The Classical Groups and K-Theory

Book Description

It is a great satisfaction for a mathematician to witness the growth and expansion of a theory in which he has taken some part during its early years. When H. Weyl coined the words "classical groups", foremost in his mind were their connections with invariant theory, which his famous book helped to revive. Although his approach in that book was deliberately algebraic, his interest in these groups directly derived from his pioneering study of the special case in which the scalars are real or complex numbers, where for the first time he injected Topology into Lie theory. But ever since the definition of Lie groups, the analogy between simple classical groups over finite fields and simple classical groups over IR or C had been observed, even if the concept of "simplicity" was not quite the same in both cases. With the discovery of the exceptional simple complex Lie algebras by Killing and E. Cartan, it was natural to look for corresponding groups over finite fields, and already around 1900 this was done by Dickson for the exceptional Lie algebras G and E • However, a deep reason for this 2 6 parallelism was missing, and it is only Chevalley who, in 1955 and 1961, discovered that to each complex simple Lie algebra corresponds, by a uniform process, a group scheme (fj over the ring Z of integers, from which, for any field K, could be derived a group (fj(K).

Groups and Characters

Book Description

An authoritative, full-year course on both group theory and ordinary character theory--essential tools for mathematics and the physical sciences One of the few treatments available combining both group theory and character theory, Groups and Characters is an effective general textbook on these two fundamentally connected subjects. Presuming only a basic knowledge of abstract algebra as in a first-year graduate course, the text opens with a review of background material and then guides readers carefully through several of the most important aspects of groups and characters, concentrating mainly on finite groups. Challenging yet accessible, Groups and Characters features: * An extensive collection of examples surveying many different types of groups, including Sylow subgroups of symmetric groups, affine groups of fields, the Mathieu groups, and symplectic groups * A thorough, easy-to-follow discussion of Polya-Redfield enumeration, with applications to combinatorics * Inclusive explorations of the transfer function and normal complements, induction and restriction of characters, Clifford theory, characters of symmetric and alternating groups, Frobenius groups, and the Schur index * Illuminating accounts of several computational aspects of group theory, such as the Schreier-Sims algorithm, Todd-Coxeter coset enumeration, and algorithms for generating character tables As valuable as Groups and Characters will prove as a textbook for mathematicians, it has broader applications. With chapters suitable for use as independent review units, along with a full bibliography and index, it will be a dependable general reference for chemists, physicists, and crystallographers.

Representations and Invariants of the Classical Groups

Book Description

More than half a century has passed since Weyl's 'The Classical Groups' gave a unified picture of invariant theory. This book presents an updated version of this theory together with many of the important recent developments. As a text for those new to the area, this book provides an introduction to the structure and finite-dimensional representation theory of the complex classical groups that requires only an abstract algebra course as a prerequisite. The more advanced reader will find an introduction to the structure and representations of complex reductive algebraic groups and their compact real forms. This book will also serve as a reference for the main results on tensor and polynomial invariants and the finite-dimensional representation theory of the classical groups. It will appeal to researchers in mathematics, statistics, physics and chemistry whose work involves symmetry groups, representation theory, invariant theory and algebraic group theory.

Buildings and Classical Groups

Book Description

Buildings are highly structured, geometric objects, primarily used in the finer study of the groups that act upon them. In Buildings and Classical Groups, the author develops the basic theory of buildings and BN-pairs, with a focus on the results needed to apply it to the representation theory of p-adic groups. In particular, he addresses spherical and affine buildings, and the "spherical building at infinity" attached to an affine building. He also covers in detail many otherwise apocryphal results. Classical matrix groups play a prominent role in this study, not only as vehicles to illustrate general results but as primary objects of interest. The author introduces and completely develops terminology and results relevant to classical groups. He also emphasizes the importance of the reflection, or Coxeter groups and develops from scratch everything about reflection groups needed for this study of buildings. In addressing the more elementary spherical constructions, the background pertaining to classical groups includes basic results about quadratic forms, alternating forms, and hermitian forms on vector spaces, plus a description of parabolic subgroups as stabilizers of flags of subspaces. The text then moves on to a detailed study of the subtler, less commonly treated affine case, where the background concerns p-adic numbers, more general discrete valuation rings, and lattices in vector spaces over ultrametric fields. Buildings and Classical Groups provides essential background material for specialists in several fields, particularly mathematicians interested in automorphic forms, representation theory, p-adic groups, number theory, algebraic groups, and Lie theory. No other available source provides such a complete and detailed treatment.

The Classical Groups

Book Description

The author discusses symmetric, full linear, orthogonal, and symplectic groups and determines their different invariants and representations. Using basic concepts from algebra, he examines the various properties of the groups. The book also covers topics such as matrix algebras, semigroups, commutators, and spinors, which are important in understanding the group-theoretic structure of quantum mechanics.

Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups

Book Description

The Clifford algebras of real quadratic forms and their complexifications are studied here in detail, and those parts which are immediately relevant to theoretical physics are seen in the proper broad context. Central to the work is the classification of the conjugation and reversion anti-involutions that arise naturally in the theory. It is of interest that all the classical groups play essential roles in this classification. Other features include detailed sections on conformal groups, the eight-dimensional non-associative Cayley algebra, its automorphism group, the exceptional Lie group G(subscript 2), and the triality automorphism of Spin 8. The book is designed to be suitable for the last year of an undergraduate course or the first year of a postgraduate course.

The Subgroup Structure of the Finite Classical Groups

Book Description

With the classification of the finite simple groups complete, much work has gone into the study of maximal subgroups of almost simple groups. In this volume the authors investigate the maximal subgroups of the finite classical groups and present research into these groups as well as proving many new results. In particular, the authors develop a unified treatment of the theory of the 'geometric subgroups' of the classical groups, introduced by Aschbacher, and they answer the questions of maximality and conjugacy and obtain the precise shapes of these groups. Both authors are experts in the field and the book will be of considerable value not only to group theorists, but also to combinatorialists and geometers interested in these techniques and results. Graduate students will find it a very readable introduction to the topic and it will bring them to the very forefront of research in group theory.

The Random Matrix Theory of the Classical Compact Groups

Book Description

This is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of foundational results and recent progress in the study of random matrices from the classical compact groups, drawing on the subject's deep connections to geometry, analysis, algebra, physics, and statistics. The book sets a foundation with an introduction to the groups themselves and six different constructions of Haar measure. Classical and recent results are then presented in a digested, accessible form, including the following: results on the joint distributions of the entries; an extensive treatment of eigenvalue distributions, including the Weyl integration formula, moment formulae, and limit theorems and large deviations for the spectral measures; concentration of measure with applications both within random matrix theory and in high dimensional geometry; and results on characteristic polynomials with connections to the Riemann zeta function. This book will be a useful reference for researchers and an accessible introduction for students in related fields.

The Spread of Almost Simple Classical Groups

Book Description

This monograph studies generating sets of almost simple classical groups, by bounding the spread of these groups. Guralnick and Kantor resolved a 1962 question of Steinberg by proving that in a finite simple group, every nontrivial element belongs to a generating pair. Groups with this property are said to be 3/2-generated. Breuer, Guralnick and Kantor conjectured that a finite group is 3/2-generated if and only if every proper quotient is cyclic. We prove a strong version of this conjecture for almost simple classical groups, by bounding the spread of these groups. This involves analysing the automorphisms, fixed point ratios and subgroup structure of almost simple classical groups, so the first half of this monograph is dedicated to these general topics. In particular, we give a general exposition of Shintani descent. This monograph will interest researchers in group generation, but the opening chapters also serve as a general introduction to the almost simple classical groups.