The Environment and Health Atlas for England and Wales

Book Description

The Environment and Health Atlas for England and Wales is an authoritative collection of over 80 full colour maps showing geographic patterns of common environmental exposures and diseases of public health importance, along with interpretive text, which gives an analysis of mortality, cancer incidences and other health data in England and Wales. Each chapter provides an overview of the evidence on potential health impacts of environmental agents, particularly how they might relate to the geographical variations in disease risk. The health maps show recent time trends within England and Wales and, where available, comparative maps of Europe and the world, and provides summary statistics for the data presented. This information is also discussed in the context of other risk factors. The Environment and Health Atlas for England and Wales informs policy-makers and the public on the geographic patterns of disease and potential exposure to various pollutants, and assists in developing hypotheses and research into the reasons for variability in disease risk that may relate to environmental exposures. It is essential reading for public health professionals and academics from within the field of public health, epidemiology, health geography and statistics.

dHealth 2019 – From eHealth to dHealth

Book Description

We have all become familiar with the term ‘eHealth’, used to refer to health informatics and the digital aspects of healthcare; but what is dHealth? This book presents the proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Health Informatics Meets Digital Health (dHealth 2019), held in Vienna, Austria, on 28 – 29 May 2019. In keeping with its interdisciplinary mission, the conference series provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, decision makers and vendors to discuss innovative health informatics and eHealth solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare using digital technologies. The subtitle and special focus of dHealth 2019 is ‘from eHealth to dHealth’, which stresses that healthcare will in future become ever more data-driven. While eHealth in general concerns healthcare IT solutions and professional healthcare providers, dHealth addresses broader fields of application in many areas of life, including sensors and sensor informatics, networks, genomics and bioinformatics, data-centered solutions, machine learning, and many more. The 32 papers included here provide an insight into the state-of-the-art of different aspects of dHealth, including the design and evaluation of user interfaces, patient-centered solutions, electronic health/medical/patient records, machine learning in healthcare and biomedical data analytics, and the book offers the reader an interdisciplinary approach to digital health. It will be of interest to researchers, developers, and healthcare professionals alike.

Common Innovation

Book Description

Common innovation is the contribution of ordinary people to innovation and the wealth of nations. Innovation and wealth creation are not merely the monopoly of business. While Schumpeter described business innovation as a, Šperennial gale of creative d

Choosing a Map Projection

Book Description

This book offers a much-needed critical approach to the intelligent use of the wide variety of map projections that are rapidly and inexpensively available today. It also discusses the distortions that are immanent in any map projection. A well-chosen map projection is one in which extreme distortions are smaller than those in any other projection used to map the same area and in which the map properties match its purpose. Written by leading experts in the field, including W. Tobler, F.C. Kessler, S.E. Battersby, M.P. Finn, K.C. Clarke, V.S. Tikunov, H. Hargitai, B. Jenny and N. Frančula. This book is designed for use by laymen. The book editors are M. Lapaine and E.L. Usery, Chair and Vice-Chair, respectively, of the ICA Commission on Map Projections for the period 2011-2015.

International Encyclopedia of Geography, 15 Volume Set

Book Description

Zweifelsohne das Referenzwerk zu diesem weitgefächerten und dynamischen Fachgebiet. The International Encyclopedia of Geograph ist das Ergebnis einer einmaligen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wiley und der American Association of Geographers (AAG), beleuchtet und definiert Konzepte, Forschung und Techniken in der Geographie und zugehörigen Fachgebieten. Die Enzyklopädie ist als Online-Ausgabe und 15-bändige farbige Printversion erhältlich. Unter der Mitarbeit einer Gruppe von Experten aus aller Welt ist ein umfassender und fundierter Überblick über die Geographie in allen Erdteilen entstanden. - Enthält mehr als 1.000 Einträge zwischen 1.000 und 10.000 Wörtern, die verständlich in grundlegende Konzepte einführen, komplexe Themen erläutern und Informationen zu geographischen Gesellschaften aus aller Welt enthalten. - Entstanden unter der Mitarbeit von mehr als 900 Wissenschaftlern aus über 40 Ländern und bietet damit einen umfassenden und fundierten Überblick über die Geographie in allen Erdteilen. - Deckt das Fachgebiet umfassend ab und berücksichtigt auch die Richtungen Humangeographie, Physikalische Geographie, geographische Informationswissenschaften und -systeme, Erdwissenschaften und Umweltwissenschaften. - Führt interdisziplinäre Sichtweisen zu geographischen Themen und Verfahren zusammen, die auch für die Sozialwissenschaften, Geisteswissenschaften, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin von Interesse sind. - Printausgabe durchgängig in Farbe mit über 1.000 Illustrationen und Fotos. - Online-Ausgabe wird jährlich aktualisiert.

Atlas of British History

Book Description

Presents a visual history, including political, economic, social, military, and territorial aspects of Britain