Book Description

Every believer needs to establish a sound spiritual FOUNDATION because it sets the groundwork for their entire walk with the LORD. Just as a good foundation is required for a sound building, so a proper spiritual foundation is vital for a victorious Christian life. Those who fail to lay a proper foundation are doomed to spiritual immaturity because they have nothing by which to judge what is right or wrong, scriptural or unscriptural, wise or foolish. Simply put, a healthy biblical understructure eliminates feeble spirituality.Believers who neglect to form a wise foundation can shipwreck their faith altogether, as Paul put it in 1 Timothy 1:19, and find themselves back in the world-in spiritual darkness and separate from God. That's why this book exists. It'll help believers lay a quality understructure so that their faith isn't shipwrecked at some point down the road.The Bible details the six basic doctrines of Christianity in Hebrews 6:1-2 where they are described as "elementary." This means "the initial (starting) point" in the Greek. In other words, these six doctrines come first and are therefore the chief teachings of Christianity. They're "basic" only in the sense that they're foundational and consequently have priority over other doctrines. They are the SIX CHIEF DOCTRINES of Christianity.

Essential Christian Doctrine

Book Description

A Concise Summary of Biblical Truth by John MacArthur Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward him and directs your actions for him—but it can be difficult to know where to begin. This concise handbook, developed from John MacArthur's larger work Biblical Doctrine, is an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. As MacArthur walks through the essentials of the Christian faith doctrine by doctrine, he'll not only encourage your heart and mind, but also empower you to proclaim the faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).

The Fundamentals;

Book Description

The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith

Book Description

The author of these sermons has had a feeling for a long time that the great need in our churches in this day is systematic indoctrination. He put his theory into practice last winter in his own church, and these sermons are the result. We were having a great many accessions to our church. In the two years of the church's history we had had something like six hundred accessions to the church, and every month considerable numbers of new members were being added. While many of these came by letter from other churches, many of them were new converts and had had practically no systematic instruction in the fundamental truths of the Christian faith, so we announced a series of sermons on The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith. There was immediately a large increase in the attendance at the services where these addresses were given, and this increase has kept up until on the last Lord's Day we had much the largest attendance we have ever had, excepting on Easter Sunday. Many have testified to the blessing received from these sermons, and there has been a great demand that the sermons be printed for general circulation. This request has come from ministers of various denominations, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Baptists, and others. It is hoped that this volume will be useful to other pastors in suggesting lines of teaching in their regular pastoral work, and also that it may be used widely by pastors and others for circulation among Christians. We live in a day in which many of our church members are all at sea as to what they believe on the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. These sermons have already helped many through their delivery. It is hoped they will reach and help far more in the printed form.

Essential Doctrine Made Easy

Book Description

This handy pamphlet is perfect for anyone who wants to know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. These key beliefs of Christianity are embraced by Christians around the world. Today's churches are filled with people who are passionate about being Christians, but who may not know what exactly they believe. The author is Dr. Norman Geisler, Professor of Theology and Apologetics and co-founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Topics covered in this pamphlet include: God's Unity---There is only one God God's Tri-unity---One God in three Persons Christ's Virgin Birth Human Depravity---No one can win God's favor by their own efforts Christ's Sinlessness Christ's Deity Christ's Humanity Necessity of God's Grace Necessity of Faith Christ's Atoning Death Christ's Bodily Resurrection Christ's Bodily Ascension Christ's Intercession Christ's Second Coming Inspiration of Scriptures The physical pamphlet version is 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches folded, which fits in most Bibles; it unfolds to 33 inches long. The e-book and/or digital versions can be scrolled or zoomed.

Christian Beliefs

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Biblical Doctrine

Book Description

Long-Awaited Systematic Theology by Well-Known Pastor, Author, and President of the Master's Seminary Doctrine isn't just for theologians—it's important for every Christian because it shows us who God is and how we should live. Systematizing the robust theology that has undergirded John MacArthur's well-known preaching ministry for decades, this overview of basic Christian doctrine covers topics such as God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation, and more. Comprehensive in scope yet written to be accessible to the average reader—with non-technical vocabulary, minimal footnotes, and a helpful bibliography—this volume offers Christians a solid foundation for what they believe and why.

The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith

Book Description

"We agree with Dr. Torrey that there is great need for clear and popular preaching of Christian doctrine. This need was met by Dr. Torrey in the case of his own Church, and will now be met in that of many readers to whom these sermons shall come in printed form. There are fifteen sermons, and the subjects treated are the Inspiration of the Bible, the Christian Conception of God, the Deity and Person of Christ, the Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit, the Atonement, Justification, the New Birth, Sanctification, the Resurrection of the Body, the Devil, Future Punishment....These great doctrines are expounded clearly, simply, and in a thoroughly evangelic spirit and tone....We would close this notice by emphasizing again the great need today for just such preaching as Dr. Torrey has given in these sermons, and by commending them to all who feel the need of instruction in the fundamental doctrines of Christianity." -The Princeton Theological Review "The author is a Congregational minister, and his point of view is about the point of view that would have been taken by Jonathan Edwards, the greatest of all Congregational theologians. He is strongly conservative and strongly Calvinistic. He believes in verbal inspiration and in literal hell fire. His arguments are taken entirely from the Bible. To him the Bible is final authority on all questions. The reader will find this book a vast storehouse of proof texts, logically and systematically arranged....These sermons drew large audiences....The author avoids all technical and scholastic terms, and speaks in the language of the Bible and of the people. The layman who wishes to know what the Bible teaches on these fundamental doctrines will find this a helpful book." -The Union Seminary Review "For young Christians, as well as many older ones, this will be most helpful. It is a much felt need today that there should be more thorough instruction on the essentials of the Christian faith and Mr. Torrey's exceptional ability as a Bible student makes him a most helpful teacher on this subject." -Record of Christian Work "Instruction in the fundamental truths of Christianity first delivered as sermons." -Publishers Weekly "The sermons, fifteen in number, cover the principal subjects of Christian doctrine in an attractive, clear and earnest way; and are calculated to help many to a deeper and more serious reckoning with their Christian profession....We have profited by contact with his earnest Christian mind." -The Living Church CONTENTS I Inspiration, or To What Extent is the Bible Inspired of God? II The Christian Conception of God, or the God of the Bible as Distinguished from the God of Christian Science and the God of Modern Philosophy III The Christian Conception of God--The Infinite Perfection and Unity of God IV The Deity of Jesus Christ V Jesus Christ a Real Man VI The Personality of the Holy Spirit VII The Deity of the Holy Spirit and the Distinction Between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit VIII The Atonement: God's Doctrine of the Atonement vs. Unitarian and Christian Science Doctrines of the Atonement IX The Distinctive Doctrine of Protestantism: Justification by Faith X The New Birth XI Sanctification XII The Resurrection of the Body of Jesus and of Our Bodies XIII The Devil XIV Is There a Literal Hell? XV Is Future Punishment Everlasting?

Biblical Faith

Book Description

Biblical Faith is a concise, straightforward explanation of 12 basic doctrines. It begins by discussing what Christians believe about Scripture, then explores doctrines from creation and the fall to heaven and hell. It describes the most profound truths of the Bible in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

What the Bible Teaches

Book Description

What the Bible Teaches is a classic volume that provides numerous outlined studies of what the Bible has to say on over fifty major doctrines of the Bible. The work examines what the Bible teaches about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, man, angels, Satan, prayer, worship, faith, and more. In this work, Torrey has made an attempt at a careful, unbiased study and statement of biblical truth, based upon a careful study of the original text. Beginning with one or more Scripture references as a starting point, these studies furnish a thorough analysis of a specific doctrinal truth. This orderly, systematic and thorough handbook is ideal for use as a reference work or in devotional study. It has been completely reformatted and the language has been updated to provide a useable study reference book for today s students of the Bible. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.