El tesoro del rey

Book Description

A dying prince gives Sparrow and his friend a special treasure map which leads them to the king's treasure.

Dragon of Doom

Book Description

The reader's decisions will determine whether Morgan, a young magician, can defeat the evil sorcerer, Zed, and the black dragon he has conjured up.


Book Description

The publication of this book marks the first time that Hanshi Dometrichi's story is being widely told. Students of all karate styles can now get a glimpse of what it was like to train directly under one of the "old masters" of karate-do. Chitose O-Sensei was one of the most important architects of modern karate-do during a key time in its development, and without knowing why, William J. Dometrich was accepted as his first non-Japanese student.

Raid on Nightmare Castle

Book Description

The reader decides the outcome of a raid on Nightmare Castle to rescue a captive ruler.

Return to Brookmere

Book Description

The reader, as Brion the elf, must drive out a horde of monsters from his father's castle and locate a treasure hidden in the dungeon.

The Endless Quest

Book Description

A work which traces the development of US Government programmes designed to help migrant farm workers, showing how the programmes operate today and explaining why they are failing to remedy the problems they were designed to solve.

The Endless Quest

Book Description

The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Book Description

In this book a former United Nations Envoy offers an insider perspective on conflict management and peace efforts during the three most recent failed peace initiatives and three wars in Gaza. Robert Serry shares his reflections on walking the tight rope of diplomacy between Israel and Palestine and his analysis of what has gone wrong and why a “one-state reality” may be around the corner. Offering fresh thinking on how to preserve prospects for a two-state solution, this book examines the UN’s uneasy history in the Arab-Israeli conflict since partition was proposed in resolution 181 (1948) and provides a rare insight into the life of a United Nations Envoy in today’s Middle East.

The Endless Quest

Book Description

The Endless Quest

Book Description