The Egyptian

Book Description

First published in the 1940s and widely condemned as obscene, The Egyptian outsold every other American novel published that same year, and remains a classic; readers worldwide have testified to its life-changing power. It is a full-bodied re-creation of a largely forgotten era in the world’s history: an Egypt when pharaohs contended with the near-collapse of history’s greatest empire. This epic tale encompasses the whole of the then-known world, from Babylon to Crete, from Thebes to Jerusalem, while centering around one unforgettable figure: Sinuhe, a man of mysterious origins who rises from the depths of degradation to get close to the Pharoah...

The Egyptian Book of Living & Dying

Book Description

A unique, affordable guide to the diverse belief system of the ancient Egyptians. Historian Joann Fletcher traces the stages of life from conception to the existence beyond the tomb. She gives particular emphasis to the hazardous voyage of the soul and focuses on key themes such as creation, magic, ritual and eternity. Fully-illustated and printed on high-quality paper, the book provides an excellent introductoin to ancient Egyptian mythology and ritual encompassing the gods, creation, life, death and the afterlife. --Reveals the mysteries of the ancient Egyptians’ fascinating and amazingly diverse belief system, with its emphasis on funerary cults. --Displays a wealth of quotations from ancient Egyptian sources, including intriguing spells from the Book of the Dead and mystical ritual incantations. --Unfolds the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian myth, from the powers of the gods and pharaohs to the journey in search of the eternal paradise. --Contains more than 90 evocative photographs of ancient Egyptian sites and artefacts plus more than 40 specially-commissioned colour artworks.

The Egyptian Book of the Dead

Book Description

Reissue of the legendary 3,500-year-old Papyrus of Ani, the most beautiful of the ornately illustrated Egyptian funerary scrolls ever discovered, restored in its original sequences of text and artwork.

How To Read The Egyptian Book Of The Dead

Book Description

The Egyptians created a world of supernatural forces so vivid, powerful and inescapable that controlling one's destiny within it was a constant preoccupation. In life, supernatural forces manifested themselves through misfortune and illness,and after death were faced for eternity in the Otherworld, along with the divine gods who controlled the universe. The Book of the Dead empowered the reader to overcome the dangers lurking in the Otherworld and to become one with the gods who governed. Barry Kemp selects a number of spells to explore who and what the Egyptians feared and the kind of assistance that the Book offered them, revealing a relationship between the human individual and the divine quite unlike that found in the major faiths of the modern world.

Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead

Book Description

A collection of ancient Egyptian magic spells and road maps to assist individuals through the underworld and into the afterlife.

An Egyptian Book of Shadows

Book Description

This unique book presents eight seasonal rites for performance at the solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarter days, for devotees of the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

The Egyptian Book of Life

Book Description

The Egyptian "Book of Life, " which is mistakenly translated as the "Book of the Dead, " is the only living record of the twofold mystery--of life and death. Dr. Seleem maintains that this tradition is not dead and irrelevant but vital and alive to this day. He translates ancient Egyptian texts here, lavishly illustrated including facsimile plates from the original papyrus books, and colorful hieroglyphics.

The Book of the Dead

Book Description

The Ancient Egyptian Books of the Earth

Book Description

Collections of scenes and texts designated variously as the "Book of the Earth," "Creation of the Solar Disc," and "Book of Aker" were inscribed on the walls of royal sarcophagus chambers throughout Egypt's Ramessid period (Dynasties 19-20). This material illustrated discrete episodes from the nocturnal voyage of the sun god, which functioned as a model for the resurrection of the deceased king. These earliest "Books of the Earth" employed mostly ad hoc arrangements of scenes, united by shared elements of iconography, an overarching, bipartite symmetry of composition, and their frequent pairing with representations of the double sky overhead. From the Twenty-First Dynasty and later, selections of programmatic tableaux were adapted for use in private mortuary contexts, often in conjunction with innovative or previously unattested annotations. The present study collects and analyzes all currently known Book of the Earth material, including discussions of iconography, grammar, orthography, and architectural setting.

The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth

Book Description

The composition, which the editors entitle the "Book of Thoth", is preserved on over forty Graeco-Roman Period papyri from collections in Berlin, Copenhagen, Florence, New Haven, Paris, and Vienna. The central witness is a papyrus of fifteen columns in the Berlin Museum. Written almost entirely in the Demotic script, the Book of Thoth is probably the product of scribes of the "House of Life", the temple scriptorium. It comprises largely a dialogue between a deity, usually called "He-who-praises-knowledge" (presumably Thoth himself) and a mortal, "He-who-loves-knowledge". The work covers such topics as the scribal craft, sacred geography, the underworld, wisdom, prophecy, animal knowledge, and temple ritual. Particularly remarkable is one section (the "Vulture Text") in which each of the 42 nomes of Egypt is identified with a vulture. The language is poetic; the lines are often clearly organized into verses. The subject-matter, dialogue structure, and striking phraseology raise many issues of scholarly interest; especially intriguing are the possible connections between this Egyptian work, in which Thoth is called "thrice-great", and the classical Hermetic Corpus, in which Hermes Trismegistos plays the key role. The first volume comprises interpretative essays, discussion of specific points such as the manuscript tradition, script, and language. The core of the publication is the transliteration of the Demotic text, translation, and commentary. A consecutive translation, glossary, bibliography, and indices conclude the first volume. The second volume contains photographs of the papyri, almost all of which reproduce their original size.