Book Description
The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning makes original contributions both to roboticsand to the analysis of algorithms. In this groundbreaking monograph John Canny resolveslong-standing problems concerning the complexity of motion planning and, for the central problem offinding a collision free path for a jointed robot in the presence of obstacles, obtains exponentialspeedups over existing algorithms by applying high-powered new mathematical techniques.Canny's newalgorithm for this "generalized movers' problem," the most-studied and basic robot motion planningproblem, has a single exponential running time, and is polynomial for any given robot. The algorithmhas an optimal running time exponent and is based on the notion of roadmaps - one-dimensionalsubsets of the robot's configuration space. In deriving the single exponential bound, Cannyintroduces and reveals the power of two tools that have not been previously used in geometricalgorithms: the generalized (multivariable) resultant for a system of polynomials and Whitney'snotion of stratified sets. He has also developed a novel representation of object orientation basedon unnormalized quaternions which reduces the complexity of the algorithms and enhances theirpractical applicability.After dealing with the movers' problem, the book next attacks and derivesseveral lower bounds on extensions of the problem: finding the shortest path among polyhedralobstacles, planning with velocity limits, and compliant motion planning with uncertainty. Itintroduces a clever technique, "path encoding," that allows a proof of NP-hardness for the first twoproblems and then shows that the general form of compliant motion planning, a problem that is thefocus of a great deal of recent work in robotics, is non-deterministic exponential time hard. Cannyproves this result using a highly original construction.John Canny received his doctorate from MITAnd is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Division at the University of California,Berkeley. The Complexity of Robot Motion Planning is the winner of the 1987 ACM DoctoralDissertation Award.