The Scholar Denied

Book Description

In this groundbreaking book, Aldon D. Morris’s ambition is truly monumental: to help rewrite the history of sociology and to acknowledge the primacy of W. E. B. Du Bois’s work in the founding of the discipline. Calling into question the prevailing narrative of how sociology developed, Morris, a major scholar of social movements, probes the way in which the history of the discipline has traditionally given credit to Robert E. Park at the University of Chicago, who worked with the conservative black leader Booker T. Washington to render Du Bois invisible. Morris uncovers the seminal theoretical work of Du Bois in developing a “scientific” sociology through a variety of methodologies and examines how the leading scholars of the day disparaged and ignored Du Bois’s work. The Scholar Denied is based on extensive, rigorous primary source research; the book is the result of a decade of research, writing, and revision. In exposing the economic and political factors that marginalized the contributions of Du Bois and enabled Park and his colleagues to be recognized as the “fathers” of the discipline, Morris delivers a wholly new narrative of American intellectual and social history that places one of America’s key intellectuals, W. E. B. Du Bois, at its center. The Scholar Denied is a must-read for anyone interested in American history, racial inequality, and the academy. In challenging our understanding of the past, the book promises to engender debate and discussion.


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Jeffrey Nordella grew up in near poverty, yet he succeeded in earning a medical degree from the UCLA School of Medicine. He married his soul mate, had three beautiful children, and spent each day at his family and urgent care clinic doing what doctors are supposed to do and what he loved: caring for people. He never thought that advocating for his patients would make him the target of a "for profit" insurance company whose subscribers comprised nearly 60 percent of his practice. Thus began the 10-year strategic legal battle, which included submission of the case to the United States Supreme Court. This story illuminates a single medical practitioner locking arms with a solo-practicing attorney to challenge the unethical and illegal business practices of the multi-billion dollar insurance giant, Anthem Blue Cross. Amidst the legal fight, Dr. Nordella suffered tragic personal losses that would bring the average man to his knees. The murder of his beloved wife marked the pinnacle of his pain. This nonfiction book chronicles one man's journey to overcome insurmountable odds ending in a monumental, multi million dollar jury verdict. This extraordinary story is brought to you because Dr. Nordella refused to be censored by confidentiality. DENIED... a must read.

The denied Truth behind Medicine

Book Description

We live in a time in which proven ways of thinking within university medicine crumble. High-ranking researchers report that the statements about the functions of brain, heart, intestine and genome are no longer sustainable .The struggle for knowledge about bodily functions begins anew. In this book Dr. Weber goes back to the basics of medicine. Old and modern medical systems are analyzed and freed from annoying accessories.They are checked for similarities and re-evaluated using the latest scientific tools, such as epigenetics and quantum mechanics. The resulting compact picture of medicine answers many questions and forms the core for a new understanding of life, illness and healing. Dr. Weber transfers this old thinking in an easily understandable way into the comprehension of the world today. The causes of many symptoms are decoded and simple therapy options are presented.


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The above lines are remarkable and aptly depict to what extent our children's creativity may go waste if we are unable to provide them with proper and congenial educational environment at the right time. It also holds good in highlighting the concern of educationists and counsellors to search for remedial measures to avoid wastage and stagnation in the educational scenario.

Personal Justice Denied

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A Thousand Ways Denied

Book Description

From the hill country in the north to the marshy lowlands in the south, Louisiana and its citizens have long enjoyed the hard-earned fruits of the oil and gas industry’s labor. Economic prosperity flowed from pioneering exploration as the industry heralded engineering achievements and innovative production technologies. Those successes, however, often came at the expense of other natural resources, leading to contamination and degradation of land and water. In A Thousand Ways Denied, John T. Arnold documents the oil industry’s sharp interface with Louisiana’s environment. Drawing on government, corporate, and personal files, many previously untapped, he traces the history of oil-field practices and their ecological impacts in tandem with battles over regulation. Arnold reveals that in the early twentieth century, Louisiana helped lead the nation in conservation policy, instituting some of the first programs to sustain its vast wealth of natural resources. But with the proliferation of oil output, government agencies splintered between those promoting production and others committed to preventing pollution. As oil’s economic and political strength grew, regulations commonly went unobserved and unenforced. Over the decades, oil, saltwater, and chemicals flowed across the ground, through natural drainages, and down waterways. Fish and wildlife fled their habitats, and drinking-water supplies were ruined. In the wetlands, drilling facilities sat like factories in the midst of a maze of interconnected canals dredged to support exploration, manufacture, and transportation of oil and gas. In later years, debates raged over the contribution of these activities to coastal land loss. Oil is an inseparable part of Louisiana’s culture and politics, Arnold asserts, but the state’s original vision for safeguarding its natural resources has become compromised. He urges a return to those foundational conservation principles. Otherwise, Louisiana risks the loss of viable uses of its land and, in some places, its very way of life.

Justice Denied

Book Description

The world has been inundated with horror stories about what the Germans did during the last century, but most Americans know little about what was done to the Germans or to German Americans. In Justice Denied, author Dr. Joe Wendel offers a complete picture to the story about how Germans and German Americans were treated. Presenting a balanced portrayal of history, Wendel discusses the destruction and the unconditional surrender of Germany and details many personal and emotional accounts about the mistreatment, the terror, the mass murder, the starvation blockade, the expulsions of millions of ethnic Germans, and the raping of thousands of German women by the occupying forces. Justice Denied gives us a wide-ranging history of Germany and German Americans, with a focus on providing insights into the two twentieth-century world wars from the viewpoint of a German American who lived in Austria during World War II. It offers compelling facts, interpretations, and points of view unfamiliar to most Americans, including the personal stories of German Americans sent to interment camps in World War II.

Genius Denied

Book Description

With all the talk of failing schools these days, we forget that schools can fail their brightest students, too. We pledge to "leave no child behind," but in American schools today, thousands of gifted and talented students fall short of their potential. In Genius Denied, Jan and Bob Davidson describe the "quiet crisis" in education: gifted students spending their days in classrooms learning little beyond how to cope with boredom as they "relearn" material they've already mastered years before. This lack of challenge leads to frustration, underachievement, and even failure. Some gifted students become severely depressed. At a time when our country needs a deep intellectual talent pool, the squandering of these bright young minds is a national tragedy. There are hundreds of thousands of highly gifted children in the U.S. and millions more whose intelligence is above average, yet few receive the education they deserve. Many school districts have no gifted programs or offer only token enrichment classes. Education of the gifted is in this sorry state, say the Davidsons, because of indifference, lack of funding, and the pernicious notion that education should have a "leveling" effect, a one-size-fits-all concept that deliberately ignores the needs of the gifted. But all children are entitled to an appropriate education, insist the authors, those left behind as well as those who want to surge ahead. The Davidsons show parents and educators how to reach and challenge gifted students. They offer practical advice based on their experience as founders of a nonprofit organization that assists gifted children. They show parents how to become their children's advocates, how to win support for gifted students within the local schools, and when and how to go outside the school system. They discuss everything from acceleration ("skipping" a grade) to homeschooling and finding mentors for children. They tell stories of real parents and students who overcame poor schooling environments to discover the joy of learning. Genius Denied is an inspiring book that provides a beacon of hope for children at risk of losing their valuable gift of intellectual potential.

A Passion Denied (The Daughters of Boston Book #3)

Book Description

Young Elizabeth O'Connor is the little sister John Brady always longed for. But she wants much more than that from her spiritual mentor. As she blossoms into a beautiful young woman intent on loving John, he must push back the very real attraction he feels for her. His past just won't let him go there. Unfortunately, Lizzie won't let him go anywhere else--until she discovers he is not all that he seems. Can true love survive such revelations? Full of the romance and relationships Lessman readers have come to love, A Passion Denied is the final book in the popular Daughters of Boston series.

Grief Denied

Book Description

Grief Denied is about healing: it is about coming to terms with the intimate pain and emotional violence that was unleashed by the Vietnam War. It is also a bittersweet love story in which a young girl meets a soldier-boy, a young bride loses her soldier-husband and how, on the 30th anniversary of their marriage, the mature woman is finally able to say good-bye to the man she will always love. Laurent tells her story with clarity and candor and a great deal of caring. There are vivid descriptions of her husband, Howard, who died in combat in Vietnam on May 10, 1968, when she was 22 years old and in the last phase of her first pregnancy. There are also sharp, tender portraits of her daughter Michelle, her parents, her friends and her lovers. The author doesn't seem to have held back anything or to have denied readers a full and complete view of her personality, including her dark side. So there are emotionally wrenching accounts of her depression, her suicidal feelings, her "insanity," as she calls it, as well as her therapy and recovery and rediscovery of prayer and faith. Grief Denied offers deeply moving passages from Howard's letters to Pauline shortly before his death. Laurent describes how Vietnam got to her, though she was thousands of miles away from the heat, the dirt and the mortars. If somehow or other you never did appreciate how Vietnam got to the heart of America, then this book ought to be at the top of your list of books to read.