The Crisis of Authority in Catholic Modernity

Book Description

It is fairly clear that, while Rome continues to teach as if its authority were unchanged from the days before Vatican II (1962-65), the majority of Catholics - within the first-world church, at least - take a far more independent line, and increasingly understand themselves (rather than the church) as the final arbiter of decision-making, especially on ethical questions. This collection of essays explores the historical background and present ecclesial situation, explaining the dramatic shift in attitude on the part of contemporary Catholics in the U.S. and Europe.


Book Description

Discusses how younger people are being attracted to the timelessness of the Catholic Church's teachings in contradiction to the aging generation who wanted progressive changes made involving reproductive rights and same-sex marriage.

The Crisis of Authority

Book Description

Msgr. Kelly describes what he sees as the crisis of authority in the American Catholic church leadership and shows the remedy to be the reassertion by bishops of the faith as taught by the papal authority.

Turmoil & Truth

Book Description

The Catholic Church in recent years, particularly in Europe, the USA and Australia, has suffered a series of crises. Catholics have been forced, whether willing or not, to perform collective examinations of conscience, and to investigate the causes of these problems. In the many books and articles written on this subject, authors have tried to point the blame one way or another. Turmoil and Truth takes a different approach. Drawing on his years of experience as a Catholic writer, Philip Trower offers a long view of how the Church arrived in its present situation. Whereas many analyses take the Second Vatican Council as their starting point, Trower turns his gaze back towards the previous centuries, searching out the roots of modern conflicts over authority within the Church, the nature of Scripture, the relationship with the secular world, and more. His central thesis is that the positive movement for reform, and the negative movements of rebellion against the Church's authority and elements of her teaching, grew up intertwined in the years preceding Vatican II, and that it was only really in the period following the Council that the division between the two became clearer. His analysis introduces the reader to a host of persons and movements who may be unfamiliar today, but whose legacy endures. Philip Trower's accessible style of writing and his attention to detail offer the reader a clear understanding of where the Church has come from in its recent past. Turmoil and Truth is essential reading for all who wish to understand the present and future direction of the Catholic Church Book jacket.

Apostles of Reason

Book Description

In Apostles of Reason, Molly Worthen offers a sweeping history of modern American evangelicalism, arguing that the faith has been shaped not by shared beliefs but by battles over the relationship between faith and reason.

Approaches to Monasticism in the Context of Christian Responses to Modern Culture

Book Description

Approaches to Monasticism in the Context of Christian Responses to Modern Culture is a study of how the values and practices of monasticism are being shaped by the shift to a cultural understanding of Christianity in modern times. The values and practices of traditional monasticism are contrasted with those of various expressions of new monasticism against the background of a multicultural and fluid social environment in an effort to find some reciprocal illumination. The study aims to describe monasticism in terms of authenticity and lived religion.

Catholicism Contending with Modernity

Book Description

This 2000 book is a case study in the ongoing struggle of Christianity to define its relationship to modernity, examining representative Roman Catholic Modernists and anti-Modernists. It sketches the nineteenth-century background of the Modernist crisis, identifying the problems that the church was facing at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Eight Popes and the Crisis of Modernity

Book Description

Assaults on the dignity and rights of the human person have been central to the ongoing crisis of the modern era in the last hundred years. This book takes a searching look at the roots of this problem and the various approaches to it by the eight men who led the Catholic Church in the twentieth century, from Pope St. Pius X and his crusade against "Modernism" to Pope St. John Paul II and his appeal for a renewed rapprochement between faith and reason. Thus it offers a distinctive, illuminating interpretation of recent world events viewed through the lens of an ancient institution, the papacy, a key champion of human rights under attack in modern times. The fascinating story is told through short profiles of the eight popes combining crucial, often little known, facts about each by an author who is a veteran observer of Church affairs, a former top official of the conference of bishops of the USA, and consultant to the Vatican. It is written clearly and simply, but with carefully documented precision. A special feature are the substantial excerpts from the writ- ings of the popes that give important insights into their personalities and thinking. It also includes a useful overview of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and its pivotal role in reshaping the Catholic Church. Eight Popes and the Crisis of Modernity contains judgments that will be challenged by partisans of both liberal and conservative ideological persuasions. But serious and open-minded readers, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, will find it an informative, timely, and inspiring guide to understanding many central events and issues of our times, while students of Church history will find it indispensable.

Truth and Authority in Modernity

Book Description

In this brilliant and tightly reasoned volume, well-known author Lesslie Newbigin analyzes the sources of truth and authority in the modern world. He acknowledges that modern society treats all claims to authority with suspicion. With what authority, then, can and does the Christian church present the gospel to modern society? Bible, tradition, reason, and experience are all used in answering this question, and this book seeks to examine their proper use and their relations to each other.