The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder : Book III in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series

Book Description

The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder Book III in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series The Final Ascension of Jacob's Ladder is the last book of this series. It encompasses the last and final section of dream interpretations given. It brings out how vital and essential it is to pay attention to the symbols of our dreamscapes. Dreams and visions are several ways we receive answers to our questions that we place before the Savior in faith, knowing that as we ask and seek, he will show us the answer to the questions we have regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ and life's problems and solutions. Through these final dreams and visions, we can see that we are upwardly taught. By being initiated with simple symbols of dreams into a complex system that aids us in understanding the Lord's mind. You will find as you read these last and final parables containing the many metaphors and anecdotes that will cause your mind to ponder on the final climactic visionary ending. These parables are meant for us to understand the complexities buried deep within the tropes presented before us. Never doubt the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord, for He will allow you to grow in degrees. You should be aware that we, mortals, can only learn line upon line, precept upon precept, which means that when we read one sentence, the meaning immediately becomes clear to us. We are then given another sentence, and the cycle goes on. As we follow this process, that single paragraph becomes clearer to us. This process then allows us to understand paragraph after paragraph; we can then move upward and onward until we understand the entire book. During these times, we learn the same way as our Savior, which is grace upon grace. However, remember that for us mortals, learning a single grace can take an entire lifetime to discover. Never be discouraged by someone who learns faster. This does not mean that they have been given more talents than you, it means that each of our abilities are different; and each of those capabilities are intended to be discovered on our own. Enjoy each of the parables for the there is great truth within them. And remember that the last one is unforgettable in nature and wisdom. Everyone on earth has a full and attended purpose, pay heed to the spirit of prayer and fasting and you will discover yours.

Ascending Jacob's Ladder

Book Description

Ascending Jacob's Ladder Book II in Ascending Jacob's Ladder Series This is to me one of the enjoyable books out of the three that I have been able to pen, I feel like I have so much life left in me during much of this book. I find also it tells me little things pertaining to the great advent that will take place within Utah Valley. In one of the first dreams, I also become aware of how the advisory gets into the heart of men and takes them down to the depths of the lake, to consume at his will. As I go through this work, I find that there are events that are going to take place that I later, by pure happenchance find the answer to while reading my scripture events that I have read several times but for some reason I was unable to see those events with the clarity that I know see them taking place. You will also see that there is a dream that is called, "The Parable of being schooled" I nearly named this entire series after that vary chapter because it taught to me that throughout all of the parables that are being written. It is "The Parable of being Schooled" that most explained to me what was going on throughout this dreaming and interpreting process. Then once again I decided to place into this work one of the same parables that I used in the first book of this series because I was directly told to pause for a time, that is what I did. I didn't begin again until I was once again told to move forward why this was, I have no Idea, but like I have stated, "I am only the pen in this project, nothing more." Regardless I am happy to do so. There are so many events that take place in these parables that astound me such as that of, "The Parable of The Baptism of Fire." This took place just before we had Covid-19 hit us, I found that this event was why I ended up moving into Spokane for only a year. Halfway through that year was when Covid-19 hit us and all the pleasurable moments of having family over had to stop. I have also found that the Lord was stretching me through these dreams and vision, they from before the first book started out with just ten or so symbols. As time progressed, they had evolved into fifty and then into a hundred and fifty symbols that showed up during each dream. I should probably save this tid-bit for the third book, but I was given one dream out of that book that carried over three-hundred-eighty symbols, that dream took me well over two weeks to interpret. As a little secret to let you know that in order for me to understand dreams in the manner, they are to be understood that I have to go through a seven-step process through which each dream is interpreted at which point I have to decide between three different forums of how to present each dream, this is done by the spirit. I would often have a dream and assume I understood it but until I put it through this process, I truly had no idea of how the Lord made sense of the way I received the dream, then to finally see how each dream evolved. There is no way I could have put together these dreams and vision and had them present the understanding that exists without him being in control of this process. I know if you are paying attention to the Spirit that you will find alternate meanings to each one of these parables when you review them. I pray that you may gain more knowledge, inspiration and wisdom as you read and travel through all of these discoveries as I have.

Finding Jacob's Ladder : Book I in the Jacob's Ladder Series

Book Description

Finding Jacob's Ladder Book I in Ascending Jacob's Ladder In many ways, this book is a duplicate of the book that I have written called Ask, Knock, Seek and Find. Besides the events that I have shown that were dreamt that transpired, which had taken place since its original manuscript was written. I have also integrated the dream definitions directly into this book, which is named. Finding Jacob's Ladder. Out of the three Books in this series of which are being published simultaneously, this book sets the stage for the following parables. Dreams have been given to man to instruct them or even forewarn them of events to come. I have also found that they are fantastic parables allowing one willing to pay heed and understanding the Spirit of Christ and that of the Holy Ghost. Giving meaning to the supernal comprehension that the spirit dictates as the parable means to them in their lives. Dreams and visions can show each person their possible future. The varied meanings of each of the interpreted dreams. If they haven't already taken place or when they do take place in the future. Dreams and visions are revelation given to man by our Heavenly Father! "Ensuring they are correctly translated." We know the time of the Lord is at hand, and those that assume that they will have many more years to repent are only not seeing the signs in the heavens but are not reading their scriptures. Sadly, they will be mistaken when these devastations occur, which are only a description of a couple of these devastating destructions that will take place on earth as it rolls to and fro. It will be from these devastations that occur to the saints and all those who live within that region that will initiate the remainder of the world events prophesied to occur. Pay great heed to the words of Isaiah, for Nephi himself told us that Isaiah's writings were meant for our day. That through dreams, God will still give warnings and guidance. As long as we seek out the Holy Ghost for the correct Interpretation of those dreams and/or visions, we are humbly requesting of our Heavenly Father for our families and ourselves, knowing that these revelations were meant for you and your own family personally. Understanding that your dreams or visions will never go against the counsel of our prophet or apostles. There is no need for me to say much more, for within these three Books, this being the first. You will have a far greater understanding of myself as the writer or merely the pen. Then what a few more lines about myself could illustrate. Above all, the Love I have for our Heavenly Father, the Lord our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost is paramount.

Jacob's Ladder

Book Description

This heartwarming and inspirational tale is the third in the bestselling "Jacob the Baker" series. Jacob, the world's most popular and beloved baker, takes in a young orphan named Jonah as a favor to an old friend. Through this sometimes difficult and always enlightening process of surrogate parenthood, Jacob learns a valuable lesson in love.

Remembered Words

Book Description

Remembered Words is a selection of Alastair Fowler's essays on genre, realism, and the emblem (three interrelated subjects), published over six decades. It offers readers a way to arrive at a sense of how approaches to these subjects have changed over that period. Specifically, it shows how genre has come to be understood in terms of family resemblance theory. Remembered Words argues that realism can be seen as altering historically, so that Renaissance realism, for example, differs from those of later periods. Similar changes are traced in the emblem, which Fowler shows to be not only a particular genre, but an element of various kinds of realism. Famous passages in ancient literature are remembered in the familiar emblems of the Renaissance; and Renaissance emblems form the basis of metaphors in later literature. Meanwhile, the general approach of the critic and the reader has been altering over the years--as becomes evident when one takes into account the time-scale of sixty years (an unusually long working life for a critic). Modern theoretical approaches--which are often casually regarded as self-evident--may appear less inevitable and more arbitrary. This is not to say that they are necessarily wrong, just that they need to be argued for. Remembered Words is intended for senior undergraduates and for graduate students, who may use it to form ideas of Fowler's approach and that of his contemporaries and predecessors over the last half century.

Understanding the Spirit World

Book Description

R.W. White is the founding Apostle of World Evangelism Outreach Church in DeFuniak Springs, Florida and holds an earned Doctorate of Divinity from River of Truth Bible College in Searcy Arkansas. Founded in 1984 in a small storefront building, World Evangelism Outreach Church reaches around the earth evangelizing, planting churches, encouraging Pastors and church leaders. From their television stations via satellite and the world-wide web they are covering the Globe with God's Word. RW and Elaine White travel as ambassadors to the nations encouraging and helping the saints. They have two daughters Tessie and Jenny Jo; two granddaughters Racheal and Josie, and one son-in-law Pastor Ben Barton. Who lives inside the believer? Is it Jesus, the Father, the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit? Is He a person and if so how does a person live in each Christian all around the world at the same time. What happens when saints pray? How does God hear our prayers? How does He answer our prayers? What state of being are the departed saints in when they die? What will be the role of the church after this life is over? These and many other questions are discussed in this book and answered for your understanding from Zachariah chapter four.

Jacob's Ladder

Book Description

This children's version of a Bible classic recounts Jacob's struggle with his twin brother Esau, as he claims that they are too different to live together, causing Jacob to find a more peaceful home.

Milton and This Pendant World

Book Description

Milton and This Pendant World is an interpretation of the great English poet “in an age increasingly skeptical, in a culture dominated by the assumptions of the natural and historical sciences and by the illusions of progress and enlightenment.” Those are the words of the author of this book, George Wesley Whiting, an eminent and devoted Miltonian. Believing that Milton has a vital message for the modern world, Whiting has abandoned the usual pattern for examining a poet—study of versification, meter, and other poetic devices. Instead, he presents an exposition of the spiritual and moral meaning of Milton’s poetry, which can still have truth and beauty for this doubting age. The literary image of the pendant world was familiar in Milton’s seventeenth century, but is meaningless to most people of our day. The comforting picture of the world hanging from heaven on a golden chain signifies God’s close watchfulness over humanity and the inseparable bond which links us to the spiritual kingdom. The author declares that the search for God and the struggle to overcome the spiritual and material forces that impede the search represent the most vital of all human efforts; for unless this search is our primary motivation, life is without meaning, without final purpose. Whiting also observes that true Christianity stands not for the impoverishment of humanity and our enslavement to the Deity, but rather for human moral health, harmonious development, and spiritual welfare. In order to save civilization from destruction at the hands of its friends—secularists, specialists, militarists, and politicians—we must have a renaissance of the spirit, a cultural synthesis in which a revitalized religion, enriched by philosophy and science, renews the ideals of Christianity.