The Final Solution to the Jewish Question and the Human Problem

Book Description

WILL THERE EVER BE A SOLUTION TO THE MIDDLE EAST CRISIS AND ALL THE PROBLEMS OF HUMANITY? Using the Holy Bible as his foundational source and drawing from historical and theological sources, Dr. Jailal answers the most relevant questions confronting mankind today, and reveals the guaranteed way for human beings to live forever in the perfect world. Why is humanity experiencing so much suffering? Why does Israel, a small nation with 8 million, dominate world news? Why is Jerusalem fought over by Jews, Christians and Muslims? Why is Islam seeking to conquer the whole world? Why is the UN powerless to implement a solution? Why are Jews and Christians the victims of continuous persecution? Are all religions right in their understanding of God? And who really is God? When and why will Messiah return? This book unmasks the hidden, sinister power behind the sin and suffering extant on this earth today, the spiritual forces influencing human governments, and the reasons for the world's hatred of Jews and Christians worldwide. This book investigates the spectrum of human existence from its initiation to its consummation, when YHVH, the One True God, will miraculously intervene to dethrone Satan, the chief enemy of mankind, and establish His Eternal Kingdom. Your eternal destination is at stake! Dr. Lincoln A. Jailal is the founder and pastor of Ambassadors For Christ Ministries, an organization committed to equipping and educating pastors, leaders and people globally with the transforming, unchanging truth. As a pastor and educator since 1982, and a clinical counselor since 1999, he has conducted numerous conferences and seminars in the USA, Caribbean, and many nations in Asia and Africa. His greatest passion is to help humans become rightly reconciled with God, and enter The Kingdom of God. "

On The Jewish Question

Book Description

“On The Jewish Question” (OTJQ) was written by Karl Marx and exposes his anti-Semitism. The complete work is here in its entirety for your analysis. It was an inspiration to Adolf Hitler. OTJQ and other work (e.g. the term “Aryan” used by Marx repeatedly in his “Ethnological Notebooks”) were the same ideas that motivated Hitler to gain power in Germany. Top mind-blowing discoveries of the 21st Century were revealed by Marx and his OTJQ (thanks to the academic critique of Professor Rex Curry). Many revelations came to light years after Marx’s death. Some are enumerated in the following paragraphs. For example, the following facts (with credit to Dr. Curry) will be news to most readers: 1. Marx’s anti-Semitism (and his Christian background) inspired Hitler’s anti-Semitism and Hitler’s use of Christian cross symbolism including the SWASTIKA (the Hakenkreuz or “hooked cross”); Iron Cross; Balkenkreuz; Krückenkreuz; and the common Christian cross. The symbols signified commonality with Marx’s opposition to Judaism, and they promoted Christianity as the “alternative” thereto. The Swastika was also used to represent “S” letter shapes for “SOCIALISM” (Marx’s underlying dogma). 2. NEW SWASTIKA DISCOVERY: Hitler’s symbol is the reason why Hitler renamed his political party from DAP to NSDAP - "National Socialist German Workers Party" - because he needed the word "Socialist" in his party's name so that Hitler could use swastikas as "S"-letter shaped logos for "SOCIALIST" as the party's emblem. The party's name had to fit in Hitler's socialist branding campaign that used the swastika and many other similar alphabetical symbols, including the “NSV" and "SA” and “SS” and “VW” etc. 3. NEW LENIN’S SWASTIKA REVELATION: Vladimir Lenin’s swastika is exposed herein. The impact of Lenin’s swastikas was reinforced at that time with additional swastikas on ruble money (paper currency) under Soviet socialism. The swastika became a symbol of socialism under Lenin. It’s influence upon Adolf Hitler is explained in this book. Lenin’s Christian background was similar to Marx’s. Marx’s anti-Semitism (and his religious upbringing) inspired Lenin’s anti-Semitism and the use of the SWASTIKA as Christian cross symbolism after 1917. The swastika symbol signified commonality with Marx’s opposition to Judaism. Judaism was banned by Soviet socialists. Under Lenin, the Russian Orthodox Church remained powerful (then Stalin became tyrant in 1922). The Swastika was also used to represent “S” letter shapes for “SOCIALISM” (Marx’s underlying dogma). 4. Marx, Hitler and their supporters self-identified as “socialists” by the very word in voluminous speeches and writings. The term "Socialist" appears throughout Mein Kampf as a self-description by Hitler. (Marx also used the term “Communist”). 5. Hitler was heavily influenced by Marx. Many socialists in the USA were also shaped by Marx. Two famous American socialists (the cousins Edward Bellamy and Francis Bellamy) were heavily influenced by Marx. The American socialists returned the favor: Francis Bellamy created the “Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag” that produced Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior. The Bellamy cousins were American national socialists. 6. Hitler never called himself a "Nazi." There was no “Nazi Germany.” There was no “Nazi Party.” 7. Hitler never called himself a “Fascist.” Modern socialists use “Nazi” and “Fascist” to hide how Hitler and his comrades self-identified: SOCIALIST. 9. The term “Nazi” isn’t in "Mein Kampf" nor in "Triumph of the Will." 10. The term “Fascist” never appears in Mein Kampf as a self-description by Hitler. 11. The term “swastika” never appears in the original Mein Kampf. 12. There is no evidence that Hitler ever used the word “swastika.” 13. The symbol that Hitler did use was intended to represent “S”-letter shapes for “socialist.” 14. Hitler altered his own signature to show his “S-shapes for socialism” logo branding.

The Jewish Problem and Its Final Solution

Book Description

"The Jewish Problem and its Final Solution: Modernity and Destiny" traces two-thousand years of the West's Jewish Problem from its emergence at the birth of Christianity to its modern secular adaptation as the "Jewish Question." The book describes the backlash of western society to the legal promise of Jewish emancipation in the nineteenth century. That promise had a backlash in the form of antisemitic political parties and, in the 20th century, German National Socialism with a political platform and agenda for achieving a final solution to the West's two-thousand years Jewish Problem. It is consoling to believe that the Holocaust is, as often described by scholars and clergy, was an event unique in History. This book rejects that assertion as dangerous, as feeding Denial regarding the true nature of the danger Jews face in the Diaspora. It describes instead a systematic history of a pathology first described in 1882 by the early Zionist Leon Pinsker. The Jewish Problem is a pathology in which a tiny Jewish minority is feared as alien and demonic, a gospel-described threat to Christendom. To German science Jews were considered a pathogen justifying extermination, a deadly virus endangering human existence itself. Christian doctrine generally saw the solution to its Jewish Problem as the disappearance of Jews through conversion. To secular society, conversion has no value. With modern science and technology, society has available a far more effective solution to the West's Jewish Problem. Israeli Holocaust historian Alex Bein warned that "almost all periods of great violence... have caught the Jews by surprise... persecutions began with particular severity and intensity especially when the Jews position was so secure... there was no thought of attacks and major violence-at least not in their country, their house." Vice President Biden issued a similar warning to his Jewish audience in 2014: [You know] "in your bones [that] there is really only one absolute guarantee, and that's the state of Israel."

What Ifs of Jewish History

Book Description

Counterfactual history of the Jewish past inviting readers to explore how the course of Jewish history might have been different.

The Making of the Holocaust

Book Description

What made the Holocaust possible? What does it mean from a moral viewpoint? These two questions constitute the main focus of this book. Through concepts borrowed mostly from systems theory, an attempt is made at establishing a theoretical framework for a broad understanding of the genesis of the Holocaust. More specifically, the relationships between ideology, political power, and genocide are discussed, and the following topics are covered: (1) the constitution and the historical evolution of the ideology of the Holocaust, through the genesis of anti-Semitism, the impact of the modern paradigms, and the apparent peculiarities of Nazism; (2) the emergence of powerful means of action designed for implementing the ideology, in the context of totalitarianism; (3) control and freedom as the basic parameters in a decision-making process that went along with a «diffuse Holocaust» phase and generated mechanisms of extensive cooperation; (4) the values and norms that made sense to the Nazis in relation to the Holocaust, with a critical assessment of Nazi ethics insofar as it aimed at subverting the concept of evil and at destroying the self. This book deals with four key dimensions of the Holocaust: ideology, power, act, and meaning.

The Jewish Question

Book Description

This monumental work of Alex Bein, noted scholar and chief librarian of the Israeli National Library, is the most authoritative survey of Jewish culture and Jewish problems in the Diaspora. First published in two massive volumes in German, it is here made available in a single volume in English.

Antisemitism and the left

Book Description

This electronic version has been made available under a Creative Commons (BY-NC) open access license. Universalism shows two faces to the world: an emancipatory face that looks to the inclusion of the other, and a repressive face that sees in the other a failure to pass some fundamental test of humanity. Universalism can be used to demand that we treat all persons as human beings regardless of their differences, but it can also be used to represent whole categories of people as inhuman, not yet human or even enemies of humanity. The Jewish experience offers an equivocal test case. Universalism has stimulated the struggle for Jewish emancipation, but it has also helped to develop the idea that there is something peculiarly harmful to humanity about Jews – that there is a 'Jewish question' that needs to be 'solved'. This original and stimulating book traces struggles within the Enlightenment, Marxism, critical theory and the contemporary left, seeking to rescue universalism from its repressive, antisemitic undertones.

Final Solution

Book Description

David Cesarani’s Final Solution is a magisterial work of history that chronicles the fate of Europe’s Jews. Based on decades of scholarship, documentation newly available from the opening of Soviet archives, declassification of Western intelligence service records, as well as diaries and reports written in the camps, Cesarani provides a sweeping reappraisal that challenges accepted explanations for the anti-Jewish politics of Nazi Germany and the inevitability of the “final solution.” The persecution of the Jews, as Cesarani sees it, was not always the Nazis’ central preoccupation, nor was it inevitable. He shows how, in German-occupied countries, it unfolded erratically, often due to local initiatives. For Cesarani, war was critical to the Jewish fate. Military failure denied the Germans opportunities to expel Jews into a distant territory and created a crisis of resources that led to the starvation of the ghettos and intensified anti-Jewish measures. Looking at the historical record, he disputes the iconic role of railways and deportation trains. From prisoner diaries, he exposes the extent of sexual violence and abuse of Jewish women and follows the journey of some Jewish prisoners to displaced persons camps. David Cesarani’s Final Solution is the new standard chronicle of the fate of a heroic people caught in the hell that was Hitler’s Germany.

The Scientification of the "Jewish Question" in Nazi Germany

Book Description

The Scientification of the "Jewish Question" in Nazi Germany describes the attempt of a considerable number of German scholars to counter the vanishing influence of religious prejudices against the Jews with a new antisemitic rationale. As anti-Jewish stereotypes of an old-fashioned soteriological kind had become dysfunctional under the pressure of secularization, a new, more objective explanation was needed to justify the age-old danger of Judaism in the present. In the 1930s a new research field called “Judenforschung” (Jew research) emerged. Its leading figures amalgamated racial and religious features to verify the existence of an everlasting “Jewish problem”. Along with that they offered scholarly concepts for its solution.

Hitler's Willing Executioners

Book Description

This groundbreaking international bestseller lays to rest many myths about the Holocaust: that Germans were ignorant of the mass destruction of Jews, that the killers were all SS men, and that those who slaughtered Jews did so reluctantly. Hitler's Willing Executioners provides conclusive evidence that the extermination of European Jewry engaged the energies and enthusiasm of tens of thousands of ordinary Germans. Goldhagen reconstructs the climate of "eliminationist anti-Semitism" that made Hitler's pursuit of his genocidal goals possible and the radical persecution of the Jews during the 1930s popular. Drawing on a wealth of unused archival materials, principally the testimony of the killers themselves, Goldhagen takes us into the killing fields where Germans voluntarily hunted Jews like animals, tortured them wantonly, and then posed cheerfully for snapshots with their victims. From mobile killing units, to the camps, to the death marches, Goldhagen shows how ordinary Germans, nurtured in a society where Jews were seen as unalterable evil and dangerous, willingly followed their beliefs to their logical conclusion. "Hitler's Willing Executioner's is an original, indeed brilliant contribution to the...literature on the Holocaust."--New York Review of Books "The most important book ever published about the Holocaust...Eloquently written, meticulously documented, impassioned...A model of moral and scholarly integrity."--Philadelphia Inquirer