Rakesh Jhunjhunwala 'the Indian Dream'

Book Description

This book describes the successful tips of India's stock market guru Rakesh Jhunjhunwala. It explains how Rakesh Jhunjhunwala started from nothing and became a Billionaire. Discover the family man, the brilliant and India's most famous Bollywood investor and philanthropist. Discover and learn how to become a Billionaire like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala.

The Great Indian Dream

Book Description

This book analyses not only the basic impediments in India s march to glory but has also made an attempt to identify budgetary resources to end the poverty of the masses. The book is the manifestation of a dream and the transformation of this dream into

The Indian Dream

Book Description

How does a mother and son heal from the most horrid human experience, an American Holocaust that everyone is convinced never existed. My mother faced the greatest fears of having to surrender her son to an American campaign to "Kill the Indian save the child" under the threat of America taking me from her if she did not send me to school. This is the story of how difficult it was for America to kill the Indian in me and how my mother maintained our traditional relations to healing our broken spirits. This is a story of how I recovered from the traumas inflicted in me since I was five years old and how I joined a national effort to share our healing with others. Working for thirty eight years as a Psychiatric Social Worker in one of the first Crisis Emergency Response Clinics serving Raza Survivors of the holocaust, and how I became a 'Social Justice Healer developing a diagnostic criteria for what our people suffer as Survivors. This book is full of examples of healing the Dislocados, the uprooted and disconnected suffering from layers of loss. I describe in detail a healing practice for all the trauma caused by a history of cruel and unusual punishment. I call the healing approach Traditional Healing Praxis and provide case examples of the healing power that emerged from forty thousand years of native self reliance. This is a story of how we survived the continuation of Corporate America's "Indian Wars." A story of how we never surrendered our native love Huatacame and continued to shelter, feed, clothe, teach, triage-doctor and protect our children. www.americanholocausthealing.com


Book Description

India of My Dreams

Book Description

India of My Dreams by M.K. Gandhi: "India of My Dreams" presents the visionary perspective of Mahatma Gandhi on the future of India. The book outlines Gandhi's aspirations for the nation and his commitment to nonviolence and social justice. Key Aspects of the Book "India of My Dreams": Gandhian Ideals: The book highlights Mahatma Gandhi's core principles, including nonviolence, self-reliance, and communal harmony. Nation-Building: "India of My Dreams" reflects Gandhi's vision for India's social, economic, and political progress. Social Justice: The work emphasizes Gandhi's advocacy for equality, inclusion, and the welfare of marginalized communities. M.K. Gandhi, also known as Mahatma Gandhi, was an iconic leader and freedom fighter in India's struggle for independence. "India of My Dreams" reflects Gandhi's profound love for his country and his dedication to creating a just and inclusive society.


Book Description

"Murtaza Reyaz, who hails from the scenic valleys of Kashmir, wrote this book, which is dedicated to all NEET and JEE aspirants..The focus of this book is on the realities of preparation, the struggles students face, and the strength needed to overcome them. Each page uncovers stories of perseverance, highlighting the importance of not just chasing ranks but discovering purpose. Here, you’ll find that NEET and JEE are merely chapters in the larger book of life—a book filled with challenges, triumphs, and limitless potential beyond exams.

Reality and Dream

Book Description

"The only verbatim account of an entire psychotherapy ever published, together with a dynamic analysis and a technical evaluation of the therapy." Dust jacket.

The American Indian Medicine Dreambook

Book Description

In this remarkable book, Brad Steiger shows how to enter a dimension of reality between the physical and the nonphysical, between the world of spirits and the world of humans. Drawing upon information relayed to him by shamans from many tribes during thirty years of research and study, Steiger teaches easy-to-master techniques of entering Dreamtime and receiving valuable personal guidance. He explains how to identify one's totem animal and spirit guide, how to project healing energy in dreams, how to travel in astral dreamscapes, how to guard against disruptive entities, and how to receive prophetic glimpses of the future.

The Dying Indian's Dream

Book Description

The Customer-Funded Business

Book Description

Who needs investors? More than two generations ago, the venture capital community – VCs, business angels, incubators and others – convinced the entrepreneurial world that writing business plans and raising venture capital constituted the twin centerpieces of entrepreneurial endeavor. They did so for good reasons: the sometimes astonishing returns they've delivered to their investors and the astonishingly large companies that their ecosystem has created. But the vast majority of fast-growing companies never take any venture capital. So where does the money come from to start and grow their companies? From a much more agreeable and hospitable source, their customers. That's exactly what Michael Dell, Bill Gates and Banana Republic's Mel and Patricia Ziegler did to get their companies up and running and turn them into iconic brands. In The Customer Funded Business, best-selling author John Mullins uncovers five novel approaches that scrappy and innovative 21st century entrepreneurs working in companies large and small have ingeniously adapted from their predecessors like Dell, Gates, and the Zieglers: Matchmaker models (Airbnb) Pay-in-advance models (Threadless) Subscription models (TutorVista) Scarcity models (Vente Privee) Service-to-product models (GoViral) Through the captivating stories of these and other inspiring companies from around the world, Mullins brings to life the five models and identifies the questions that angel or other investors will – and should! – ask of entrepreneurs or corporate innovators seeking to apply them. Drawing on in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs and investors who have actually put these models to use, Mullins goes on to address the key implementation issues that characterize each of the models: when to apply them, how best to apply them, and the pitfalls to watch out for. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur lacking the start-up capital you need, an early-stage entrepreneur trying to get your cash-starved venture into take-off mode, an intrapreneur seeking funding within an established company, or an angel investor or mentor who supports high-potential ventures, this book offers the most sure-footed path to starting, financing, or growing your venture. John Mullins is the author of The New Business Road Test and, with Randy Komisar, the widely acclaimed Getting to Plan B.