The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 1

Book Description

This first English edition of The China Economy Yearbook, edited by standout economists Liu Guoguang, Wang Luolin and Li Jingwen, includes leading economic studies from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, and other economic research institutions in China. The articles in the yearbook investigate the Chinese economy in the past year from various perspectives, ranging from decision making at the macro level to key industries at the medium level, including real estate, foreign trade, the automotive industry, financing, and investment. This volume also includes special chapters on the economies of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao.

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 4

Book Description

This fourth English volume of The China Economy Yearbook provides an in-depth analysis of China’s economy coping with a World-wide recession and preparing for the future. Written by leading economic researchers from China’s leading economic research institutions, the articles in the yearbook examine key aspects of China’s economic performance, including macroeconomic adjustment, inflation control, the financial system, public finance, foreign trade, agriculture, industry, and real estate. They provide a detailed description of China’s economy during the year and valuable insights into the reasons for China’s successes and failures in addressing emerging challenges facing the Chinese economy.

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 2

Book Description

This second English volume of The China Economy Yearbook provides an in-depth analysis of China’s economy during the initial year of China’s 11th 5-Year Plan, which placed new emphasis on following a scientific approach to development and creating a more harmonious society. Written by leading economic researchers from China’s leading economic research institutions, the articles in the yearbook examine key aspects of China’s economic performance, including macroeconomic adjustment, inflation control, the financial system, public finance, foreign trade, agriculture, industry, and real estate. They provide a detailed description of China’s economy during the year and valuable insights into the reasons for China’s successes and failures in addressing emerging challenges facing the Chinese economy.

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 1

Book Description

The first English edition of The China Economy Yearbook contains articles investigating the Chinese economy in the past year from various perspectives, ranging from decision-making at the macro level to key industries at the medium level, including real estate, foreign trade, the automobile industry, financing, and investment.

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 5

Book Description

This fifth English volume of The China Economy Yearbook is based on a symposium held in autumn 2009 titled Analysis and Forecast of China’s Economic Situation, organised by the Analysis and Forecast Project Group for China’s Economic Situation of the Institute of Economics, China Academy of Social Sciences.

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 3

Book Description

This third English volume of The China Economy Yearbook, based on the 2008 annual report in Chinese, provides an in-depth analysis of China's economy during 2007 and predictions for 2008. Written by leading economic researchers from China's premier economic research institutions, the articles in the yearbook examine key aspects of China's economic performance, including the capital goods market, agricultural output, monetary policy, tax revenue, and sustainable growth metrics. They provide a detailed description of China's economy and valuable insights into the reasons for China's successes and failures in addressing emerging challenges facing the Chinese economy.

China Economy Yearbook

Book Description

The China Economy Yearbook, Volume 3

Book Description

This third English volume of The China Economy Yearbook, based on the 2008 annual report in Chinese, provides an in-depth analysis of China’s economy during 2007 and predictions for 2008. Written by leading economic researchers from China’s premier economic research institutions, the articles in the yearbook examine key aspects of China’s economic performance, including the capital goods market, agricultural output, monetary policy, tax revenue, and sustainable growth metrics. They provide a detailed description of China’s economy and valuable insights into the reasons for China’s successes and failures in addressing emerging challenges facing the Chinese economy.

The Chinese Economy

Book Description

The main purpose of this book is to apply the basic tools of economic analysis to the economy of the Peoples' Republic of China. It is written for students of economics who would like to understand China, for students of China who would like to understand economics, and for professional economists and lay readers who would like to understand the Chinese economy.The study of the Chinese economy is interesting to economists for several reasons. First, China has a different cultural background and a different set of social and political institutions from the Western countries, in which most of the tools of economic analysis have been developed. It is therefore interesting to see how these tools can be applied to China and how they ought to be further developed or modified in the Chinese context. Second, many drastic changes in economic policy and economic institutions have taken place since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Such important experiments in economics provide rare opportunities to study their results. Third, since the later 1970s much more information on the Chinese economy has become available. It is time for us to digest, to scrutinize, and possibly to help improve the economic data on China.

China's Economy Into the New Century

Book Description

In the last two decades of the 20th century, China stood out as the world''s star performer in economic growth, thanks to the market-oriented reform that started in 1978. At the turn of the century, the Chinese economy faces a series of challenges to sustain its growth and stability. The two-decade-long rapid growth has effectively strengthened China''s economic power and raised its people''s standard of living. It has also transformed China from a centrally planned command economy into a OC socialist market economyOCO, which operates increasingly in line with capitalist norms. Major structural problems, however, remain and are growing acute. Weakness in the fiscal system breeds rent seeking at the local level and causes tension in the state budget. The flawed financial institutions and the biased ownership structure continue to distort resource allocation and cause huge efficiency losses. Inter-provincial and inter-regional disparity is reaching a level that threatens national unity and social stability. As China joins the World Trade Organization and becomes more integrated into the world economy, it urgently needs to improve the domestic business environment and to beef up indigenous industries for foreign competition.This volume is a collection of papers written by scholars at the East Asian Institute to address those problems during the period 1999OCo2001. The authors, with their knowledge and experience in China studies, provide in-depth observations and professional analyses of some of the most important issues for the Chinese economy at the turn of the century. Some of the observations and analyses lead to enlightening policy recommendations. The solid scholarship combined with the policy orientation of these papers will appeal greatly to researchers in academia, governments and other institutions. The policy-oriented and fact-based analyses will also be of interest to practitioners in business, including business consultants."