The Spirit of the Gospel

Book Description

In this book, Watchman Nee shares with younger colleagues the absolute necessity for the spirit of the gospel, giving practical instructions on how to preach the gospel, and the four indispensable factors to an acceptance of the gospel.

Sit, Walk, Stand

Book Description

An inspiring look at Ephesians and the believer's asociation with Christ, the world, and Satan. Written by the saintly Chinese pastor, Watchman Nee.

The Heavenly Ministry of Christ

Book Description

Much of what is preached and taught among Christians today concerns the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus, that is, the work He did during His life on the earth. However, just as the person of Christ has two aspects, so does His ministry. While He was on earth, He was the man Jesus. Since His ascension into heaven, however, He is the glorified Christ. His earthly ministry lasted for only a limited time, but His heavenly ministry is eternal; it will never end. What is Christ doing now? In this book, Witness Lee answers this question, opening up the second part of Christ’s ministry, the heavenly ministry, the ministry that continues today.

Gospel Outlines

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The Glorious Church

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The Winged Watchman

Book Description

Two Dutch boys find a way to help in the underground activities during the German occupation of Holland in World War II.

Questions on the Gospel

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Watchman Nee—A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age

Book Description

I consider Watchman Nee to be a unique gift given by the Head to His Body.... I fully respect him as such a gift....I am more than grateful to the Lord that immediately after being saved I was brought into such a profitable relationship with Watchman Nee and put into the closest relationship with him in the work of His recovery through so many events over a long period of time.The revelations concerning Christ, the church, the Spirit, and life which I saw through Watchman Nee, the infusions of life which I received from him, and the things concerning the work and the church which I learned from him will require eternity to evaluate their true worth. By Witness Lee

The Gospel watchman

Book Description

Concerning the Person of Christ

Book Description