Aging & Ministry in the 21st Century

Book Description

The church is in the hands of its elders. While the popular perception is that the aged are needy and infirm, Gentzler affirms that the majority of older adults have plenty to give. The church needs to tap into their wisdom, energy, experience, and talents. Gentzler stresses that older adult ministries need to be by and with elders as well as for them, since participants will represent all stages of retirement and activity levels. In addition to the practical issues of programming, Gentzler takes on more difficult topics of aging including chronic conditions, depression, and death. He also recommends that churches pay special attention to the needs of the Baby Boomer generation, since they are now becoming the older adults who will determine the church's path for years to come. "As Boomers have cycled through their various life stages, they passed through 'hippie' and 'yuppie' to become 'abbies': aging Baby Boomers," Gentzler writes. "But don't tell Boomers they're aging. ...They really do expect to stay young and see getting old as an option, rather than a reality." The Leader's Guide is here.

Wellness Counseling

Book Description

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Developed by a professor who has been teaching a popular and innovative wellness counseling course for over a decade, this new text is organized into a format specifically designed to meet the needs of both counselor education graduate students and their teachers — making both teaching and learning the material easier and more intuitive. Giving a general but comprehensive overview of the subject of wellness, Wellness Counseling offers students a compelling balance of the science and research in the field, the theories that have emerged from this research, and the practical applications that we can take away from practicing these theories. Holistic, scientific, and ultimately concerned with the humanity of counseling, this text strives to be inclusive — especially of the psychological and social aspects of wellness that have gained more attention in recent years. The book is organized in three main sections. While Section One is concerned with the background of wellness as a healthcare paradigm in the United States and major theories of wellness, and historical context for wellness, Section Two contains specific information on the social, physical, emotional, and cognitive domains of wellness. The last main section of the book synthesizes the first two sections of the book to extract practical applications of wellness in behavioral healthcare intervention counseling.

Intergenerational Christian Formation

Book Description

In a revised an updated edition, this comprehensive, up-to-date text offers a framework for intentional intergenerational Christian formation. It provides the theoretical foundation of intergenerationality, then gives concrete, practical guidance on how worship, learning, community, and service can all be achieved intergenerationally.

Parish Nursing

Book Description

Parish Nursing presents a vision where nurses can serve as the vital link between secular healthcare and sacred faith-based systems. Nurses are able to provide direct ministry to members of the congregation and also can be the communicators, teachers, motivators, and encouragers of others. The parish nurse could be a key person to link the two systems and provide truly wholistic care. Reading the stories of parish nurses gives us hope that this vision might be possible—indeed must be possible—if our aging society is to flourish in the years ahead.

Building Better Boards

Book Description

Boards and commissions, an important part of Catholic education since the late 1800s, experienced a significant revival in the decades following the Vatican Council II. Today, approximately 68 percent of the Catholic schools in the United States have some form of educational governance structure. Although the primary focus of this handbook, which contains 10 chapters, is on Catholic school boards and boards of trustees, the principles and much of the materials are easily adaptable to councils, commissions, and committees for other diocesan, parish, and religious education programs. Specifically, the chapters define a Catholic school board; discuss policy formation and enactment; review selection and appointment of the principal; study the roles and relationships of boards and schools; and cover board meetings. Additional chapters explore planning, the role of the board in finances; development and public relations/marketing; evaluaation of and by the board; and membership. The 12 appendices contain sample constitutions for a variety of educational governance structures, definitions and guidelines related to Catholic school principal selection, the functions of the board and a board member's profile, and sample diocesan policies. Practicing subsidiarity and collaboration, school boards and other diocesan, parish, and educational councils and commissions can effectively and efficaciously serve the church's educational mission. The bibliography contains 33 references. (KM)

Sacred Rhythms

Book Description

Picking up on the monastic tradition of creating a "rule of life" that allows for regular space for the practice of spiritual disciplines, Ruth Haley Barton takes you more deeply into understanding seven key spiritual disciplines along with practical ideas for weaving them into everyday life.

Maternal Child Nursing Care - E-Book

Book Description

Master the essentials of maternity and pediatric nursing with this comprehensive, all-in-one text! Maternal Child Nursing Care, 7th Edition covers the issues and concerns of women during their childbearing years and children during their developing years. It uses a family-centered, problem-solving approach to patient care, with guidelines supported by evidence-based practice. New to this edition is an emphasis on clinical judgment skills and a new chapter on children with integumentary dysfunction. Written by a team of experts led by Shannon E. Perry and Marilyn J. Hockenberry, this book provides the accurate information you need to succeed in the classroom, the clinical setting, and on the Next Generation NCLEX-RN® examination. - Focus on the family throughout the text emphasizes the influence of the entire family in health and illness. - Expert authors of the market-leading maternity and pediatric nursing textbooks combine to ensure delivery of the most accurate, up-to-date content. - Information on victims of sexual abuse as parents and human trafficking helps prepare students to handle these delicate issues. - Nursing Alerts highlight critical information that could lead to deteriorating or emergency situations. - Guidelines boxes outline nursing procedures in an easy-to-follow format. - Evidence-Based Practice boxes include findings from recent clinical studies. - Emergency Treatment boxes describe the signs and symptoms of emergency situations and provide step-by-step interventions. - Atraumatic Care boxes teach students how to manage pain and provide competent care to pediatric patients with the least amount of physical or psychological stress. - Community Focus boxes emphasize community issues, provide resources and guidance, and illustrate nursing care in a variety of settings. - Patient Teaching boxes highlight important information nurses need to communicate to patients and families. - Cultural Considerations boxes describe beliefs and practices relating to pregnancy, labor and birth, parenting, and women's health. - Family-Centered Care boxes draw attention to the needs or concerns of families that students should consider to provide family-centered care.

Denominations Comparison

Book Description

The best-selling Denominations Comparison ebook contains a side-by-side comparison of what 12 Christian denominations believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus, and other spiritual issues. This easy-to-read ebook summarizes the beliefs of the different denominations on key topics and includes a "Family Tree of Denominations" which reveals the roots of today's denominations. Denominations Comparison includes a look at: Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Anabaptist, Congregational, Baptist, Presbyterian, Churches of Christ, Adventist, and Pentecostal churches. Each denomination believes in the deity of Christ and the importance of Scripture, so how are the groups different? The Denominations Comparison shows what denominations have in common as well as where they differ. The Denominations Comparison ebook compares 12 denominations on 11 different topics, such as: •When it was founded and by whom •The number of adherents in 2000 •How Scripture is viewed •Who God is •Who Jesus is •How individuals are saved •What happens after death •The definition of the Church •How each looks at the Sacraments •Other practices and beliefs •The major divisions and trends today. The Denominations Comparison ebook is an excellent source for pastors and teachers who want to present denominational beliefs in a concise and focused manner. The full color ebook organizes the denominations comparisons in the order in which they came to be, first covering the six liturgical denominations followed by the six non-liturgical denominations. The Liturgical Churches compared are: •Catholic •Orthodox •Lutheran (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America; The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) •Anglican (Episcopal Church; Reformed Episcopal Church) •Presbyterian (The Presbyterian Church (USA) or PCUSA; The Presbyterian Church in America or PCA) •Methodist Churches (United Methodists Church; African Methodist Episcopal; Free Methodists) The Non-Liturgical Churches compared are: •Anabaptist (The Mennonite Church; Church of the Brethren; Amish) •Congregational (United Church of Christ: The National Association of Congregational Christian Churches; The Conservative Congregational Christian Conference) •Baptist (Southern Baptists, American Baptists; National Baptists) •Churches of Christ (Christian Church, Disciples of Christ) •Adventist (Seventh-Day Adventist Church, SDA, 7th Day Adventist) •Pentecostal Churches (Assemblies of God; Church of God in Christ) In addition to the side-side comparison of the 12 Christian denominations, the Denominations Comparison ebook contains a list of 42 "Helpful Words to Know" for studying denominational differences. This list defines words such as: Anabaptist, apocrypha, canon, Eucharist, incarnate, pope, predestination, and puritan. The Denominations Comparison ebook also contains several helpful references, such as: •Official web sites for major denominations •General online references •Other web sites for the major traditions. Denominations Comparison also contains a short summary on the following Christian groups, their founders, size, and denominational ties (if applicable): •Calvary Chapel •Christian and Missionary Alliance •Church of God •Church of the Nazarene •Evangelical Covenant Church •Evangelical Free Church of America •International Church of the Foursquare Gospel •Salvation Army •Vineyard Ministries International Topical index: Adventists, African Methodist Episcopal,Anglican,Assemblies of God, Baptists, Calvary Chapel, Catholic Church, Charismatic, Church of Christ, Church of England, Church of God, Congregational Churches, Episcopal Church, Evangelical Church, Foursquare Church, Free Methodists, Holiness Churches, liberal denominations, Lutheran Churches, Methodist Church, Orthodox Church, Pentecostal Church, Presbyterian Church, Quakers, Reformed Church, Roman Catholicism, Salvation Army, Trinity, United Methodist Church, Vineyard Churches, Westminster Confession.

Saints in Exile

Book Description

Saints in Exile studies, from an insider's perspective, the worship practices and social ethics of the African American family of Holiness, Pentecostal, and Apostolic churches known collectively as the Sanctified Church. Cheryl Sanders identifies the theme of exile, both as an idea and an experience, as the key to understanding the dialectical nature of African American religious and intellectual life, that W.E.B. Du Bois called "double-conscious." Sanders's saints in exile are a people who see themselves as "in the world but not of it"; their marginalized status is both self-imposed and involuntary, a consequence of racism, sexism and other forms of elitism. When joined with the biblical tropes of homecoming and reconciliation, the concept of exile serves as a vital vantage point from which to identify, critique, and remedy the continued alienation of blacks, women, and the poor in the United States. Sanders's interpretive approach clarifies many paradoxical features of black existence, especially the peculiar interplay of the sacred and the secular in African American song, speech, and dance. She particularly scrutinizes gospel music, a product of the Sanctified worship tradition that has had a significant influence on popular culture. Saints in Exile goes further than any previous study in illuminating the African American experience; it will be welcomed by scholars and students of American religion, African American studies, and American History.

Parish Nursing

Book Description

Written by a multidisciplinary panel of experts, this comprehensive text and reference presents a fundamental understanding of all aspects of parish nursing, providing in-depth information essential to understanding the ministry of a parish nursing practice. This is the only text in parish nursing that addresses the role of the parish nurse administrator, and includes suggested policies and procedures as well as recommendations for competency development for parish nurses.