The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 3) contains the following books: Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership (Volume 1) The Character and Personality of the Leader Basic Christian Leadership The Overcomer as a Servant of Man Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 1) This volume undertakes a study of the leadership substance and style of Joshua and other servant leaders in the Scriptures lased with live examples from the author and several other leaders in the kingdom. Revolutionary Thoughts on Leadership is a string of revolutionary perspectives on leadership that will provoke you, confront you, discipline you, rebuke you, correct you, stir you, and spur you on to aspire, desire, and require victorious and triumphant leadership. Servant leadership is the central focus of this volume. Jesus, our superb and supreme Model was an embodiment of servant leadership. A servant leader leads by not lording it over his followership. When a leader dedicates himself to serve his people, they will eventually be his servants forever. The old men told Rehoboam, If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them and give them a favourable answer, they will always be your servants (1 Kings 12:7). Everyone who will succeed as a leader must appropriate these words. Christian leadership hinges heavily on character. The man with an abundance of divine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, endurance, and perseverance will definitely attract an increasing following in a foul and perverse world. We send this third volume on leadership out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to build many into leaders of His people capable of leading them into the totality of God’s purposes in this generation and beyond.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 5)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 5) contains the following books: Church Planting Strategies In the Crucible for Service Prerequisites for Spiritual Ministry Laws of Spiritual Success Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 3) This ecstatic and exciting volume opens with church planting strategies. These strategies for planting churches are many and varied. You cannot plant churches without seriously considering and deploying elements such as prayer, fasting, preaching, character, and service. It is not all the church planting strategies that you will apply in all situations. Every situation demands serious knowledge of the people involved, the setting, and the characteristics of the place. It also requires God’s specific instructions peculiar to the people or the place. Some people think that service is an easy thing. It may be simple, but it is not simplistic. Service is hard, hazardous but hope-bringing. That is why those who serve find themselves in a crucible in which they burn until they are brought out for their promotions. Are you ready to face your own fiery furnace? Are you ready to face your own lion’s den like Daniel? Are you ready to face a prison-like Joseph, son of Jacob? Are you ready to face your own cross like Jesus of Nazareth? If you fear fire, lions, prison, the cross, and such debilitating things, you fear leadership.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 4)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 4) contains the following books: Laws of Spiritual Leadership The Ministers and Ministry of the New Covenant You, Your Team and Your Ministry Leading a Local Church, (Volume 1) Making Spiritual Progress, (Volume 2) Spiritual leadership does not happen by accident. It is not a haphazard thing. There is a science behind spiritual leadership. Travel with the author through this systematic science outlined in the laws of spiritual leadership. While following this sweet science of leadership, do not forget to take care of the horse that is drawing the cart. If the cart is taken so much care of and none is given to the horse, the horse may get sick and die, and the cart will no longer be drawn, and the journey will stall. The leader must take care of his body to keep it fit for service. The apostle Paul says, “For physical training is of some value...” (1 Timothy 4:8a). He must take care of his soul, spirit and heart to keep them in Christ (Philippians 4:7). The author tacitly brings into the equation how to lead a local church. When the Good Samaritan offered first aid to the man who was attacked and severely wounded by armed robbers on the highway from Jerusalem to Jericho, he did not leave him there. He took him to an inn where they took proper care of him over a long period of time. The local church is the best place where to keep your people safe as you lead them toward destiny. It is the surest and most secure place on planet Earth where to retain the people as you lead them into God’s purposes. Why? Rage as they may, the gates of hell cannot, and can never, overcome the church (Matthew 16:18). We send this fourth volume on leadership out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to build many into leaders of His people capable of leading them into the totality of His purposes in this generation and beyond.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine is an anthology of 13 priority books on the basic doctrines of the Christian life by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum: The Way Of Life The Way Of Obedience The Way Of Discipleship The Way Of Sanctification The Way Of Christian Character The Way Of Spiritual Power The Way Of Christian Service The Way Of Spiritual Warfare The Way Of Suffering For Christ The Way Of Victorious Praying The Way Of Overcomers The Way Of Spiritual Encouragement The Way Of Loving The Lord Anyone who begins the Christian walk without them may be limping along the narrow way instead of running or cruising in it. The Lord is looking for Christ-like disciples. The Way Series, if read and studied, will propel you from being a new convert, believer or church member into the kind of disciple that Jesus commanded. In this way, the foundation for an enduring spiritual leadership will be laid. Would you like to become a disciple that pleases the Lord? If 'Yes,’ this anthology is an indispensable vehicle to carry you through to your desired destination. We send this anthology out with an outcry to the Lord of the harvest to use it to produce disciples who obey Him in everything out of sinners, saints, converts, church members and believers in Christ. May the Lord reach out to you as you go through it. May He transform you from whatever you are into a dependable disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Character And Personality of The Leader

Book Description

Spiritual leadership is not automatically maintained! The leader is the one who pays the greatest price increasingly. You cannot neglect that which raised you to leadership and expect to remain as the leader. You became the leader because you loved and sought God. You were constantly in His presence. You were loyal to the leadership above you. If any of these things are now history, then you have lost the things that matter. If you are moving on today by virtue of the price you paid in the past, then you may have been demoted within the years from spiritual leadership. If your input now is regrettably small, then it could be that you are no longer God’s leader. There are leaders who have lost their position before God and before man. Physically, they may still stand before man, but the leadership has moved hands. Some have moved aside even physically. With vivid examples from Scripture—such as Reuben, Eli, Moses, king Saul, Barnabas, etc.—the author shows clearly that talents, spiritual gifts, and a fine personality are no guarantee that a spiritual position will be retained. In the end, the author paints a portrait of how to jealously guards one's position and place in God’s heart.

Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (vol. 1)

Book Description

If you are feeling moved to fast, this book will get you through! Fasting is central to any work and to any move of God! The missionary responsibility of blocking people from going to hell is carried out first of all in fasting. "Few have experienced extended fasts several times a year of from 48 hours per week and from 21 to 40 days' duration with such results as Dr. Fomum and believers in some of the churches in Cameroon", writes Dr. Lester Sumrall in his foreword to The Ministry of Fasting, which is one of the best available books on the topic. Life-Changing Thoughts on Fasting (Volume 1) by Z.T Fomum contains inspiring and practical information that will melt all your suspicions about fasting. It will open your eyes to see the centrality of fasting, to see the necessity of fasting, to see the benefits of fasting, and to actually fast. Prayer is a wonderful thing but fasting is something else. Read on!

The Leader and His God

Book Description

This book is an expository study of spiritual leadership. The author, Z.T. Fomum, taught extensively on leadership—training thousands of spiritual leaders across the world—being himself the leader of a growing missionary movement currently established in over 140 countries. The content of the book is not theological discussions, but words from a heart to hearts. Several leaders have become experts in the presence of men in the guise of the ministry they render. But God's plan was that the leader be His companion—a man of His presence. The Lord Jesus established leaders first to be with HIM and then serve Him from a position of overflow. The entire life and ministry of the leader depend on it. The author elaborates on two schools of leadership—the home and the workplace—where one is moulded to provide the model of a God-approved heart for others to imitate. This book will not leave you indifferent. Read it and may God transform you into a leader in His presence.

The Art Of Working Hard

Book Description

"The Art of Working Hard" is a great piece of advice from God to ensure your success at all levels. This book is a truly revolutionary manual and an incentive to let go of laziness and work with all our might, in order to accomplish the purpose for which God created us. The Author, Z.T. Fomum, makes us understand that it is almost impossible to work hard without a goal in sight and that this goal must be big enough to require God's intervention. In addition, one must jealously keep this goal in view so as not to lose it, while planning one's work to ensure its success. However, in order for a goal to be accomplished, one must be determined to work under pressure, while pushing forward or pressing on. Make this book your companion.

A Missionary Heart and a Missionary Life

Book Description

Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, through this book, communicates his burden of bringing the people of God back to the missionary purposes of God. The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary find their origin, basis, and model in the Heart of God. He is a missionary God. The heart of the missionary and the life of the missionary is to be judged, seen, and appreciated by the way God judges, sees, and appreciates them. God wants to produce people who see the world as He sees it, people who continually live under the constraint of God's missionary needs, people who dream of God's mission fields every night and work there every day to make sure that the missionary purposes of God are fulfilled. The Purpose of this Book is for many to go out as missionaries with correct hearts and correct lives, equipped for permanent and productive work. This book is highly recommended to all believers.

The Spirit-Filled Life

Book Description

I am very persuaded in my heart that God cannot send a man who is not filled with the Holy Spirit—to go and do what? Throughout Christian history, everyone who was filled with the Holy Spirit knew when and where; because they were one person and after that, they were another. If you are ready, ask the Lord to fill you. If you are not ready, nothing will happen. A.B Simpson says, “There are special seasons of spiritual blessings promised to the church and the people of God. The Holy Spirit comes in a very glorious way and gives power to His word and his salvation to His people. But for this, there must be special preparation—The crooked must be made straight; the rough places must be made plain; the stumbling blocks must be removed, and the way of the Lord prepared.” In The Spirit-Filled Life, Prof. Fomum takes us through all that it takes to be filled with the Holy Spirit and its indispensability to live out the supernatural life of God to the fullest.