The Goliard Poets

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The Goliard Poets

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The Goliard Poets

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The Medieval Lyric

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He shows the men and women who sang and played in medieval Europe as the heirs of both a Roman and a Germanic lyric tradition, united but differentiated from country to country; he introduces the scholars and musicians from the Byzantine world and the Paris schools, the German courts and Italian city-states, and he brilliantly presents their work, both sacred and profane.

The Poet's Wisdom

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The book explores the philosophical thinking of Petrarch and Boccaccio in contrast to the writings of contemporary mendicants. Examining both Latin and vernacular works, it investigates how these humanists poetically express the temporal, subjective, and emotional quality of moral sensibility, in a way that shifts to the reader the weight of discerning the ethical message. The book centers its analysis on a series of paradoxes pondered by these humanists: the self that changes yet persists over time; the awareness of self-deception; the individual's validation of authority; and the ethics of pleasure. This study is valuable to those interested in Renaissance philosophy, literature, religion, and the history of ideas.

Latin and Vernacular Poets of the Middle Ages

Book Description

This volume presents a series of penetrating analyses of particular poems and problems of literary history illustrating the many sides of medieval poetry and the interactions of learned, popular and courtly traditions. The first and longest essay, 'Waltharius-Gaiferos', aims to characterize the diverse treatments of one of the major European heroic themes - in modes that include lay and epic, saga and ballad, and range from pre-Carolingian times to the Renaissance. There follow three interrelated essays on the medieval transformations of Ovid, and a larger group devoted to close reading of medieval lyrics. After discussing some brilliant Latin compositions, of the 9th-12th centuries, both sacred and profane, and the work of two of the most captivating 'goliard' poets, Peter Dronke looks at the earliest formations of love-lyric in two vernaculars, Spanish and English. Finally, he explores the unique symbiosis of Latin and vernacular imagery in two key moments of Dante's Divine Comedy. Ce volume contient une série d’analyses perspicaces de poèmes spécifiques et de certains problèmes de l’histoire littéraire illustrant les multiples facettes de la poésie médiévale et l’interaction des traditions érudites, populaires et courtoises. Le premier essai, "Waltharius-Gaïferos", tente de décrire les divers traitements de l’un des principaux thèmes héroïques européens selon des modes qui incluent: le lai et l’épique, la saga et la ballade et qui s’étendent sur une période allant de l’époque pré-carolingienne à la Renaissance. Suivent trois articles corrélatifs sur les adaptations médiévales des textes d’Ovide, ainsi qu’un groupe d’études voue à la lecture détaillée de la poésie lyrique médiévale. Après avoir considéré l’oeuvre de deux des plus passionnants poètes "goliards" et un certain nombre de remarquables compositions latines, sacrées et profanes, datant du 9e-12e siècles, Peter Dronke se tourne vers les pre

The Pursuit of Poetry

Book Description

In this classic reference work, Louis Untermeyer gives us our American poetry in its essential pieces. Written by one of the great twentieth century readers, reading poetry becomes an art easily understood and accessed by all. Whether you are looking for the basic elements of a sonnet or want to read further about poetic image or the place of twentieth century poetry in the larger canon this book "pursues" the questions and offers surprisingly insightful and satisfying answers.Know what a sestina is? Whether you answer "yes" or "no," this book is for you: a must have for any serious reader or writer of poetry.

Carl Orff Carmina Burana

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Carl Orff's 24 selections from 200 poems of the Carmina Burana celebrate the universal range of human emotion and experience: passion, longing, exuberance, humor, rebellion, ennui, resignation. Now tender, now tragic; secular yet reverent; the poems of the carmina touch the chords of our purest and darkest spirituality. An excellent resource for the student, the performer, the audience and the general reader, this dual language edition provides two moving translations from the original Latin, informative essays, and facing vocabulary. This text will enrich understanding and heighten appreciation of these beloved medieval poems.

Women Latin Poets

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