The Coming Seismic Eruption of Christendom

Book Description

After World War II and my service in the Merchant Marines, at twenty-one years old, I went fishing with my cousin. The boat sank, and my cousin drowned. I felt I too was going to die, but when I made it to land, I said, Thank you, God, whoever you are. After this experience, I studied many available sources and learned that the earth will be here forever as the home of mankind, that the soul is you, that hell is not a place of eternal torment, and Jesus is the Son of God. By continued research, I now feel I know more about the true God and his Son and feel less confused.

It Is Done

Book Description

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ will be announced by the most unimaginably powerful earthquake never known by man, splitting the Mount of Olives in two, and changing the earth worldwide. There are at least seventeen earthquakes revealed in the Bible, nine of them in the New Testament. Every earthquake reveals God's presence and His power. Some reveal God's warning and wrath against sin. God placed every earthquake fault on the earth at the creation, and He knows where they are, when He will release them, for whatever purpose He chooses. The Bible describes five distinct conditions of the earth. First it was formless, lifeless, and enshrouded in darkness. After the six days of creation, the earth was transformed into the second condition: pristine, free of sin, beautiful, and peaceful for man. The sinful third condition occurred when satan entered the garden, introduced sin, and began to assault man. God cleansed the earth once again with the Great Flood, but man quickly reintroduced sin into the world, creating the fourth condition we are living in today. It is a world that is in serious moral decline due to greed, pride, immorality, disobedience, love for each other gone cold, and the increasing rejection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God will finally change this fourth condition with devastating events during the seven years of tribulation, releasing four worldwide earthquakes and finally, an unimaginable final earthquake to purge the earth of sin and create the peaceful, sin-free, and pristine fifth condition for 1,000 years. The earthly kingdom and the heavenly kingdom will become one, and Jesus will reign until the final judgement of sinners. God will bring the New Jerusalem down from heaven where we will be in the presence of God and Jesus for all eternity.

The Coming Prince

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The Flaming Sword

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Roars from the Mountain

Book Description

Mount Lamington broke out in violent eruption on 21 January 1951, killing thousands of Orokaiva people, devastating villages and destroying infrastructure. Generations of Orokaiva people had lived on the rich volcanic soils of Mount Lamington, apparently unaware of the deadly volcanic threat that lay dormant beneath them. Also unaware were the Europeans who administered the Territory of Papua and New Guinea at the time of the eruption, and who were uncertain about how to interpret the increasing volcanic unrest on the mountain in the preceding days of the disaster. Roars from the Mountain seeks to address why so many people died at Mount Lamington by examining the large amount of published and unpublished records that are available on the 1951 disaster. The information sources also include the results of interviews with survivors and with people who were part of the relief, recovery and remembrance phases of what can still be regarded as one of Australia’s greatest natural-hazard disasters.

Millennium Rage

Book Description

. When a leading presidential candidate feels comfortable proclaiming he'll destroy "the New World Order"--A code word for the supposed minority-led, worldwide conspiracy - it cannot be a moment too soon to learn the truth about the covert symbols, spreading zealotry, and deadly machinations of the armies of millennium rage

Complete Story of the Martinique and St. Vincent Horrors ...

Book Description

Sample book for the upcoming publication of the same title. "This prospectus has been prepared very hastily, and any imperfections to be found in it will be detected and removed from the pages before the complete book is printed" (from sheet attached at front). Final page is an advertisment for the upcoming publication, with lined blank sheets for the names of purchasers ("We, the undersigned, agree to take the number of copies set opposite our name... if equal to sample shown").

Trial of Silence

Book Description

Part I PRE-TRIAL Vol. 1 The time: about 2030, not much has changed except UN reorganization and creation of the Junta, a group of five, their power envied by world leaders, and others. The face of terrorism has shifted so when Kyle Bremmer, Junta spokesperson says, Whats to do with this new breed of terrorist? and Iris Stuart quips, Capture one and ask him. thats what they do. Iris was joking. Caustic Sean Fitzgerald, ex-IRA becomes a UN employee, coming with a contract out on him and a price on his head. Kyle claims hes the best strategist alive. Do they trust him? Good grief, no! Does Sean care? Hell no. Does he do what they want? Whew, he does. Does anyone like his mountain warlord friend Alexander Zachariah? Heaven forbid. Do they care? Hardly. Are they good terrorist trackers? Oh, yes. Anyone know who fathered Iriss twins; Sean will do the research. Did Rutledge, Iriss husband, die in the fiery crash or is he off making clones?

A History of Christianity in Indonesia

Book Description

Indonesia is the home of the largest single Muslim community of the world. Its Christian community, about 10% of the population, has until now received no overall description in English. Through cooperation of 26 Indonesian and European scholars, Protestants and Catholics, a broad and balanced picture is given of its 24 million Christians. This book sketches the growth of Christianity during the Portuguese period (1511-1605), it presents a fair account of developments under the Dutch colonial administration (1605-1942) and is more elaborate for the period of the Indonesian Republic (since 1945). It emphasizes the regional differences in this huge country, because most Christians live outside the main island of Java. Muslim-Christian relations, as well as the tensions between foreign missionaries and local theology, receive special attention.

The Conquest of Fear

Book Description