. Experience your eternal bliss. Gift yourself this ocean of spirituality.

Atma Bodha & Tattva Bodha

Book Description

Atma-bodha is a short Sanskrit text attributed to Adi Shankara of Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy. The text describes the path to Self-knowledge or the awareness of Atman. Atmabodha means "Self-knowledge", self-awareness, or one with the "possession of a knowledge of soul or the supreme spirit". Tattva Bodha literally means 'Knowledge of the Truth', and it is a small but all encompassing introductory text of Vedanta.

Everything Is an Illusion

Book Description

What is helpful about reading these types of quotes is that the more you can realize that everything is an illusion the better you can ignore everything and turn inward. One of the most significant aspects to this collection of quotes by the Sages is that in addition to pointing out that everything is a dreamlike illusion, the also point out in many of their quotes that upon Self Realization everything disappears. They also state that realizing that the world, etc. is an illusion is essential for Self Realization. The type is Palatino 15 for crisp clear easy reading. This book contains all of the quotes in Chapter (Step) Two from the book The Seven Steps to Awakening. Everything is an Illusion is Book Five in the Self Realization Series. One purpose of the Self Realization Series is to put just one category of quotes into a small book that has the advantage of making it easier to focus, meditate on, grasp and have insight into just one subject at a time. That makes the approach simple, easier and less complicated. The idea is to stay focused on just one subject until you have received everything you need to receive from that one subject. Most people go on to the next subject without ever having learned to apply to their lives the subject they are studying now. The Self Realization series of books are portable practice manuals aimed at helping sincere seekers of Self Realization master one Key to Self Realization at a time. The six titles in the Self Realization Series are: 1.Self Awareness Practice Instructions. 2.The Desire for Liberation. 3.The False self. 4.Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization. 5.Everything is an Illusion. 6.How Not to Get Lost in Concepts.

Self Realization

Book Description

"Out of the total capacity of the brain, only about ten percent is active and the remaining ninety percent is dormant. The awakening of the dormant ninety percent of the brain is Self-Realization." - Swami Niranjananada Saraswati"


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Atmamun is the path to achieve the bliss of the Himalayan Swamis and the Freedom Of a living God. It is for True Seekers. It is for those who wish to move beyond the self-help and cosmetic slogans of meditation and mindfulness, toward the Ultimate Truths of Life and the Mind.


Book Description

Within the Trimurti, the trinity of supreme Hindu Gods, Brahma is referred to as "The Creator." Brahma formed himself in a golden egg known as Hiranyagarbha, a body or saguna of the otherwise formless or nirguna brahman, the supreme spiritual truth in Vedantic Hinduism. He is usually portrayed as a red or golden complexioned bearded man with four heads and paws, born in a lotus and rising from Vishnu's navel. His four heads, which point to the four cardinal directions, signify the four Vedas.His vahana or mount is a hamsa or swan, and he is sitting on a lotus. Brahma's consort, Goddess Saraswati, and she embodies his creative spirit, or Shakti, as well as the wisdom he possesses.Brahma does not receive widespread worship in modern Hinduism, and he is regarded as less important than the other members of the Trimurti. While Brahma is worshiped in ancient scriptures, he is scarcely worshiped in India as a primary deity. In India, there are only a few temples dedicated to him, the most prominent of which is the Brahma Temple in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Outside of India, Brahma temples can be in places like Bangkok's Erawan Shrine. This is a short reference to Lord Brahma and Goddess Sarawati's myths and theology.