The International Ocean Transport Industry in Crisis

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The world's ocean transport industry faces an unprecedented crisis. Fundamental changes in the seatrade markets and considerable discrepancies between tonnage supply and the demand for transport are the key reasons. The international fleet has become critically overaged and suffers from a deteriorating safety record. Serious retrenching and sharp long- term planning are needed but -- tampered by reduced freight earnings, rising insurance costs, and a shortage of investment capital.

The Maritime Transport Crisis

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Effective planning and management of urban infrastructure is essential to improving the standard of living in rapidly developing urban areas. Deterioration or cessation of services can create health risks, limit economic productivity, damage public and private property, and lead to congestion in transport and communications. But effective infrastructure services are impossible without adequate records and maps of municipal facilities, particularly those underground. The authors review recent developments in the recording and mapping of urban infrastructure. The paper identifies the institutional, organizational, and technological issues involved and explores some strategic options for addressing these pressing issues. The options discussed include how best to determine the proper institutional structure, develop human resources, and make the best use of technology. The authors perceive an urgent need for development of legal frameworks to make recordkeeping more comprehensive and compatible among various utilities, localities, and governmental bodies. They advise that immediate attention be given to a particular organizational issue: in many utilities no one department is responsible for collecting and processing data, and even when such responsibility is designated, the methods to be used are unclear or the resources are inadequate. The paper offers case studies and concludes that improvements in utility mapping and recordkeeping are cost effective, enhance the efficiency of the utility, and improve the overall quality of urban life.

Foreign Direct Investment in a Macroeconomic Framework

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Does foreign direct investment affect national saving both directly and indirectly through the rate of economic growth? It depends on which countries you're talking about. Pacific Basin countries appear to differ markedly from some other developing countries.

Poverty and Policy

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The Simple(r) Algebra of Pension Plans

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Unless the real rate of interest exceeds the growth rate of real wages by a significant margin, payment of a reasonable pension rate requires a high contribution rate or a high active worklife ratio.

How Policy Changes Affected Cocoa Sectors in Sub-Saharan African Countries

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Ghana's structural adjustment program was very beneficial to its cocoa sector. Although world cocoa prices fell as a result of Ghana's expansion, the decline was much less than that from production expansions by other major producers.