The Douay Catechism Of 1649

Book Description

1. What a Christian is: and of the blessed Trinity 5 2. Faith explained 7 3. The Creed expounded in twelve Articles 9 4. Hope and Prayer explained 39 5. The Pater Noster, or our Lord's Prayer expounded 45 6. The Hail Mary, or Angelical Salutation expounded 51 7. Charity expounded 54 8. Of the Commandments in general, 57 9. The Precepts of the Church expounded, 84 10. The Counsels of Christ and his Church expounded 89 11. Of the Sacraments in general, 91 12. The Cardinal virtues expounded, 124 13. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost expounded, 126 14. The twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost expounded 127 15. The Works of Mercy, (Corporal and Spiritual) expounded, 129 16. The eight Beatitudes, 131 17. The Kinds of Sin expounded, 132 18. The seven Deadly Sins expounded, 137 19. The Sins against the Holy Ghost expounded, 144 20. The Sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance expounded, 146 21. The four last things expounded, 148 22. The substance of Essence, and Ceremonies of the Mass expounded, 150 23. The Primer, or Office of our blessed Lady expounded, 164 24. The Solemnities of Christ our Lord, and the Sundays of the Year expounded, 171 25. Some Ceremonies of the Church expounded 181

The Douay Catechism of 1649

Book Description

1. What a Christian is: and of the blessed Trinity 72. Faith explained 103. The Creed expounded in twelve Articles 134. Hope and Prayer explained 575. The Pater Noster, or our Lord's Prayer expounded 656. The Hail Mary, or Angelical Salutation expounded 737. Charity expounded 788. Of the Commandments in general, 829. The Precepts of the Church expounded, 12210. The Counsels of Christ and his Church expounded 12911. Of the Sacraments in general, 13312. The Cardinal virtues expounded, 18013. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost expounded, 18214. The twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost expounded 18415. The Works of Mercy, (Corporal and Spiritual) expounded,18616. The eight Beatitudes, 18917. The Kinds of Sin expounded, 19018. The seven Deadly Sins expounded, 19719. The Sins against the Holy Ghost expounded, 20720. The Sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance expounded, 21021. The four last things expounded, 21222. The substance of Essence, and Ceremonies of the Mass expounded, 21523. The Primer, or Office of our blessed Lady expounded, 23624. The Solemnities of Christ our Lord, and the Sundays of the Year expounded, 24625. Some Ceremonies of the Church expounded 261

Ultimate Six Catholic Catechisms Anthology

Book Description

In this Ultimate Catechism Collection are the major traditional catholic teaching catechisms: + Baltimore Catechisms 1, 2 & 3 + Catechism of the Council of Trent + The Douay Catechism of 1649 + the Didache or Teaching of the Twelve Apostles + Catechism of Pius X + Thomas Aquinas Shorter Catechism of the Summa Theologica With Special Annotation extras: * The Council of Trent and the Bible by Rev. James T. Cotter * The Didache Formula of Baptism in the Early Church by Dr. Leo F. Miller, D.D., * Historical Implications in the Writings of St Thomas Aquinas by Henry Smith O.P., Ph.D., S.T.Lr., Catholic University of America Plus * Pope Pius X - Last Words as appearing in the NY Times and * Pope Benedict’s Anniversary Plea for Peace

A Court in Exile

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Publisher Description

In a Carpenter's Overall

Book Description

The foundation of religion is a true idea of God. It is upon this idea of the Divine that all doctrines ultimately rest. Christianity affirms the existence of three Divine persons in the one God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. This is an erroneous concept that has been uncritically embraced in the Roman, Orthodox, and Protestant Churches. The idea of a triumvirate of Divine persons has had disastrous consequences for mankind. It spawned the doctrine of the atonement that interprets the Crucifixion in terms of a human sacrifice for sin, a propitiation by the Son to a wrathful Father whose sense of justice demanded punishment for sin. As a direct consequence of the widespread acceptance of this preposterous doctrine, Christianity inevitable acquired the status of a do-nothing religion, the gods having done it all for man who is justified, that is, declared righteous by mere faith in the atoning death of Jesus. The result has been the emasculation of the Christian Faith and the erosion of genuine spirituality, as no serious effort is mad towards a reformation of character through the renunciation of evil. In A Carpenters Overall affirms the existence of one God who incarnated in the person of Jesus Christ, in whom resided the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit one God in one Divine person. In the words of Paul, In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Colossians 2:9 Having established that the Jesus of the New Testament is the very I AM THAT I AM of the Old Testament, the idea of the Crucifixion as a human sacrifice for sin is examined and shown to be unscriptural, unnecessary, and utterly blasphemous. The doctrine of instant salvation justification by faith is refuted, repentance and the renunciation of evil being the only means whereby salvation can be attained. A true idea of the Divine is affirmed, one God whose very nature is centered infinite love and compassion for the human race, and who enfleshed Himself, entering into the dimensions of space and time in response to the demands of this unfathomable love. In A Carpenters Overall is based on the revelations of Emanuel Swedenborg, the eminent 18th century scientist-turned-theologian and revelator, the sleeping giant in the bosom of Christianity waiting to be discovered. And the most fascinating part of the book is the 138 quotations from his theological works, classified under 20 subject-headings in Appendix V. These quotations are utterly sublime and make an excellent introduction to the Writings, the name applied to Swedenborgs 30 volumes of theological exposition Gods glorious gift to the human race, divinely inspired as the Old Testament and the New. In the Writings is the Second Coming of the Lord.

The Island of Doves

Book Description

Vivid and enthralling, Island of the Doves tells the story of two women in early nineteenth century America--one typical of her time, one extraordinary for it--who transform each other's lives. Susannah Fraser lives in one of Buffalo's finest mansions, but her husband has made it a monstrous prison. When a mysterious woman offers to help her escape, Susannah boards a steamboat for Mackinac Island. But after being a dutiful daughter and obedient wife, it is only as she flees that she realizes how unprepared she is for freedom. An exceptional woman of early America, Magdelaine Fonteneau has overcome convention to live a bold and adventurous life, achieving great wealth and power as a fur trader. But Magdelaine has also seen great tragedy and lost all that was dear to her, and she is no longer sure her hardened heart is capable of love. Now, Magdelaine seeks redemption by offering safe harbor to Susannah. But as their friendship grows into something miraculous, it changes each woman in unexpected ways. Each needs to learn to love again, and only together can they realize a future bright with the promise of new life...