The Creation-Evolution Debate

Book Description

Few issues besides evolution have so strained Americans' professed tradition of tolerance. Few historians besides Pulitzer Prize winner Edward J. Larson have so perceptively chronicled evolution's divisive presence on the American scene. This slim volume reviews the key aspects, current and historical, of the creation-evolution debate in the United States. Larson discusses such topics as the transatlantic response to Darwinism, the American controversy over teaching evolution in public schools, and the religious views of American scientists. He recalls the theological qualms about evolution held by some leading scientists of Darwin's time. He looks at the 2006 Dover, Pennsylvania, court decision on teaching Intelligent Design and other cases leading back to the landmark 1925 Scopes trial. Drawing on surveys that Larson conducted, he discusses attitudes of American scientists toward the existence of God and the afterlife. By looking at the changing motivations and backgrounds of the stakeholders in the creation-evolution debate--clergy, scientists, lawmakers, educators, and others--Larson promotes a more nuanced view of the question than most of us have. This is no incidental benefit for Larson's readers; it is one of the book's driving purposes. If we cede the debate to those who would frame it simplistically rather than embrace its complexity, warns Larson, we will not advance beyond the naive regard of organized religion as the enemy of intellectual freedom or the equally myopic myth of the scientist as courageous loner willing to die for the truth.

Creation-Evolution Debates

Book Description

Originally published in 1995, Creation-Evolution Debates is the second volume in the series, Creationism in Twentieth Century America, reissued in 2021. The volume comprises eight debates from the early 1920s and 1930s between prominent evolutionists and creationists of the time. The original sources detail debates that took place either orally or in print, as well as active debates between creationists over the true meaning of Genesis I. The essays in this volume feature prominent discussions between the likes of Edwin Grant Conklin, Henry Fairfield Osbourne and William Jennings Bryan, John Roach Francis and Charles Francis Potter, George McCready Price and Joseph McCabe and William Bell Riley versus Charles Smith, amongst many others. The collection will be of especial interest to natural historians, and theologians as well as academics of philosophy, and history.

The 10 Things You Should Know about the Creation Vs. Evolution Debate

Book Description

A renowned apologist and Bible teacher delivers this helpful guide that clearly demonstrates why the two sides of the debate are mutually exclusive, and gives readers the information they need to form their own convictions and answer other people's questions.

Evolution and the Myth of Creationism

Book Description

Gives a description of evolutionary theory and analyzes the arguments of the creationists.

Inside the Nye Ham Debate

Book Description

With Millions watching this live debate on February 4, 2014, "Bill Nye, the Science Guy" squared off with Answers in Genesis founder and president Ken Ham. This event echoed the worldviews at work in our lives today and put two of the most unique and recognizable advocates of their positions on the same stage to face not only each other, but the many who watched. More answers, more perspectives, more truth to answer the world's most critical question: How did we and all we know come to be here, at this place and this time in the history of the universe? Are we accidental products of evolution or the centerpiece of God's marvelous creation? Debate Stats: Over 3.8 Million computers watched the debate live 7.6 Million people watched (Based on an extremely conservative estimate of 2 viewers per stream, or 11.4 Million based on 3 people per stream) 3.5 million views on You Tube Note: The YouTube Page only shows views AFTER the event, not Live views

The Ultimate Proof of Creation

Book Description

It's a bold title: The Ultimate Proof of Creation - But is there such a thing? There are many books that contain seemingly powerful arguments for biblical creation. But is there an ultimate proof of creation? There is an argument for creation that is powerful, conclusive, and has no true rebuttal. As such, it is an irrefutable argument - an "ultimate proof " of the Christian worldview biblical creation. Master the method outlined in the following chapters, and you will be able to defend Christianity against all opposition. Learn how to apply the ultimate proof in dialogues with evolutionists, how to spot logical fallacies, and biblical examples of defending the faith Discover the nature of scientific evidence and its proper role in the origins debate Details how to address theistic evolution, "day age" creationism, and other compromised positions of biblical creationism An exceptional book for pastors, ministry leaders, seminary attendees, and students of religion and philosophy This book is a complete guide to defending the Christian faith, emphasizing the defense of the Genesis account of creation, built on techniques that have been developed over many years and presentations. They are not difficult to apply when you learn how to do it properly. Ready to move beyond the circular arguments? It is time to get to the real heart of the issue and rationally resolve the origins debate. It is time to discover The Ultimate Proof of Creation.

Replacing Darwin

Book Description

If Darwin were to examine the evidence today using modern science, would his conclusions be the same? Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, published over 150 years ago, is considered one of history’s most influential books and continues to serve as the foundation of thought for evolutionary biology. Since Darwin’s time, however, new fields of science have immerged that simply give us better answers to the question of origins. With a Ph.D. in cell and developmental biology from Harvard University, Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is uniquely qualified to investigate what genetics reveal about origins. The Origins Puzzle Comes Together If the science surrounding origins were a puzzle, Darwin would have had fewer than 15% of the pieces to work with when he developed his theory of evolution. We now have a much greater percentage of the pieces because of modern scientific research. As Dr. Jeanson puts the new pieces together, a whole new picture emerges, giving us a testable, predictive model to explain the origin of species. A New Scientific Revolution Begins Darwin’s theory of evolution may be one of science’s “sacred cows,” but genetics research is proving it wrong. Changing an entrenched narrative, even if it’s wrong, is no easy task. Replacing Darwin asks you to consider the possibility that, based on genetics research, our origins are more easily understood in the context of . . . In the beginning . . . God, with the timeline found in the biblical narrative of Genesis. There is a better answer to the origins debate than what we have been led to believe. Let the revolution begin! About the Author Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson is a scientist and a scholar, trained in one of the most prestigious universities in the world. He earned his B.S. in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside and his PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology from Harvard University. As an undergraduate, he researched the molecular control of photosynthesis, and his graduate work involved investigating the molecular and physiological control of adult blood stem cells. His findings have been presented at regional and national conferences and have been published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Blood, Nature, and Cell. Since 2009, he has been actively researching the origin of species, both at the Institute for Creation Research and at Answers in Genesis.

The Battle of Beginnings

Book Description

Voted one of Christianity Today's 1997 Books of the Year! Creation versus evolution. The debate is growing louder and hotter--whether in lecture halls or in between the pages of bestselling books. But neither side seems to be winning. Why? In The Battle of Beginnings Del Ratzsch examines the history of the debate and critiques the entrenched positions that he argues merely impede progress toward the truth. Dissatisfied with both creationist fallacies and materialist misconstruals, he seeks to lay the groundwork for more fruitful dialogue. In considerable detail Ratzsch looks at the history and development of Darwin's theory and common creationist misunderstandings of evolution. He then moves on to examine the history and development of creationist theory and pervasive evolutionist misunderstandings of it. He also discusses the nature of science and common creationist and evolutionist abuses as a prelude to showing why both sides have remained critical of theistic evolution. Above all, Ratzsch argues that until philosophical confusion, logical missteps and various other snarls have been untangled, little real progress can be made in sorting out competing theories of life and its origin. With this book he challenges and equips all of us to think more clearly.

Genesis 1 and the Creationism Debate

Book Description

Modern readers often assume that Genesis 1 depicts the creation of the earth and sky as we know it. Yet in an appeal for textual honesty, Steven DiMattei shows that such beliefs are more representative of modern views about this ancient text than the actual claims and beliefs of its author. Through a culturally contextualized and objective reading of the texts of Genesis 1 and 2, this study not only introduces readers to the textual data that convincingly demonstrate that Genesis' two creation accounts were penned by different authors who held contradictory views and beliefs about the origin of the world and of man and woman, but also establishes on textual grounds that what the author of Genesis 1 portrayed God creating was the world as its author and culture perceived and experienced it--not the objective world, but a subjective world, subject to the culturally conditioned views and beliefs of its author. In the end, this book clearly illustrates that the Bible's ancient texts do in fact represent the beliefs and worldviews of ancient peoples and cultures--not those of God, not those of later readers, and especially not those of modern-day Creationists.

The Great Creation Debate

Book Description

Why isn't the evolution of flight shown in the fossil record? Bugs, birds, bats and dinosaurs flew and are shown fully formed in the fossil record, but there are no animals with halfway wings in the fossil record leading from ground based animals to flying animals. What is desperately wrong with the Grand Canyon if evolution is true? Where are the massive signs of erosion between the sedimentary layers of the Grand Canyon if they were laid down a "million years" at a time? Why does massive erosion only show up at the top? Animals with well-developed eyes show up suddenly in the fossil record as do flying animals. It's the norm for plants and animals to show up in the fossil record with the same separations as we see in different types of living animals and plants today. The "second law of thermodynamics" is a law of science that says everything left to its own will wear out, run down. It is a fundamental law of science. So how did evolution accidentally go up? How could a DNA molecule fumble together? The cell needs DNA; DNA needs the cell ñ which came first? 'Beneficial' mutations also weaken in other areas, and don't write evolutionary advancing DNA code. Spiral galaxies (which have the shape of a star fish that is spinning quickly) throughout our universe, like our Milky Way galaxy, are supposed to be over 10 billion years old. If they were over a billion years old they would lose their spiral arm shape. The arms of our galaxy, the Milky Way, only show a maximum age of 0.3 billion years. People want to know why they're here now and where they're going to go. They want surety of truth also. Read this book and see how well evolution holds up in all the sciences. Read this book and see if life can have meaning, direction and hope ñ with surety. For those who claim to be open minded, put on your seatbelts and keep your arms inside as you ride the roller coaster of your own value systems!