The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology

Book Description

Konig is persuasive and provocative. His biblical and historical approach to systematic theology stays close to the pulse beat of the divine heart which we encounter in the Christ for us, in us, and with us. Eschatology has to do not with the last things but with the person of Christ, who is the first and the last One. With this book Konig has pointed the way forward for a whole new generation of theological studies. This book combines critical dogmatic inquiry with careful exegetical work in the finest of the tradition in biblical theology. The result is a book on eschatology which is irenic in tone, relevant to contemporary issues, and surprising in its simplicity. This book with inspire pastors to preach once again with conviction on the eschatological themes essential to Christian life and faith. It might also put eschatology back once again into the theological curriculum!

Pauline Eschatology

Book Description

This work is organized as follows: I. The Structure of the Pauline Eschatology II. The Interaction Between Eschatology and Soteriology III. The Religious and Ethical Motivation of Paul’s Eschatology IV. The Coming of the Lord and Its Precursors V. The Man of Sin VI. The Resurrection VII. Alleged Development in Paul’s Teaching on the Resurrection VIII. The Resurrection-Change IX. The Extent of the Resurrection X. The Question of Chiliasm, in Paul XI. The Judgment XII. The Eternal State Appendix: The Eschatology of the Psalter

Resurrection, Apocalypse, and the Kingdom of Christ

Book Description

In recent decades few Christian themes have attracted as much attention as that of eschatology, or Christian hope. Resurrection, Apocalypse, and the Kingdom of Christ explores the meaning of this theme for Thomas F. Torrance, one of the twentieth-century's leading theologians. This study, the first of its kind, brings Torrance's eschatology to light through an exploration of the whole range of his corpus, including sermons, lectures, and correspondence. It also demonstrates that his eschatology is molded by momentous historical events such as World War II, the spread of communism, and the ecumenical movement. Out of all this, we realize that eschatology is a central component of Torrance's theology--so much so that it conditions his thinking on other Christian doctrines.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Book Description

In recent years, more and more Christians have come to appreciate the Bible's teaching that the ultimate blessed hope for the believer is not an otherworldly heaven; instead, it is full-bodied participation in a new heaven and a new earth brought into fullness through the coming of God's kingdom. Drawing on the full sweep of the biblical narrative, J. Richard Middleton unpacks key Old Testament and New Testament texts to make a case for the new earth as the appropriate Christian hope. He suggests its ethical and ecclesial implications, exploring the difference a holistic eschatology can make for living in a broken world.

The End Times, Again?

Book Description

From the Middle Eastern politics of Donald Trump to the UK's 2016 EU Referendum, large numbers of Christians are making decisions based on the alleged "end-times" aspects of modern politics. Such apocalyptic views often operate beneath "the radar" of much Christian thought and expression. In this book, historian Martyn Whittock argues that while the New Testament does indeed teach the second coming of Christ, complications occur when Christians seek to confidently identify contemporary events as fulfilments of prophecy. Such believers are usually unaware that they stand in a long line of such well-intended but failed predictions. In this book, Whittock explores the history of end-times speculations over two thousand years, revealing how these often reflect the ideologies and outlooks of contemporary society in their application of Scripture. When Christians ignore such past mistakes, they are in danger of repeating them. Jesus, Whittock argues, taught a different way.

Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics

Book Description

2016 Word Guild Award - Academic category Honorable mention, Grace Irwin Prize Renowned scholar Craig Bartholomew, coauthor of the bestselling textbook The Drama of Scripture, writes in his main area of expertise--hermeneutics--to help seminarians pursue a lifetime of biblical interpretation. Integrating the latest research in theology, philosophy, and biblical studies, this substantive hermeneutics textbook is robustly theological in its approach, takes philosophical hermeneutics seriously, keeps the focus throughout on the actual process of interpreting Scripture, and argues that biblical interpretation should be centered in the context and service of the church--an approach that helps us hear God's address today.

Four Blood Moons

Book Description

". . .There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars. . .Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:25a, 28 It is rare that Scripture, science, and history align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the "signs" that God refers to in His Word? If they are, what do they mean?What is their prophetic significance?

Faithful in the Meantime

Book Description

Barry Callen is a ""church theologian"" in the finest sense. In this book he once again brings the commitments nurtured by Pietist, Anabaptist, and Wesleyan theological streams into conversation with the issues and debates in contemporary church life and with the most formative voices in contemporary theology. The result is a convincing reminder that Christian teachings about ""ultimate things"" (eschatology) are much more concerned with providing hope and direction for living faithfully in our present settings than they are with providing timetables for the future. His exposition of the role of the church and sacrament in nurturing such hope is particularly helpful. Randy L. Maddox, Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies, Duke University Divinity School In a day when fanciful end-times speculations abound, the church does well to give heed to voices that call us back to the fundamentals of biblical eschatology. Barry Callen is such a voice. As he so forcefully declares, rather than focusing on dates and times, God calls us to be ""faithful in the meantime."" Stanley J. Grenz, Professor Emeritus of Theology, Ethics, Baptist Heritage, Carey Theological College and Regent College The doctrine of last things is important because faith would be empty if it could not hope for the coming of the kingdom of God. What we have in eschatology are not so much secrets about the future as images of God's final purposes which are meant to impact our every action and judgment. Here we have, thanks to Barry Callen, a responsible, informed, interesting, and up-to-date account of our blessed hope. Clark H. Pinnock, Professor Emeritus of Theology, McMaster Divinity College Barry L. Callen is University Professor and Vice President of Academic Affairs Emeritus, Anderson University, Editor of Aldersgate Press, author of Radical Christianity (1999), Approaching Theology (2015), Heart of the Matter (2016), and Bible Stories for Strong Stomachs (2017).

Reformed Systematic Theology, Volume 4

Book Description

Accessible Study of Ecclesiology and Eschatology from a Reformed Perspective Reformed Systematic Theology explores key Scripture topics from biblical, doctrinal, experiential, and practical perspectives, helping readers grow in their understanding and application of the truth presented in God's Word. Written by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley, each volume presents a comprehensive yet accessible study of the Reformed Christian faith that ministers to the whole person―head, heart, and hands. The final volume, Church and Last Things, unpacks important topics around ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church) and eschatology (the doctrine of last things), including the biblical significance of church membership, Jesus's model for the church, and 7 practical lessons from Revelation. A set of all 4 Reformed Systematic Theology volumes is also available. Biblical and Theological: Explains key passages of the Holy Scriptures and draws extensively from historic Reformed and Puritan sources Easy to Understand: Explores central points of ecclesiology and eschatology from a simple, accessible, comprehensive, and experiential approach Part of the Reformed Systematic Theology Series: Volumes cover the entire scope of systematic theology based on 8 central themes: revelation, God, man, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last things Also Available as Part of the 4-Volume Reformed Systematic Theology Set

Representation and Substitution in the Atonement Theologies of Dorothee Sölle, John Macquarrie, and Karl Barth

Book Description

How does what happened 2000 years ago in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ radically alter the human nature and life situation of men and women in every generation up to the present day? Pursuit of this question provided the initial impetus for this book, a study of two vital themes pertaining to the doctrine of atonement - representation and substitution. The author explores their meaning and role within the theologies of three significantly diverse contemporary theologians - Dorothee Sölle, John Macquarrie, and Karl Barth - concluding with a comparative analysis of all three perspectives in relation to each other.