Book Description
The companion globes of our Earth are not separate bodies, they interblend with each other. Though united by growth (co-adunition), they are not of the same dense substance (consubstantiality) as our Earth. They represent different states of consciousness. Life evolves along seven planetary bodies in seven rounds, from unconsciousness to full consciousness. Each body is the focus and locus of ascending states of monadic consciousness, from inorganic to organic. Neither Mars nor Mercury belong to the Earth-chain of globes. They are, along with the other planets, septenary units in the great host of “chains.” In our sevenfold constitution the body represents the Earth in her septenary chain, but we cannot see objectively any other of our principles, let alone the principles of other planetary bodies, unless they are on the same plane of development as our Earth is now. It is neither necessary nor allowed for us to know the relation between Mars, Mercury, and the Earth, nor to know whether Mars and Mercury are in any particular state.