The Inextinguishable Blaze

Book Description

The extremes of eighteenth-century debauchery and vice depicted by the artist Hogarth were not confined to the poor; the English Prime Minister, Walpole, led the way by his openly immoral life, and his principle of let sleeping dogs lie allowed every kind of public and private corruption to flourish unchecked.Yet side by side with these poisonous weeds there grew the good seed that was to produce the Evangelical Revival--Daniel Rowland and Howell Harris in Wales, Jonathan Edwards in New England, the golden-tongued Whitefield in England and Scotland, and the two Wesleys, who took the world for their parish. While these and others helped to save Britain from the horrors of such a Reign of Terror as engulfed her nearest neighbor, they lit a blaze that the darkness could not put out. With an enthusiasm informed and controlled by diligent scholarship and up-to-date research, Skevington Wood here tells the gripping story of those momentous days, and shows how the candle of men like Master Ridley and Latimer, that had become the refining fires of Puritan times, had now turned into an inextinguishable blaze that would, in the century to follow, carry the Light of the World to the ends of the earth.

I Fired God

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A compelling memoir and investigation into the Independent Fundamental Baptist church and its shocking history of religious abuse. With written documentation and sources, Zichterman exposes the IFB with new revelations.

Church, Continuity & Unity

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An Endless Line of Splendor

Book Description

Earle E. Cairns, renowned historian and writer on religion, explores revivals in the church from the Great Awakening to the present. In an enlightening narrative that begins with the Bible-centered Pietists of nineteenth-century Germany, Dr. Cairns unfolds the story of the workings of God's Spirit in renewing the church. Cairns takes the reader on a historical pilgrimage that features candid accounts of such figures as Billy Graham, Billy Sunday, Charles H. Spurgeon, Dwight L. Moody, Charles Finney, Lyman Beecher, Francis Asbury, John and Charles Wesley, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Philipp Jakob Spener, and many others who have served as God's instruments in revitalizing the church. The pilgrimage includes glimpses of John Wesley's field preaching, American camp meetings, college revivals in the early 1800s, Hans Hauge's revivalistic work in Norway, Francis Asbury's long treks on horseback, Dwight L. Moody's London meetings, the Jesus people of the 1960s, Billy Graham's early crusades, and many more stories of revival. Cairns also looks at the fruits of revivalism-missions, social reform, the holiness movement and more. He examines the work of missionary and explorer David Livingstone, Salvation Army founder William Booth, temperance leader Frances Willard, the abolitionists of the Clapham Sect, and many others. The Christ-centered theology that guided the revivals is discussed, and so are the hymns that gave poetic expression to that theology. And the author looks at the various methods used by the Spirit-led individuals who brought renewal. Written with impeccable scholarship and engrossing style, An Endless Line of Splendor is an insightful study of the leaders of revival and the fruits of revival.

The Expectation of the Poor

Book Description

"This is by far the most serious study undertaken by a Protestant missiologist on the Latin American base ecclesial communities. It is also one of the few studies that relates this extraordinary ecclesial phenomenon with its counterpart in Protestant history. The fact that Cook writes not only as a Protestant but as one identified with the evangelical tradition makes it all the more relevant. It should be required reading for everyone interested in the life and mission of the grassroots church in the Americas and in the renewal of local congregations everywhere."Orlando E. Costas, Andover Newton Theological School"The book is painstakingly researched, extraordinarily well written, and - in my judgment - sets a new benchmark for understanding one of the truly phenomenal things God is doing among grassroots Christians in Latin America."Alan Neely, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary"Guillermo Cook has performed an invaluable service. With his encyclopedic grasp of the history, ethos, and current activities of the comunidades de base - grassroots lay communities in the Latin American Catholic Church - he has provided a vivid reminder of the sort of parallel stirrings that brought renewal to many Protestant churches and spawned new spiritual movements during the last four hundred years. These Catholic ecclesial communities are being used of God to transform static, clergy-dominated, sacramentalist structures into living, spontaneous movements of loving service and evangelistic concern. All should join Dr. Cook in praying that they shall continue to be the 'Hope of the Church' and the 'Expectation of the Poor' throughout Latin America today, and tomorrow!"Arthur F. Glasser, Fuller Theological Seminary"The Expectation of the Poor is the most inclusive study on the subject that I know. Cook brings to this task his long years of experience and study as a missiologist who has spent decades working in Latin America. His bibliography is probably the most complete on the subject that has been published."Mortimer Arias, author of The Cry of My People