The Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic in the Eastern Fertile Crescent

Book Description

This volume brings together the latest results and discussions from research carried out in the eastern Fertile Crescent, the so-called hilly flanks, and adjacent regions, as well as providing key historical perspectives on earlier fieldwork in the region. The emergence of sedentary food producing societies in southwest Asia ca. 10,000 years ago has been a key research focus for archaeologists since the 1930s. This book provides a balance to the weight of work undertaken in the western Fertile Crescent, namely the Levant and southern Anatolia. This preference has led to a heavy emphasis on these regions in discussions about where, when and how the transition from hunting and gathering to plant cultivation and animal domestication occurred. Chapters assess the role of the eastern Fertile Crescent as a key region in the Neolithization process in southwest Asia, highlighting the key and important contributions people in this region made to the emergence of sedentary farming societies. This book is primarily aimed at academics researching the transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture in southwest Asia. It will also be of interest to archaeologists working on this transition in other parts of Eurasia.

The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences

Book Description

The transition from hunting and gathering to farming – the Neolithic Revolution – was one of the most signi cant cultural processes in human history that forever changed the face of humanity. Natu an communities (15,100–12,000Cal BP) (all dates in this chapter are calibrated before present) planted the seeds of change, and the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) (ca. 12,000–ca. 8,350Cal BP) people, were the rst to establish farming communities. The revolution was not fully realized until quite late in the PPN and later in the Pottery Neolithic (PN) period. We would like to ask some questions and comment on a few aspects emphas- ing the linkage between biological and cultural developments during the Neolithic Revolution. The biological issues addressed in this chapter are as follows: × Is there a demographic change from the Natu an to the Neolithic? × Is there a change in the overall health of the Neolithic populations compared to the Natu an? × Is there a change in the diet and how is it expressed? × Is there a change in the physical burden/stress people had to bear with? × Is there a change in intra- and inter-community rates of violent encounters? From the cultural perspective the leading questions will be: × What was the change in the economy and when was it fully realized? × Is there a change in settlement patterns and site nature and organization from Natu an to Neolithic? × Is there a change in human activities and division of labor?

Plant Exploitation on Epipalaeolithic and Early Neolithic Sites in the Levant

Book Description

Based on the author's thesis, this study presents the results of the analysis of charred plant remains from ten sites in the Levant. Emphasis is placed on the significance of the species identified and the presence of wild and domesticated plants.

Excavations at Tepe Guran

Book Description

In 1963, excavations at Tepe Guran in Luristan revealed a series of occupations, representing a small Neolithic village with an economy based on dry-farming, herding, and hunting, and strongly dependant on the nearby rivers and hills. A unique sequence of a-ceramic and early ceramic levels covering a period of more than a thousand years (c. 6700-5500 BC) were uncovered. Peder Mortensen's book is the final report on the excavations, supplemented by sections on the prehistoric environment and on hunting and early animal domestication at Tepe Guran by Kent V. Flannery and Pernille Bangsgaard. The results are presented within a framework of reflections relating to the author's and to other scholars' recent research on the development of Neolithic settlement and subsistence patterns in the Central Zagros region.

The Natufian Culture in the Levant

Book Description

This large volume presents virtually all aspects of the Epipalaeolithic Natufian culture in a series of chapters that cover recent results of field work, analyses of materials and sites, and synthetic or interpretive overviews of various aspects of this important prehistoric culture. ..".essential reading and an important reference for archaeologists interested in the origins of agriculture." - Daniel E. Lieberman. Contents: O. Bar-Yosef and F.R. Valla, The Natufian Culture - An Introduction; U. Baruch and S. Bottema, Palynological evidence for climatic changes in the Levant ca, 17,000-9,000 B.P.; A. Leroi-Gourhan and F. Darmon, Analyses polliniques de stations natoufiennes au Proche-Orient; L. Copeland, Natufian sites in Lebanon; B. Schroeder, Natufian in the Central Beqaa Valley, Lebanon; O. Bar-Yosef, The archaeology of the Natufian layer at Hayonim Cave; F.R. Valla, F. Le Mort and H. Plisson, Les fouilles en cours sur la Terrasse d'Hayonim; F.R. Valla, Les Natoufiens de Mallaha et l'espace; P. Edwards, Wadi Hammeh 27: An Early Natufian site at Pella, Jordan; A. Ronen and M. Lechevallier, The Natufian of Hatula; P.J. Crabtree, D.V. Campana, A. Belfer-Cohen and D.E. Bar-Yosef, First results of the excavations at Salibiya I, lower Jordan Valley; A.N. Goring-Morris, The Harifian of the southern Levant; A. Betts, The Late Epipaleolithic in the Black Desert, eastern Jordan; A.N. Garrard, Natufian settlement in the Azraq Basin, eastern Jordan; B.F. Byrd, Beidha: An Early Natufian encampment in southern Jordan; B.F. Byrd and S.M. Colledge, Early Natufian occupation along the edge of the southern Jordanian Steppe; A.M.T. Moore, Abu Hureyra 1 and the antecedents of agriculture on the Middle Euphrates; M.C. Cauvin, Du Natoufien au Levant nord? Jayroud et Mureybet (Syrie); E. Tchernov, Biological evidence for human sedentism in Southwest Asia during the Natufian; C. Cope, Gazelle hunting strategies in the southern Levant; D. Helmer, Etude de la faune de la phase IA (Natoufien final) de Tell Mureybet (Syrie), fouilles Cauvin; J. Pichon, Les oiseaux au Natoufien, avifaune et sedentarite; S.J.M. Davis, When and why did prehistoric people domesticate animals? Some evidence from Israel and Cyprus; S.M. Colledge, Investigations of plant remains preserved in Epipaleolithic sites in the Near East; A. Sillen and J.A. Lee-Thorpe, Dietary change in the Late Natufian; A. Belfer-Cohen, L.A. Schepartz and B. Arensburg, New biological data for the Natufian populations in Israel; P. Smith, The dental evidence for nutritional stress in the Natufians; D.I. Olszewski, The lithic evidence from Abu Hureyra I, in Syria; J. Sellars, An examination of lithics from the Wadi Judayid Site; D. Campana, Bone implements from Hayonim Cave: Some relevant issues; D. Stordeur, Le Natoufien et son evolution a travers les artefacts en os; R. Unger-Hamilton, Natufian plant husbandry in the southern Levant and comparison with that of the Neolithic Periods: The lithic perspective; P. Anderson, Harvesting wild cereals during the Natufian as seen from the experimental cultivation and harvest of wild einkorn wheat and microwear analysis of stone tools; T. Noy, Art and decoration of the Natufian at Nahal Oren; A. Belfer-Cohen, Art items from layer B, Hayonim Cave: A case study of art in a Natufian context; C. Marechal, Elements de parure de la fin du Natoufien: Mallaha niveau I, Jayroud 1, Jayroud 3, Jayroud 9, Abu Hureyra et Mureybet IA; D.S. Reese, Marine shells in the Levant: Upper Paleolithic, Epipaleolithic, and Neolithic; D.E. Bar-Yosef, Changes in the selection of marine shells from the Natufian to the Neolithic; C. Perles and J. Phillips, The Natufian Conference - Discussion

The Neolithic of the Near East

Book Description

The Neolithic peoples of the near east laid the foundations upon which the civilisations of Western Asia and Europe were built.