The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating

Book Description

For anyone who is dating or thinking about marriage, pastor and bestselling author Andy Stanley shares practical, uncensored wisdom on avoiding mistakes in the present to help you avoid regrets in the future. Single? Looking for the "right person"? Convinced that if you met the "right person" everything would turn out "right?" Think again. In The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating, Andy Stanley explores the challenges, assumptions, and pitfalls associated with dating in the twenty-first century. This guide takes a fresh approach to dating and love in the modern era by turning the search for "the one" back onto the searcher, challenging you to ask yourself tough questions like: Am I the person that the person I'm looking for is looking for? Are the Bible's teachings about women relevant today? If sex is only physical, why is the pain of sexual sin so deep? As you dig deep into Stanley's answers, you'll be equipped and empowered to step up and set a new standard for this generation by uncovering the things that create trouble in dating relationships and creating better habits now that will pay off later as you dive into married life. Praise for The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating: "No one speaks more powerfully and practically into the issues of dating and marriage in the twenty-first century than Andy Stanley. The New Rules for Love, Sex, and Dating is an exceptional resource for anyone seeking to navigate challenging relationship waters and survive in a culture that's confused and complex. Straightforward. Graceful. Truthful. Needed." --Louie Giglio, Passion City Church, Passion Conferences "Andy's new rules for love, sex, and dating are so wise, so compelling, so clear that I want every single friend I have to read this book, and I want to save a couple copies for my boys, so they can read it in a decade or so." --Shauna Niequist, author of I Guess I Haven't Learned That Yet "Having experienced more than my fair share of destructive, harmful dating relationships, I can authoritatively say that Andy's views on the matter are clear and convicting. Andy so beautifully conveys the message of the unfathomable grace of God, leaving you free to turn a leaf and begin a new dating chapter, making better decisions and living with fewer regrets." —Maggie Bridges, Miss Georgia 2014

The Law of Christian Marriage

Book Description

MARRIAGE, as an institution of the law of Nature and of the Christian law, is a subject of the greatest importance, and one that calls for careful and wise explanation in every age. Questions regarding it are beset by many difficulties, as they involve the happiness and well-being of the married couple, of their children, and of the community at large. False teaching and theories concerning it strike at the root of the Christian family, and therefore are calculated to undermine the foundations of society and to destroy private happiness, public peace, and public morality, which depend so much for their maintenance upon marital fidelity and domestic purity. It is for these reasons that the Church of Christ has constantly exercised the authority divinely conferred upon her in providing, by her laws, for the due sanctity and protection of marriage. She has taught the world the inherent sacred character of marriage from its first institution: that Christ raised the contract of marriage to the dignity of a Sacrament; she has always maintained its unity and the indissolubility of the marriage tie, and has always reprobated and condemned the law of divorce, that fruitful parent of so many evils which lay, vaste families, deprave the morals of the people, and open out a way to demoralization in public as well as in private life. Outside the Catholic Church questions concerning this sacred institution are raised and discussed and settled, in their own fashion, by the statesman, the social student, and the Christian moralist; and, as regards all these, the only conclusion at which they ultimately arrive is that the contract of marriage is from first to last the creation of the civil law, and that divorce is a mere matter of expediency regulated by statute. According to Christian law, defined by the Church, marriage is not only a natural contract, but one of the seven Sacraments, and therefore subject to a higher authority than that of the State; and divorce is divinely prohibited, and therefore outside all human power. There is the question of property and temporal interests in connexion with marriage, which fall under the power of the State; and as these are often based on the rules of succession and the principles which determine legitimacy, the relations of Church and State in respect to marriage have to be considered and determined. Concord between both these parties is to be greatly desired in the sense laid down by Pope Leo XIII. in his Encyclical on Christian Marriage. He writes: 'No one doubts that Jesus Christ, the Founder of the Church, willed her sacred power to be distinct from the civil power, and each power to be free and unshackled in its own sphere: with this condition, however-a condition good for both, and of advantage to all men-that union and concord should be maintained between them; and that on those questions which are, though in different ways, of common right and authority, the power to which secular matters have been entrusted should, happily and becomingly, depend on the other power which has in its charge the interests of heaven. From these considerations it may be seen that a treatise on the Law of Christian Marriage, such as I have endeavoured to arrange and to put together in the present small volume, may be opportune at the present moment, when, perhaps more than at any former period of the Church's history, Christian citizens in general need instructions concerning the laws of marriage, and directions as to their practical issues. The Christian law of marriage must be founded on the principles taught us by Jesus Christ, as contained in the New Testament, and as explained and applied by the Church which He founded and commissioned to teach all nations.

Pastoral Moves - 9Marks Journal

Book Description

Quick, before you make another move, pastor, read this Journal!If you're thinking of leaving your church for another, start with Michael Lawrence's article on leaving wisely. In fact, look at Matt Schmucker's even before you think about leaving. Have you looked yet? Okay, what about now? I've seen enough pastors come and go to know that Lawrence and Schmucker just might shift your paradigm.Or maybe the process of searching has begun. Mark De-ver, Bobby Jamieson, Walter Price, and Dennis Newkirk will help you to avoid common mis-takes and pursue the next pastor wisely.Then again, maybe you should not make a move at all. Jeramie Rinne and Mark Dever will tell you why. Pastor Rinne, in fact, would rather see you dead right where you are. What a pastor!

Marriage, a History

Book Description

Just when the clamor over "traditional" marriage couldn't get any louder, along comes this groundbreaking book to ask, "What tradition?" In Marriage, a History, historian and marriage expert Stephanie Coontz takes readers from the marital intrigues of ancient Babylon to the torments of Victorian lovers to demonstrate how recent the idea of marrying for love is - and how absurd it would have seemed to most of our ancestors. It was when marriage moved into the emotional sphere in the nineteenth century, she argues, that it suffered as an institution just as it began to thrive as a personal relationship. This enlightening and hugely entertaining book brings intelligence, perspective, and wit to today's marital debate.

Divorce and Remarriage

Book Description

Editor H. Wayne House introduces a lively debate on varying Christian views of divorce and remarriage. Contributors include J. Carl Laney, William Heth, Thomas Edgar and Larry Richards.

From Sacrament to Contract, Second Edition

Book Description

This newly revised and enlarged edition of John Witte's authoritative historical study explores the interplay of law, theology, and marriage in the Western tradition. Witte uncovers the core beliefs that formed the theological genetic code of Western marriage and family law. He explores the systematic models of marriage developed by Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and Enlightenment thinkers, and the transformative influence of each model on Western marriage law. In addition, he traces the millennium-long reduction of marriage from a complex spiritual, social, contractual, and natural institution into a simple private contract with freedom of entrance, exercise, and exit for husband and wife alike. This second edition updates and expands each chapter and the bibliography. It also includes three new chapters on classical, biblical, and patristic sources.