The Christian Satanic Book: An Introduction To Christian Satanism

Book Description

This book is an introduction to the gray sided religion of Christian Satanism. It is a compact book, free, and in the public domain. It was designed to explain Christian Satanism to those who know nothing about it. It is a small book so it can easily be reproduced and shared. It goes beyond an introduction however in order to give a Christian Satanist a good start. It is a religion of morality and spirituality and not one “diabolical” in some weird way. It is more for the spiritual kind of Satanist than it is for the atheistic kind- and yes, there are some Satanists who are atheists, but this book covers Satanism in a more traditional way. It is Satanism refined with Christianity and the other way around. While the world should have been asking where the gray side was a long time ago, we are here.

Christian Satanism and The Herald of Satanic Waters

Book Description

This book serves as a good introduction to Christian Satanism. Christian Satanism is a spiritual gray sided religion. It is a duality of good and iniquity and in its Satanic form is more potent than anything else before it. It freely offers the best of each and both of them together. This is among a large series of books that are all free and in public domain. The second part of this book (The Herald of Satanic Waters) is solely about Satanism.

The Final Bible of Christian Satanism

Book Description

Here is a Bible that's somewhere deep between good and evil. The two sides created this religion. Christian Satanists are brought forth from it, for the first time. This Bible was the first of its kind and issues a heavy solid structure for the new thing, a Christian Satanist, who now has grey sheep guidance. Where the Holy Bible cannot, and the Satanic Bible cannot, The Christian Satanic Bible can. Christian Satanists are ambidextrous and free. To the Christian, heaven. For the Satanist, hell. And for the Christian Satanist, here.

The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity And Mastering Christian Satanism

Book Description

The Gray Book of Satanic Christianity And Mastering Christian Satanism- two books in one. In between the dark and the light dwells the twilight of Christian Satanism. Christian Satanism is a gray sided belief fathered by Christianity and Satanism through the powers of Heaven and Hell. As a religion it exists to produce The Children of The Gray who are the true inheritors of God’s New Earth.


Book Description

Belief in Satan worship is often viewed as an embarrassing throwback to the superstitions of another time. And "selling your soul to the Devil"? Nothing more than an overworked theme in literature and opera. To the contrary, Bob and Gretchen Passantino show how, in the midst of prevailing attitudes of skepticism and disbelief, Satanism has made unprecedented inroads into our society.

Becoming a Christian Satanist

Book Description

The Christian Satanic Bible

Book Description

This, the Christian Satanic Bible, is from an author who poses to be a replacement for Christ, the Satan's Jesus and petitions to God for the Devil, whom he's taken as a father, or perhaps a brother, and so my expression of what our faith is: When you wish upon a staer MmMakes no differ-ance who you areer Every-thing your heart's desire will come to You..

The First Bible of Christian Satanism

Book Description

A book that began a religion known as Christian Satanism. Christian Satanism is a lifestyle of balance, taking the best from either with only the best results in mind. It is the world's first "gray" religion. Is simply a dualism, a practice of duality. Christian Satanism gives its practitioner the best of both worlds and opens for them what is for some cut off and absent. For the Christian Satanist all doors are open and all things may be done and experienced in full and without hypocrisy.

The Christian Satanic Bible

Book Description

Christian Satanism! It is: The Worship of Perfection. I am confident to assume that the vast majority of Christians will refute any justification of Christian Satanism under God. It is that Christian attitude that separates an otherwise promising person from God. A Christian Satanist has to give to God what few others could, too. Ghandi and others have said it before: "I would be Christian were it not for other Christians," It is the fixed attachment to that name and of it's identity that has caused the greatest harm, and this is altogether a certainty: "Christian" in it's name and as an identity is a false God and idol that has caused the most harm by Christianity. I therefore answer the question "is Christian Satanism justified?" By saying "yes, more so than Christianity." This is a theological work of Satanism taking three years and priced right. It's a (Chrisitan)Satanic religion of many shades and colors offering its follower many liberating choices unfounded by plain one-sided religion.

Another Christian Satanic Bible

Book Description

A Bible of four books: The first is based on Christian Satanism (a gray side religion), the second is a book of free video game ideas containing more than 500 original ideas, the third is a book about the possibilities of future science and technology (what they may lead to) and the fourth is an entire movie script based on Satanism/Christian Satanism.