Studies in Islamic Political Science

Book Description

There has been a great revival of interest in recent years in the concerns of Islamic political economy after several hundred years of hiatus in its long history. The independence of Muslim countries and the revival of Islamic movements around the world have been among the factors encouraging new interest among the Muslims and others in how economies and economic theory can be brought into line with the Islamic vision of a just society. Masudul Alam Choudhury shows that the contribution which Islamic political economy can make requires a study first of epistemological principles, about the purpose and sources of knowledge, the role of reason and the relationship between self-and social-interest in human affairs. The conclusions which arise from this analysis - about the role and limits of markets, the goal of combining efficiency and equity and the means of doing so with state provision of welfare everywhere in crisis - will prove illuminating to all of those interested in Islamic studies and political economy as well as to other observers and analysts of contemporary society.

Money in Islam

Book Description

This volume takes a unique and challenging look at how money has operated in Islamic society and at how Islamic theoretical frameworks have influenced perceptions of money. The author draws upon historical, data and policy analysis to present a comparative study of monetary theories, including recent treatment of money by Islamic economists. Discussion also covers the nature of joint venture, stock markets, banks and financial intermediaries, price stability and international trade. This work sheds pioneering light in this area, and will be of interest to academics, graduates and researchers internationally.

The Principles of Islamic Political Economy

Book Description

This book examines the methodological development of the principles of Islamic political economy in its theoretical and applied aspects. This is carried out in a general equilibrium framework using the theory of social choice. Thus a comparative study is also undertaken here in these areas while developing the theory of Islamic political economy. In these respects this book appears to be the first one of its kind.

The Foundations of Islamic Economics and Banking

Book Description

The first part of this book is designed to display the sources and principles of economics and trade transactions in the Islamic community. It analyzes the judicial injunctions against riba and proves that riba including interest is prohibited. Basing the argument on theoretical (Quran and Sunna) as well as the customary practice during the life of the messenger of God in Mekka and Al-Madina. Notably, the Islamic teachings covers both the worldly and religious affairs. This is a very revealing indication that Islam does not only regulate the relations of the human beings with God, but also extends to regulating (i) the relationship of the ruler with the ruled through al-shura, and (ii) economic and financial transactions in the market. Notable among these transactions: a) the abolition of riba and instigating interest-free economy, (b) providing the basic needs of society, (c) achieving social justice by applying zakat levy and other ordinances, and last but not least inheritance law and redistribution of State land for public benefits. The second and third part of the book explains and proves that prohibition of riba does not circumvent trade or paralyze the economy. On the contrary by eliminating injustice inherent in riba, the banking system will be liberated from discrepancies and the economy will perform more efficiently by mitigating the evils of riba.

The Political Economy of the Middle East: Islamic economics

Book Description

The third in a series on the middle East, this volume deals with the way in which Islamic economists believe that an economic system should reflect religious values, rather than a society's values being determined by the economic system.

The Foundations of Islamic Economics and Banking

Book Description

The book outlines origins of Islamic economics Principles in Shari'a, covering its characteristics, economic problem, and government intervention, public versus private property, work ethics, Al-Hisba and social justice. Theories of the demand for money in western economies are presented followed by an analysis of the meaning, nature, characteristics, and role of money in Islam. Factors affecting the demand for money in an Islamic economy are emphasized. The meaning and features of Riba, its types and economic consequences are discussed. Thorough analyses of the objectives of Islamic banking in theory and practice, types and sources of deposits, and various forms of Riba-free financing operations are in order. Monetary and prudential control in both systems is considered emphasizing religious supervisory responsibility and the Central Bank of Kuwait instructions. Islamic money and capital market is acknowledged by dwelling on sukuk instruments. Transition in practice is analyzed shedding light on Kuwait experience and the macro and microeconomic efficiencies of Islamic model compared with conventional one.

Islamic Foundations of a Free Society

Book Description

Islam is growing rapidly both in its traditional homelands and in the West. Some in the West view Islam with a mixture of fear and suspicion. However, it is also fair to say that there is widespread ignorance about Islam, and especially about its relationship to political systems and the economy. Is Islam compatible with a free society and a free economy? Is the fact that many Muslim-majority states do not have free economies or polities a result of an incompatibility between Islam and political and economic freedom, or does it result from an unfortunate series of historical events? What role has past colonialism played in encouraging Muslim extremism? Exactly what does Islam have to say about freedom in economic, political and religious life? This book, written by a range of Islamic scholars, sheds a great deal of light on these crucial questions. It is an important book for those in the West who need to understand Islam better. It is also important for those in Muslim countries who can influence the development of political systems and economic policy. The publication of this book could not be more timely.

First Principles of Islamic Economics

Book Description

Abul A'la Mawdudi laid down the foundations of modern Islamic economics. Drawing upon Islamic sources, Mawdudi spelled out a new paradigm for economic analysis and policy, wherein economic pursuits take place in the context of moral values and are directed towards the achievement of personal and social objectives. Integral to this approach is the concept of an interest-free economy that attempts to make efficiency and equity inseparable and interdependent. The creation and distribution of wealth thus become instrumental in promoting individual and social wellbeing, opening up pathways to development, social justice, and human welfare. This comprehensive anthology collects all of his major writings and provides a historic as well as an essential introduction to Islamic economics. Abul A'la Mawdudi (1903-1979) was a leading Muslim intellectual and a chief architect of the Islamic revival in the twentieth century. In 1941 he founded Jama'at-i-Islami, a political party in Pakistan, which he led until 1972. He authored more than a hundred works on Islam, both popular and scholarly, and his writings have been translated into some forty languages.

Maqasid Foundations of Market Economics

Book Description

Explains the exchange economics behind the Shari'ah compliance conditions of Islamic financeDrawing on received sources of 'maqasid' (Shari'ah's practical objectives), this book demonstrates how the principles of market economics affect how markets and financial instititions actually operate under Shari'ah law. It shows where Islamic economics converges with and differs from conventional economics through the banning of usury and other Shari'ah-prohibited trade practices.Islamic finance rests on the principles of free market exchange of Islamic economics. But the latter has failed to keep pace with the rapid developments of the former. Much work published about Islamic economics is at least idealistic if not radically ideological, with little relevance to the Islamic financial industry. This book provides the coherent body of economic theory that students and practitioners of Islamic finance need in order to understand how the maqasid gives a sense of direction to developments in the industry.