The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 2)

Book Description

"The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 2)” contains the following books: 1) The Art of Intercession 2) The Practice of Intercession 3) Practical Spiritual Warfare Through Prayer 4) Life-Changing Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 1) 5) The Overthrow of Principalities and Powers 6) The Prophecy of the Overthrow of the Satanic Prince of Douala 7) The Prophecy of the Overthrow of the Prince of Cameroon Having left the ABCs of prayer behind, this volume deals with the intricacies of intercession, spiritual warfare, and the overthrow of satanic princes ruling entire nations behind the scenes. It tackles both the art and practice of intercession. Simply put, intercession is both the art and practice by a righteous, blameless, and absolutely consecrated person, to accept, stand in the gap, and defend a person or people that God has targeted for destruction due to their brazen and sustained violation of His will. The Lord’s response to Moses’ intercession and entreaty for the children of Israel was swift and dramatic. The Bible says, “Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened”(Exodus 32:14). That was intercession in both its art and practice. So many advanced believers in Christ don’t even believe that satanic princes exist. They exist. They are so real, so devastating in their work and so strangulating in their grip of people and their affairs, that you can only ignore them to your own undoing. Daniel battled these satanic princes all his adult life in exile in the Babylonian, Persian, and Median realms. He did so through strategic, prevailing, and sustained prayer and fasting (Daniel 10:1-21; 11:1). He battled in prayer and fasting until the satanic princes of Persia and Greece, which were opposing God’s purposes, were overcame, overturned, and overthrown. We send this second prayer volume out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to teach the church of the Firstborn the intricacies of intercession and spiritual warfare. In this age of atheism, agnosticism, humanism, espionage, robots, sophisticated gadgets, and the Internet, there was never a time we needed intercession and spiritual warfare like now.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume One)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 1) contains the following books: 1) Retreats for Spiritual Progress 2) The Way of Victorious Praying 3) Praying with Power 4) The Ministry of fasting 5) The Ministry of Praise and Thanksgiving A rousing revolution in the ABC and dynamics of prayer, fasting, and retreats for spiritual progress, this first volume presses the button and sets into motion the series of steps that lead anyone who calls on the name of the Lord, to cry to Him systematically and systemically in an intelligible and intelligent way daily. The books are cohesive and coherent, full of heart-to-heart exchanges between the author, his God, and the reader. By reading through them intently, you can build a loving relationship with the Lord. He is looking for true worshippers and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth (John 4:20-24). You can withdraw constantly, consistently, and conspicuously every day on short and long retreats for spiritual progress in order to pray, read the Word of God, read books on the faith, meet God in Daily Dynamic Encounters with Him, and just relieve, relish, cherish and flourish in His presence. “Retreats for Spiritual Progress” demystifies retreats and makes them a possible, probable, and practical daily reality. You can have four or more retreats for spiritual progress every day without fail of just fifteen minutes each. You can have a 5-month retreat in seclusion like Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist (Luke 1:24). It could be 40 days like those of Moses, Elijah, and the Lord Jesus Christ. By diligently and earnestly going through this volume, you may resolve to become a person constantly in the presence of the Lord, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. “The Way of Victorious Praying” details the ABCs of prayer and fasting and provides practical direction as to how to pray for yourself, your leaders, the saints, the church, the ministry, the work, church planting, and many more. It shows you how to pray daily, record your prayer points in a notebook, fill it up when the prayers are answered, and have convincing proof to show both friend and foe that we have a God who answers prayer.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 5)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 5) contains the following books: 1. Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 4) 2. Women of the Glory (Volume 2) 3. The Art of Worship 4. Learning to Importune in Prayer 5. Prayer and the Walk with God We send this fifth prayer volume out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to lead the saints into practical praying, worship, importunity, and walking with Him daily.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on the Gospel Message

Book Description

“The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on the Gospel Message” contains the following books: God’s Love and Forgiveness. The Way of Life. The Seed, the Sower and the Hearts of Men. Celebrity: A Mask. Come Back Home, My Son: I Still Love You. Come and See, Jesus Has not Changed. Encounter the Saviour. Meet the Liberator. Jesus Loves You and Wants to Heal You. Jesus Saves and Heals Today. There is no good news like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And every believer in Christ has been commanded to go all over the world and tell everyone that Jesus died for them. On the contrary, do the right and shun the wrong is what every world religion teaches. It is easier said than done. Everyone who has tried to follow this advice finds himself powerless before the law of sin. Sin is stronger than man. That is why God gave us a Saviour who came and died ignominiously on the cross of Calvary to save us from sin and its consequences. Because of the shedding of His precious blood, the forgiveness of sins and holiness have become available to all mankind. Why should anyone die and roast in hell when Christ has died to bar the way to hell for the one who repents of his sins, receives Jesus as Saviour and believes in His name? Why should anyone languish in their diseases and sickness- es when such a sacrifice has already been offered? For by His wounds, we have been healed (1 Peter 2:24). Why should anyone continue in demonic oppression when He came to set the captives free through His death on the cross? Why should anyone remain in their curses when He became a curse that we might become a blessing? He became poor so that we might become rich with His riches. Why should anyone be without blessings when all the blessings in the heavenly realms have been given to the believer in Him? Many testimonies punctuate this volume of how the Lord has wrought a complete salvation in the lives of so many people around the world. Jesus Christ, the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Healer, the Deliverer, and the Liberator is still at work today, doing His work as He did it in Bible times.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Holiness

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Holiness contains the following books: True Repentance Restitution Deliverance from Sin The Way of Sanctification You Can Receive a Pure Heart Today The School of Truth The Believer’s Conscience The Sin before You Can Lead to Death: Do not commit it! A Vessel of Honour A Broken Vessel Holiness seems to have become an elusive theme in our day. Many preachers prefer to shy away from preaching it. Why? Because they don’t live it. In this way, the enemy is fighting holiness like nothing else, since he knows we have all been commanded to be holy, even as He is holy (Leviticus 19:2). The Bible says, “You must distinguish between the holy and the common, between the unclean and the clean, and you must teach the Israelites all the decrees the Lord has given them through Moses” (Leviticus 10:10-11). So holiness has to do with being uncommon and extraordinary, clean at heart, and teaching it by example. This makes holiness a subject that is related to sinlessness, righteousness, and godliness. It begins with true repentance. A person who has not known true repentance unto God and faith in the Lord Jesus, cannot be holy. Attempting holiness without true repentance would be wood, hay, and stubble, ready to be burned in the fire. He who repents truly will naturally and easily carry out restitution for past stolen, defrauded, borrowed, or unpaid things. Every holy person is uncommon in that he has experienced deliverance from all sin, through knowing, reckoning, yielding entirely to God, and walking in the Spirit. He has entered the way of sanctification. He has received a pure heart and enrolled in the School of Truth. A holy man is a man with an all-good conscience, who shuns all sin because he cherishes his relationship with God. He refrains from all sin because he would not want to court God’s judgment. He has willingly offered himself to be broken and, for that reason, has become a vessel of honour. Following the simple, practical steps outlined in this anthology will carry you into the way of holiness. We send this first volume on holiness out with a cry to the Lord that, He should use it to bring many to the way of holiness that has become so elusive in our day.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 2)

Book Description

It is with great pleasure that we bring to you The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 2). This anthology brings together the powerful insights and teachings of one of the greatest spiritual leader of our generation. Within these pages, you will find profound wisdom and practical advice on leadership, drawn from years of experience and a deep understanding of the human heart. You will be inspired to take action and to develop the qualities that make a truly effective leader of God’s people. The individual books within this collection are each a treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration on practical spiritual leadership. "Spiritual Aggressiveness" challenges us to be bold in our pursuit of spiritual growth, while "Vision burden and Action" shows us how to turn our dreams into reality through focused effort and a clear sense of purpose. "Knowing God: The Greatest Need of the Hour" is a powerful call to deepen our relationship with the divine, recognizing that true leadership begins with a humble and obedient heart. "The Leader and His God" takes this idea further, exploring the importance of spiritual discipline and the transformative power of prayer. Finally, "The Heart Surgery of The Potential Minister of The Gospel" offers a unique perspective on leadership within the context of ministry, addressing the challenges and opportunities that arise when we dedicate ourselves to serving others. We are confident that this collection will enrich your life and transform your approach to leadership. May you be inspired and empowered as you embark on this journey of growth and discovery.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Basic Christian Doctrine is an anthology of 13 priority books on the basic doctrines of the Christian life by Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum: The Way Of Life The Way Of Obedience The Way Of Discipleship The Way Of Sanctification The Way Of Christian Character The Way Of Spiritual Power The Way Of Christian Service The Way Of Spiritual Warfare The Way Of Suffering For Christ The Way Of Victorious Praying The Way Of Overcomers The Way Of Spiritual Encouragement The Way Of Loving The Lord Anyone who begins the Christian walk without them may be limping along the narrow way instead of running or cruising in it. The Lord is looking for Christ-like disciples. The Way Series, if read and studied, will propel you from being a new convert, believer or church member into the kind of disciple that Jesus commanded. In this way, the foundation for an enduring spiritual leadership will be laid. Would you like to become a disciple that pleases the Lord? If 'Yes,’ this anthology is an indispensable vehicle to carry you through to your desired destination. We send this anthology out with an outcry to the Lord of the harvest to use it to produce disciples who obey Him in everything out of sinners, saints, converts, church members and believers in Christ. May the Lord reach out to you as you go through it. May He transform you from whatever you are into a dependable disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 4)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Prayer (Volume 4) contains the following books: 1) Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer (Volume 3) 2) Women of the Glory (Volume 1) 3) The Centrality of Prayer 4) Revolutionary Thoughts on fasting 5) From His Prayer Files “Life-Changing Thoughts on Prayer” (Revolutionary Thoughts on Prayer) will produce a revolution in your life concerning your personal prayer vision. It will bring you to see the inadequacy of your perception of prayer. It will push you to want to know and to experience prayer with the author as He travels with Christ around the world in the School and Ministry of Prayer. Women of the glory, such as, in this case, Anna the prophetess, come into the scene to demonstrate that you cannot love the Lord deeply and not be a person of prayer. The place of prayer is the place where the deepest love for the Lord is expressed. A lover who does not live a life of deep and desperate prayer is not a lover, but a liar. A lover who does not habitually go away from the din and dance of the world to commune with his Lord in prayer is not a lover, but a theoretician. The centrality of prayer cannot be overemphasised. Every work of God that is started continued and perpetuated without prayer may end up being a work of the enemy. Prayer must be at the centre of every work of God that will endure. That work is begun in prayer, continued in prayer, sustained in prayer, and finished to completion in prayer. While prayer is central to the accomplishment of God’s purposes, fasting is an acute weapon that the enemy dreads the most. An empty stomach in the presence of God gnaws, paws and gores the enemy terribly. It moves God and the hosts of heaven to siege the enemy, dismantle his setups, confound his counsel and release captives from their hands. In this volume, you will travel through time with the author in his prayer life. You will experience the daily prayer habits that have been cultivated with time. We send this fourth prayer volume out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to lead the saints into practical praying and fasting, and that prayer should, long, at last, take its central position in the life, affairs, and destiny of every believer in Christ.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Marriage

Book Description

"The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Marriage" contains the following books: - Enjoying the Premarital Life - Enjoying the Choice of Your Marriage Partner - Enjoying the Married Life - A Successful Marriage: The Husband’s Making - A Successful Marriage: The Wife’s Making - Divorce and Remarriage - Revolutionary Thoughts of Marriage - Freedom from the Sin of Adultery and Fornication Life is meant to be enjoyed at every stage - premarital and marital. Marriage itself is meant by God to be heaven on earth. What you do before marriage determines whether your marriage will be heaven on earth or hell on earth. Someone has said that before marriage, your private parts are for urinating. It is only after marriage that they take the additional functions of facilitating sexual pleasure and reproduction. Watch out! The person you choose or accept as a marriage partner may make or mar God’s call on your life, build or bastardise your life and make you better or bitter in life. The choice is yours. Do not get married without having established your God-given goal, started pursuing it with rigour and vigour, and being desperately in need of a helper fit to help you in the accomplishment of that goal. The choice is also yours to make your marriage heaven on earth or hell on earth. If you and your partner make God an integral and indispensable part of your union, it will stand firm and free like a three-legged chair. If you remove God from it through unbelief, backsliding and lack of consecration, you make it a two-legged chair that cannot stand. A successful marriage is the making of both the husband and the wife. The husband makes it succeed by being unconditionally loving, responsible and protective of his wife. The wife, on her own part, makes it succeed by being unconditionally submissive, respectful and pleasing to her husband. When these simple principles are violated repeatedly over a sustained period of time, dissatisfaction and discontentment set in. These may lead to adultery, sexual perversion, divorce and many other terrible things. This volume shows you step by step how to prepare for marriage, marry, enjoy the married life and avoid the ambushes of marriage. It buttresses all these principles with sound testimonies of how things have worked out in the lives and marriages of many born-again people worldwide. Examples abound in this volume of how some peoples’ marriages are heaven on earth while others’ marriages are hell on earth. It’s all a matter of price paid and obedience to the Lord in His demands on one’s life. We send this first volume on marriage out with a cry to the Lord that, He should use it to produce stable marriages, stable homes, stable families and so stable churches in this perverse generation.

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 4)

Book Description

The Complete Works of Zacharias Tanee Fomum on Leadership (Volume 4) contains the following books: Laws of Spiritual Leadership The Ministers and Ministry of the New Covenant You, Your Team and Your Ministry Leading a Local Church, (Volume 1) Making Spiritual Progress, (Volume 2) Spiritual leadership does not happen by accident. It is not a haphazard thing. There is a science behind spiritual leadership. Travel with the author through this systematic science outlined in the laws of spiritual leadership. While following this sweet science of leadership, do not forget to take care of the horse that is drawing the cart. If the cart is taken so much care of and none is given to the horse, the horse may get sick and die, and the cart will no longer be drawn, and the journey will stall. The leader must take care of his body to keep it fit for service. The apostle Paul says, “For physical training is of some value...” (1 Timothy 4:8a). He must take care of his soul, spirit and heart to keep them in Christ (Philippians 4:7). The author tacitly brings into the equation how to lead a local church. When the Good Samaritan offered first aid to the man who was attacked and severely wounded by armed robbers on the highway from Jerusalem to Jericho, he did not leave him there. He took him to an inn where they took proper care of him over a long period of time. The local church is the best place where to keep your people safe as you lead them toward destiny. It is the surest and most secure place on planet Earth where to retain the people as you lead them into God’s purposes. Why? Rage as they may, the gates of hell cannot, and can never, overcome the church (Matthew 16:18). We send this fourth volume on leadership out with a cry to the Lord that He should use it to build many into leaders of His people capable of leading them into the totality of His purposes in this generation and beyond.