The Crystal Skull Messenger

Book Description

This 2nd edition is in black and white, for those who would like a less-expensive version of the book.The Crystal Skull Messenger tells the story of Thelma Daisy Moeran, and introduces the extraordinary "Group of 8" Himalayan crystal skulls. These crystal skulls were discovered in caves in Tibet in 2002, and are believed by some to be ancient, and taken to Tibet before the fall of Atlantis. The book chronicles the meeting of Thelma and Elizabeth HeartStar Keller, and their journey as the guardians of the Himalayan crystal skulls HeartStar and Yangtze, and the work they have done from their homes in Sedona, Arizona and Glastonbury, England. The Crystal Skull Messenger features many photographs, including the "Group of 8" Himalayan crystal skulls, shown for the first time. Thelma is a pure channel, bringing through beautiful inspired poetic messages from the crystal skulls, which allows their story to be told. She has received poetic messages from many crystal skulls, including the Mitchell-Hedges skull, that are shared throughout the book. Here is the first poem channeled to Thelma from the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull on 11:11:07. All directions flow through me In that I am alone. I unify the Earth with stars, Alignment is my throne. From East to West and North and South, My energies hold fast. I also am a pathway To the future and the past. All tribal children soon will come And gather near a mountain. Pulsating stars will touch their hearts. Expect Unification! A wondrous band of Golden Light Will touch the hearts of all. And God's new time will then emerge To sanctify us All.

Diary of the Crystal Skull Messenger

Book Description

"Inspiration to creation is a gift divine" this phrase came to Thelma Daisy Moeran in her teens. She did not know what it meant at the time, however, it was to influence her extraordinary life, which has been dedicated to following guidance from "Spirit" which led to her becoming a messenger for the crystal skulls. Diary of the Crystal Skull Messenger follows Thelma's journey to Sedona, Arizona and Glastonbury, England, where she has been a mentor to many and a pure channel bringing through beautiful inspired poetic messages from the crystal skulls in service to humanity. Before her 90th birthday on April 27, 2014 Thelma said,"I now offer the 'gift divine' to the world, so that the poems may indeed be an 'inspiration to creation'. This gift divine, not yours or mine, comes from the Creator."Thelma Daisy Moeran and Elizabeth Heartstar Keller came together in this life to fulfill several of their souls' purpose sand passions. One of these was their relationship with each other, and with their soul groups in Glastonbury, England and in Sedona, Arizona. Another was that they would link up and re-unite two special crystal skulls, HeartStar and Yangtze, who, along with the whole crystal skull matrix, had work to do together at this time of the transition into the new Golden Age on Gaia. Thelma is able to channel poetry from the crystal skulls, which makes it possible for their story to be told.Enjoy this story of these two women masters of the heart and soul, eternal friends, brought together with each other and their precious crystal skulls in the great Transition of The Ages to once again work together with dignity, gentleness, and grace.

The Crystal Skulls

Book Description

What unknown hands carved these mysterious skulls perhaps over 12,000 years ago? Do they really have the power of life and death? In 1927, while searching for the lost civilisation of Atlantis, archaeologists discovered in the ruins of a Mayan city a perfect replica of a human skull, exquisitely carved and polished from a single piece of quartz crystal. It is clearly the product of a sophisticated civilisation -- yet its age has been estimated at 12,000 years! A number of life-size crystal skulls are known to exist. Where did they come from? Observers have reported strange sounds, odours, and light effects emanating from crystal skulls. Crystal skulls are said to have caused violence, physical injury, and even death. Can it be that these uncanny objects are our link to mankind's dark, magical past? Are they messengers from another age -- or another world? A fascinating compendium of current information on crystal skulls by two authors with first hand knowledge.

The Order of the Crystal Skull

Book Description

Will 2012 be the end of the world or just a test which we have to pass with courage and hope? The Mayans made sure to warn us and leave encoded solutions for the new era. We only have to find the power and the curiosity to decode. The opened arms of the Crystal Knights await us to open our heart and spirit to pass this great test.Coming from immemorial times, misunderstood by modern science, venerated by the Mayans and mentioned by Hindu, the Crystal skulls await patient for us to be able to hear them. They want to tell us the way and their history, so each of us, humans and silicon humans to find the peace of a new universal era.

Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Crystal skulls invite you on a journey of deeper understanding of who you are. Learn to understand crystal skulls, their different characteristics, their special energies and how you can use these energies for your personal growth.

The Crystal Skull

Book Description

Professor Karolovitch discovers ancient writings depicting a crystal skull of awesome power. Knowing that this power must not get into the wrong hands, he and his granddaughter, Natasha, retrieve it from a Mayan pyramid. The plan is to deposit it into a magma pool that will pull it into the earth's molten center where it can never be retrieved. Tony and Mac, U.S. Air Force, are assigned as part of the team to accomplish this. Sandra Kay, PhD Geology; Dr. Aaron Slaughter, Parapsychologist; and Natasha, comprise the rest of the team. Tony and Mac are warned by an apparition that one of the enemy is in their midst. They are also told to help release Father Gorski from the power of the Vampire of Paris. In doing so they will receive the strength to fight the evil forces. Tony, Mac and Natasha meet Evil face to face in a terrifying encounter in Paris. Sandra's research shows that the magma pool is on the island of St. Kitts in the Caribbean. The team discovers that the pool is in the temple of the fire god on the ocean floor between St. Kitts and Nevis where the deciding battle is fought.

Crystal Skulls

Book Description

Humans -- creators in training -- have a purpose and destiny so heartwarmingly, profoundly glorious that it is almost unbelievable from our present dimensional perspective. Humans are great lightbeings from beyond this creation, gaining experience in dense physicality by slowing down the creative process in order to feel the results and consequences of their decisions and actions. This truth about the great human genetic experiment of the Explorer Race and the mechanics of creation is being revealed for the first time by Zoosh and his friends as humanity begins to awaken to its true nature. Zoosh and a great assortment of beings who have never spoken to the physical plane before -- from particles to All That Is -- speak vibrantly through superchannel Robert Shapiro. Each personality has its own knowing, perception and expertise as it shares its history, its present focus and the awesome truth about humanity's mission. The books read like adventure stories as we follow the clues from

Journeys of the Crystal Skull Explorers

Book Description

The Travel Log series of Books is written by the Crystal Skull Explorers, Joshua Shapiro and Katrina Head. This unique series provides for you, the reader, a front row seat to join the CS Explorers on their world journeys seeking out to discover the truth related to the Mysterious Crystal Skulls and how these ancient artifacts will take our world into a "Golden Age" into the near future. Within this specific book, Travel Log #2: We follow three journeys (or excursions) made by Joshua Shapiro from 1997 - 2002, traveling to the northern part of Peru, up into the Andes Mountains (over 10,000 feet high), near the border with Ecuador, looking for a sky blue transparent two piece crystal skull that prior to this time, had constantly appeared to Joshua as a vision in his mind's eye. Joshua has called, this crystal skull, "The Blue Skull." Now furthermore, on each of these three amazing journeys into Peru that he writes about, he uses his daily journal notes written into a laptop computer to fully describe all the amazing activities and events which happen around him and his travel companions, as they go from place to place to uncover the whereabouts of "The Blue Crystal Skull." This book is not just about the crystal skulls themselves but discusses many other ancient mysteries and paranormal phenomena that show up during these travels. This is crystal skull book you must read as it is like none other you will ever fine! Joshua Shapiro & Katrina Head met in Atlanta in 2009 and are soul mates and life companions who have dedicated their lives to discover the answers to the secrets of the Crystal Skulls and share the key information and knowledge they have uncovered with the general public. In 2018, when this updated edition was re-released, they personally have over 20+ crystal skulls within their private collection with a few of their crystal skulls to believed to be quite old in their original creation. Joshua has participated in a number of TV documentaries about the crystal skulls, he has done public talks all over the world and starting in 2018, he has written his first paranormal novel (also available via Amazon) with a friend in the UK of which the crystal skulls are featured and play a key role. He believes this novel which will eventually become a trilogy of books will be made into a feature film. The Crystal Skull Explorers are still very active and continue to do their investigations and sharing on the mysterious crystal skulls as different opportunities come up for them. To learn more about the Crystal Skull Explorers, feel free to check out their website at: http: //