The Days of Elijah

Book Description

Elijah's friends are dead, and without a miracle, he's next. Elijah is a young prophet studying the Torah, when the soldiers of Queen Jezebel burn his school and massacre his teachers. He escapes, barely, but finds himself on the run and hunted as Queen Jezebel attempts to stamp out the worship of the Hebrew God in Israel and replace it with the worship of Ba'al. As the queen's soldiers close in on him, Elijah discovers a little known promise in the Scroll of Deuteronomy and prays for something impossible - that God would turn the skies to bronze and stop the rain on the kingdom that has abandoned Him. And God says yes. As drought and famine grip the cloudless land of Israel, God tells Elijah to hide and sends him to the land of Tyre, to a widow and her son who are on the edge of starvation. In Tyre Elijah finds a darkness at the heart of the city, a darkness that threatens to consume Israel next. But even if he survives, will Israel listen to his warning?

The Seventh Vial

Book Description

The ultimate battle which will decide the fate of Heaven and Earth has finally come. Everett and Courtney Carroll have fared better than most through the past seven years of the Great Tribulation, but the eve of Armageddon refuses to let them live out the last hours of this present age without conflict, trouble, and persistent peril. The Bible has prophesied of the Seven Vials of God's Wrath, the final judgments which will utterly destroy what's left of a decimated planet. These calamities will bring a plague of festering boils upon the followers of the Antichrist, rivers and seas will turn to blood, and a global earthquake will raze the cities of the earth to the ground. All of this in the midst of the war to end all wars. Everett and Courtney must leave their sanctuary of relative safety, but there is nowhere left to turn. And getting anywhere in these last days means traversing wastelands patrolled by Global Republic drones or crossing hostile deserts infested by the violent jihadi armies of Caliph Marwan Bakr. It won't be the first time they've been trapped between a rock and a hard place, but it might be the last! Don't miss the final chapter of this End-Times sensation which chronicles the lives of those who must endure the Great Tribulation and the unabated wrath of God!

The Days of Elijah, Book One: Apocalypse

Book Description

After a massive wave of disappearances, twenty-six-year-old CIA analyst, Everett Carroll, finally believes what he's been told about the biblical prophecy of the rapture. But will he be able to survive the gauntlet of destruction known as the Great Tribulation? Everett is surprised when he finds out that Elijah, the Messianic Jewish hermit who lives on the mountain above their retreat, did not disappear along with the rest of the Christians. When he tells Everett of a special mission that God has given him, the old prophet gives Everett more questions than answers.


Book Description

Everett and Courtney Carroll have survived the Seven Seal Judgments which devastated the planet through a global earthquake and a massive bombardment of meteors. The cities of the earth lie in ruin and much of the globe's forests have been destroyed by widespread forest fires. But have their efforts to stay alive been in vain? The next series of judgments to fall upon the earth are known as the Seven Trumpets. Within this series of cataclysms is the earth's collision with a giant asteroid, known as Wormwood. The comet will poison much of the planet's fresh water supplies, making survival near impossible. Undeterred by the global chaos, the supreme leader of the Global Republic, Angelo Luz, pushes forward with his plans to eradicate his empire of dissenters. In the midst of the mayhem, he sends forth his armies to wipe out the remnant of true Christians as well as the growing number of Messianic Jews. With each subsequent Trumpet Judgement and every passing day their odds of living grow slimmer. If Everett and Courtney are to survive, they'll need perseverance, faith, and a great outpouring of providence from The Almighty.

The Days of Joseph

Book Description

My Bible Friends

Book Description

The God Contest

Book Description

Teach children about two extraordinary events in history when the God of the Bible proved himself to be the one true God. Kids today are faced with a huge range of different views on who God is (or isn't). How can they be sure who's got it right? This beautifully illustrated hardback storybook for children aged 3-6 is written by the team behind The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross. It retells two extraordinary events in history when the God of the Bible proved himself to be the one true God. First it takes children back to Elijah's time and the gripping "God contest" between the God of the Bible, Yahweh, and the false god Baal. Then it fast-forwards to a different mountain and another "God contest" at an empty tomb. Once the evidence is examined, it invites kids, in a world of so many options, to decide with confidence to join Team Jesus.

The Mantle of Elijah

Book Description

This book provides an introduction to current trends in the study of the biblical prophets. It surveys the growing volume of work that has been on the redactional analysis of individual books and represents the first attempt to bring together these different strands of redaction criticism and to evaluate the effect they have had on our appreciation of the prophetical books as a distinct genre. The opening chapter deals with the methodology of redaction criticism as applicable to the prophetical books. The author then looks at the redactional history of each of the individual books in turn. The closing chapters consider the implications this approach has for our appreciation of these books and the aims of the writers who created them. In particular, the author draws attention to the literary nature of the image of The Prophet conveyed in the books about prophets.

Elijah - Bible Study Book

Book Description

Elijah emerged as the voice of unapologetic truth during a time of national crisis and moral decline. His ministry was marked by tenacious faith and holy fire--the same kind you will need in order to remain steadfast in current culture.

Elijah in Jerusalem

Book Description

Elijah in Jerusalem, the long awaited sequel to the acclaimed best-selling novel, Father Elijah: An Apocalypse , is the continuing story of the priest, Fr. Elijah. A convert from Judaism, and a survivor of the Holocaust, he has for decades been a Carmelite monk on the mountain of the prophet Elijah. In the events of the preceding novel, Father Elijah, the central character confronted the President of the European Union, a man rising toward global control as President of the soon to be realized World Government. The Pope recognized in the President certain qualities that are anti-Christ, and asked Fr. Elijah to call the man to repentance, though his attempts at this prove to be unsuccessful. In this sequel, now-Bishop Elijah, accompanied by his fellow monk Brother Enoch, enter Jerusalem just as the President arrives in the city to inaugurate a new stage of his rise to power. They hope to unmask him as the Antichrist prophesied by Scripture and to warn the world of the imminent spiritual danger to mankind. As the story unfolds, people of many kinds meet the undercover priest, and in the process their souls are revealed and tested, bringing about change for the good or for evil. Elijah perseveres in his mission even when all seems lost. The dramatic climax is surprising, yet it underlines that God works all things to the good for those who love Him, testifying to the truth that in the end Wisdom will be justified and Satan confounded.