The Gardnerian Book of Shadows

Book Description

Magus leaves circle by the doorway, goes to Postulant, and says, "Since there is no other brother here, I must be thy sponsor, as well as priest. I am about to give you a warning. If you are still of the same mind, answer it with these words: 'Perfect Love and Perfect Trust.'" Placing the point of the sword to the Postulant's breast, he says, "O thou who standeth on the threshold between the pleasant world of men and the domains of the Dread Lords of the Outer Spaces, hast thou the courage to make the Assay? For I tell thee verily, it were better to rush on my weapon and perish miserably than to make the attempt with fear in thy heart." Postulant: "I have two Passwords: Perfect Love and Perfect Trust." Magus drops the sword point, saying, "All who approach with perfect love and perfect trust are doubly welcome." Going around behind her, he blindfolds her, then putting his left arm around her waist and his right arm around her neck, he pulls her head back, says, "I give you the 3rd password, a Kiss to pass through this dread Door," and pushes her forward with his body, through the doorway and into the circle. Once inside, he releases her saying, "This is the way all are first brought into the circle." Magus closes the doorway by drawing the point of the sword across it three times, joining all three circles, saying, "Agla, Azoth, Adonai," then drawing three pentacles to seal it. Magus guides Postulant to south of altar, and whispers, "Now there is the Ordeal." Taking a short piece of cord from the altar, he ties it around her right ankle, saying, "Feet neither bound nor free." Taking a longer cord, he ties her hands together behind her back, then pulls them up, so that the arms form a triangle, and ties the cord around her neck, leaving the end dangling down in front as a Cable Tow. With the Cable Tow in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, the Magus leads her sunwise around the circle to the east, where he salutes with the sword and proclaims, "Take heed, O Lords of the Watchtowers of the East, (name), properly prepared, will be made a Priestess and a Witch." Magus leads her similarly to the south, west, and north, making the proclamation at each quarter. , clasping Postulant around the waist with his left arm, and holding the sword erect in his right hand, he makes her circumambulate three times around the circle with a half-running, half-dancing step. He halts her at the south of the altar, and strikes eleven knells on the bell.

Book of Shadows

Book Description

A Book of Shadows is a book containing religious texts and instructions for magical rituals found within the Neo-pagan religion of Wicca. The first Book of Shadows was created by Gerald B. Gardner, (an author as well as an amateur archaeologist and anthropologist), in the late 1940's or early 1950's, which he used in his Bricket Wood coven and then in later covens which he founded. The concept was adopted by other traditions. The current Book of Shadows is a compilation of manuscripts found in his museum after his death.

Book of Shadows

Book Description

Since Phyllis Currot first published Book of Shadows, the story of her spiritual journey and initiation as a High Priestess in the Wiccan community, Witchcraft has captured America's imagination as a theme for fiction, television shows, and films. Now America's highest-profile Witch returns to dispel more myths and misrepresentations of her faith, and to share a practical guide to the beautiful spiritual rituals and philosophies behind Wiccan tradition. Rich with enchanting stories from Currot's own experiences and detailed advice for creating potions, working with Nature, and finding the Divine within, Witch Crafting is much more than just another superficial recipe book. Curott's unique guidebook integrates the inspiration of religious wisdom with sound, practical information. Witch Crafting reveals how to: incorporate Wiccan practices into your daily life; master the secret arts of effective spell casting; create sacred space and personal rituals; perform divinations for insight and success; and tap the magical power of altered states, such as dreaming meditation, prayer, and trance. Perfect for beginners or seasoned practitioners, Witch Crafting is the ideal handbook for anyone seeking to unlock the divine power that makes real magic happen, and to experience the power and gifts of the universe more fully.

The Gardnerian Book of Shadows: The Complete Wicca Initiations and Pagan Ritual Lore

Book Description

The Gardnerian Book of Shadows contains Wicca rituals and pagan magical ceremonies; first published between 1948 and 1961, much of the contents herein constitutes a summation of Wiccan practice. Paganism's popularity blossomed in the mid-20th century, as more people curious of the rituals and ceremonies of religions and witches became involved in covens - clandestine groups of pagan practitioners. A standard set of instructions for rituals, celebrations and initiations was publicized, in order to ensure that groups disparate in location would correctly and authentically perform their duties as per tradition. This book contains the complete Gardnerian texts, as compiled by Gerald E. Gardner, a leading practitioner of Wicca in England. Gardner's writings are a suffusion of lore, drawing upon witchcraft rituals described in several books by authors such as Margaret Murray. An authoritative and thorough introduction to pagan ceremony; while no substitute for membership and participation in a coven, the reader may herein gain an impression of the witch-cult and its practices.

The Meaning of Witchcraft

Book Description

Thought to be the father of modern witchcraft, Gerald Gardner published The Meaning of Witchcraft in 1959, not long after laws punishing witches were repealed. It was the first sympathetic book written from the point of view of a practicing witch. The Meaning of Witchcraft is an invaluable source book for witches today. Chapters include: Witch's Memories and Beliefs, The Stone Age Origins of Witchcraft, Druidism and the Aryan Celts, Magic Thinking, Curious Beliefs about Witches, Signs and Symbols, The Black Mass, Some Allegations Examined. The Meaning of Witchcraft is a record of witches' roots-and a tribute to a founding pioneer with the courage to set that record straight.

Witchcraft Today

Book Description

The Meaning of Witchcraft is a non-fiction book written by Gerald Gardner. Gardner, known to many in the modern sense as the "Father of Wicca", based the book around his experiences with the religion of Wicca and the New Forest Coven. He claimed he was allowed to tell more than ever before and cast light on the rituals and beliefs of witches. The book's main message was that neither the practices of witches nor their intents were harmful. The book tells the history of witchcraft in Europe. The author traces back to pre-Christian times, studies the rituals and beliefs of templars, and states that the belief in fairies in ancient, medieval, and early modern Europe was connected with a secretive pygmy race that lived alongside other communities. The preface to this book was Margaret Murray, who stated that witchcraft took its root in the pre-Christian religions and had nothing to do with spell-casting and other evil practices. Instead, Murray proposes to view witchcraft as "the sincere expression of that feeling towards God which is expressed, perhaps more decorously though not more sincerely, by modern Christianity in church services."

High Magic's Aid

Book Description

Delve into the world of Witchcraft and High Magic! Jan, Olaf, and Thur attempt to perform Ceremonial Magic at a time when delving into these Arts could cost them their lives. Unfortunately, they discover they are missing an integral aspect of High Magic and are doomed to failure unless they find the Witch of Wanda to initiate them and train them in the secrets of Witchcraft. Dr. Gerald B. Gardner, the Father of Modern Witchcraft and Wicca, writing under the nom-de-plume 'Scire', brings to life this medieval tale of Ceremonial Magic and Witchcraft. Originally published in 1949, this classic and historic work of fiction will take the reader into a world, not unalike our own, where magic is real and Witches guard their secrets. "High Magic's Aid is a must-read for anyone interested or involved in Witchcraft and Wicca. More importantly, it is a novel that will hold your attention until you read 'The End.'" - Karen Dales, Award Winning Author.

Witchcraft for Tomorrow

Book Description

Witchcraft for Tomorrow answers many frequently asked questions about witchcraft including: 'How can I find a witches' coven?' and 'How can I become a witch?' Doreen Valiente tells you what the old religion of witchcraft has to offer the new age of Aquarius; how the age-old Craft of the Wise can be practised in the modern world; how to initiate yourself as a witch and found your own coven. The author, who was the leading figure in the establishment of the modern Wiccan movement, includes a new Book of Shadows (the witches' handbook of rituals and instructions) based upon ancient magical tradition but geared to the age of the future. There are witch songs, spells, incantations and practical advice on how to run a coven and how to acquire your own collection of magical implements; as well as methods of divination and other witch lore. The author shows how the oral traditions of witchcraft throw light not only upon the origins of the present-day witch cult and the activities of the witch leader George Pickingill and his covens, but also upon the mystery of the founding of the famous magical order, the Golden Dawn. Also discussed is the relationship between the witchcraft of Britain and Europe and the magical belief of the Far East. Do both traditions hark back to the legendary city of Shamballah and to the shamanistic practices of Asia? And why do the secret circles of the witches resemble those of the Tantric sex-magic of India?

Book of Shadows

Book Description

Like other religions, Witchcraft has its deities, priests, holidays, rituals, and rules. Yet, Wiccan beliefs and practices are often unknown or misunderstood by non-Pagans and the uninitiated. Approaching the Craft from the Gardnerian perspective, Migene González-Wippler offers a friendly, straightforward introduction to the Old Religion and sheds light on what it truly means to be a Witch. What goes on at coven meetings? How do Witches perform magic? Why does magic work? From initiation rites to invoking elementals, González-Wippler explains both practical and spiritual aspects of Wiccan traditions. Book of Shadows also teaches the significance of Moon phases, herbs, colors, crystals, common magical tools, and other implements when performing sacred ceremonies