The Book of Revelation

Book Description

Exposition of the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Book Description

Principal Subjects. 1. Title and Character of the Book, The Divine Salutation The Glorious Vision of Christ, The Seven Churches, Threefold Division of the Book, 2. Addresses to the Seven Churches, Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea. Satan’s Throne and Dwelling Balaamism and Nicolaitanism, 3. Rewards to the Overcomer. The Seven Spirits and the Seven Stars, The Coming Hour of Trial, Christ Stands, Knocks, and Speaks, Third Division of the Apocalypse, 4. The Throne of the Eternal, Royal Authority of the Redeemed, The Living Creatures and their Worship, 5. The Throne and the Slain Lamb, The Seven-Sealed Book, The Intelligent Universe in Praise to God, 6. Opening of the First Six Seals, First — Sixth, (Seventh.) 7. Parenthetic Visions of Grace, Three Companies of Millennial Saints, Great Tribulation, 8. The First Four Trumpets, First — Fourth, (Fifth, Sixth.) 9. The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets, The Fallen Star or Personal Antichrist, The Number of the Avenging Hosts, 10. Descent of the Strong Angel — The Little Opened Book, Solemn Oath of the Angel, Recommencement of John’s Prophetic Ministry, 11. Jewish Testimony and the Seventh Trumpet, Jerusalem Trodden Down The World Kingdom of our Lord, 12. Events as God Views Them, The Woman and the Man-Child, Satan — His Names and Work, 13. The Two Beasts, Revival of the Roman Empire, The Number of the Beast, 666, 14. Sevenfold Intervention in Grace and Judgment, (1) Jewish Remnant Spared, (2) The Everlasting Gospel, (3) Fall of Babylon, (4) Worshippers of the Beast, (5) The Blessed Dead, (6) Harvest of the Earth, (7) The Vine of the Earth. 15. The Seven Vials, or Bowls of Wrath, The Victorious Martyred Company of Judah, Ministers of God’s Wrath equipped for Judgment, 16. The Seven Vials, etc. (Continued), First — Seventh. 17. Babylon and the Beast, The Great Harlot Described, 18. The Fall of Babylon. Lamentation on Earth, Triumph in Heaven, 19. The Marriage of the Lamb, The Judgment of the Rebellious Nations, The Conqueror and His Victorious Army, 20. The Millennium, and the Judgment of the Dead, The Reign with Christ, The Last Human Confederacy, Satan Cast into the Lake of Fire, 21. The Eternal State, and the Bride in Governmental and Millennial Splendour, A New Heaven and a New Earth, The City and its Glories, 22. Concluding Vision and Testimonies, The River and Tree of Life, “Surely I come quickly,”


Book Description

Of all the sixty-six books that comprise our Bible, the last book is meant to thrill and exhilarate the believer like none other. A beautiful Christ is unveiled while a company of overcoming saints is seen rising into the fullness of Christ. The book of Revelation is exciting, powerful, and dynamic. But it must be more to us than merely an unveiling of events to come. Revelation must be an experience of encountering the living Christ. God is ready to unveil this book to those who are ready to receive it, eat it, and live fully in the splendor of Christ. The unveiling is more than a vision given to John, but is also meant to be an inward discovery, a delightful unveiling within you. This is not a drama of Satan's worst, but a supernatural drama of God's best, pouring through his beautiful Son, Jesus Christ. Revelation carries one revelation alone: Christ unveiled in his people. To read this book with any other focus is to miss the entire center of its meaning. There are other truths waiting for you to discover, but only after centering our gaze on the Magnificent One. A joyous blessing rests upon the one who reads this message and upon those who hear and embrace the words of this prophecy, for the appointed time is in your hands. Revelation 1:3 TPT

The Book of Revelation (2020 edition)

Book Description

The book of Revelation captures the fullness of every biblical truth, wrapped up in the person and glory of Jesus Christ. It concludes the Bible with the passing away of all that is old and the establishment of all that is new. Written to thrill and exhilarate the believer, Revelation is more than a manual of future events; it unveils the coming King to our hearts. It is for every church and every lover of God in every generation. It is for us to understand and embrace today as much as the early churches did. The well of the Word beckons us to drink deeply, not merely to seek answers but to discover the glory of Jesus Christ and to live fully in his splendor. A joyous blessing rests upon the one who reads this message and upon those who hear and embrace the words of this prophecy, for the appointed time is in your hands. Revelation 1:3

The Great Unveiling

Book Description

The Book of Revelation has been one of the most neglected books of the Bible for most of church history. The supernatural is all around us, though so restrained by the Holy Spirit's work in the Church that people often forget its existence; Revelation speaks largely of a future time without the Church, and as such, minds have trouble grasping the sheer supernatural things of which it speaks. Often mislabeled as "revelations," it actually concerns itself with one single revelation - the unveiling of the Lord Jesus Christ Who is coming again for His Bride, the Church, and will return with her to overthrow a world empire brought together by the ultimate demonic human known as the Beast. Christ will then seize control of this rapidly deteriorating world and make all things right, physically ruling in absolute fairness (righteousness). It is the Christian's hope, showing Jesus's love for him or her, as well as the unbeliever's terror. As such, the study of it gives young Christians a biblical view as to who they are as ambassadors and pilgrims passing through, enabling them in their witness to lost people because time is quickly running out. Young Christians are encouraged to study this commentary and use the outline at the beginning to tell others the Gospel of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, without which all humanity is doomed to hell because of their sin against a Holy and Righteous God.