The Lord Christ Jesus Was a Vegan

Book Description

This book raises many interrelated important issues in life and tries to clarify the spiritual facts and to tie the loose ends, according to the wisdom of Divine Love. The good news about Lord Christ Jesus being a vegan (a strict vegetarian), for Biblical reasons is expounded in this book so all nations can immediately convert to the Christian vegan religion of heaven; for the sake of God's Justice that must be served on earth. The book indeed is a must read for all people because the entire creation including mankind has only one Savior to understand, obey, learn from and follow in order to do God's will, to be justified of sins and to see the Kingdom of God in righteousness. Since science also belongs to Christianity and this true faith is about universal redemption, the pages of this book discuss in detail the interests, the well-beings and the freedom of all creatures. The main points discussed in here, from the Christian vegan perspectives are: why mankind should live to honor God, about the universally abiding laws given us by the supreme Creator, the Christian justice, the importance of Church unity, nutrition, balanced diet and related issues. The pages loudly echo the spirituality of animals and the normal feelings of all that live; encouraging mankind to choose environmentally friendly products and services instead of animal products or animal services. Every violent sport and entertainment that involves animals is denounced together with the modern day idolatry and animal slavery; urging God fearing people to actively love and defend all animals and the universe in the Holy Name of Christ Jesus now and always. The goal of the book is to help the entire human race grasp the urgency of the animal right issue so all can repent together, start to pray unceasingly, watch and work in order to heal the damaged environments spiritually also work to restore world peace, order, equality among the earthly dwellers and lasting harmony. This book is indispensable for Bible scholars also for all God fearing people; it is animal friendly and can easily be used as a reference book or to instruct kids and adults in the non-violence principles of Christianity.

Why Every Christian Should Be A Vegan

Book Description

Today much of Christendom is closely associated with the eating of animals. Some churches even have hunting and fishing trips. Meat, eggs and dairy are a staple in most professing Christian’s diets. Is any of this in line with God’s will or pleasing to Him? Could it be that so many passages of Scripture that traditions have told us are teaching the ethics of killing animals are actually stating something completely different? This book takes a Scriptural approach to the subject of humanity’s treatment of animals, what God desires from us, and what the Bible says about it all. If you have been raised thinking that animals are here to be food for humans or for our entertainment, then by reading this book you will discover many edifying truths. There are so many topics covered that almost every question one could have about veganism from a Christian perspective is answered. The contents of the book are: Introduction Chapter 1: What Is Veganism? Chapter 2: Terms Used Chapter 3: What Is Meat? Chapter 4: What Is God’s Diet For Humanity? Chapter 5: What About Noah’s Allowance To Eat Flesh? Chapter 6: How Animal Flesh Gets To Your Plate Chapter 7: Eggs And Dairy Must Be Humane, Right? Chapter 8: Factory Farms Are The Problem, Not Family Farms? Chapter 9: What About Honey? Chapter 10: God’s Original Provision For Israel Was Vegan Chapter 11: Animal Sacrifice In The Bible Chapter 12: Animal Sacrifice And Flesh Eating Go Together? Chapter 13: Is All Animal Flesh A Sacrifice To Idols? Chapter 14: Compassion Towards Animals In Scripture Chapter 15: Fish In The Bible Chapter 16: Do Fish Lives Matter? Chapter 17: The Feeding Of The Multitudes Chapter 18: Did Jesus Eat Fish? Chapter 19: Is There A Parabolic Reason For The Fish? Chapter 20: Jesus And Fishing Chapter 21: Did Jesus Eat Lamb On The Passover? Chapter 22: Jesus And The Swine Chapter 23: Cain And Abel’s Offerings Chapter 24: Did John The Baptist Eat Bugs? Chapter 25: Is Veganism A Doctrine Of Devils? Chapter 26: Foods Cannot Defile? Chapter 27: Eating Meat Or Not, Does Not Matter? Chapter 28: Jesus And The Moneychangers Chapter 29: Peter’s Vision Chapter 30: Daniel’s Vegan Diet Chapter 31: All Things Are Pure? Chapter 32: Vegans Have Weak Faith? Chapter 33: Paul Says To Eat Flesh? Chapter 34: Jesus Is The Good Shepherd Chapter 35: The Lust For Flesh Brought Destruction Chapter 36: The Bread of Life Chapter 37: The Nazarite Was Vegan Chapter 38: Elijah And The Ravens Chapter 39: God Made Clothing From Animal Skins? Chapter 40: What About Noah's Animal Sacrifice? Chapter 41: The Deserted Island Scenario Chapter 42: What About Hunting? Chapter 43: But Animals Eat Other Animals Chapter 44: The World's Apathy Is Contrary To Christ Chapter 45: Early Christians On Veganism Chapter 46: Animals Have Immortal Souls Chapter 47: God’s Covenant With Animals Chapter 48: The Health Consequences Of Eating Flesh And Benefits Of Being Vegan Chapter 49: The Environmental Benefits Of Being Vegan Chapter 50: Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein From? Chapter 51: Where Do Vegans Get B12? Chapter 52: If Vegans Do Not Like Animal Flesh Then Why Eat "Meat" Substitutes? Chapter 53: What About Leather, Wool, Silk, And Down? Chapter 54: What About Lab Grown Flesh? Chapter 55: What About Animal Population Control? Chapter 56: What About Insects? Chapter 57: What About Mice, Rats, And Other "Pests?" Chapter 58: Is Having Pets Vegan? Chapter 59: What About Zoos And Aquariums? Chapter 60: Are Cosmetics Vegan? Chapter 61: I Should Go Vegan, But I Love The Taste Of "Meat!" Chapter 62: I Want To Go Vegan, But I Am An Athlete! Chapter 63: What About Speciesism? Chapter 64: Miscellaneous Questions And Answers: Chapter 65: Concluding Words Chapter 66: Miscellaneous Thoughts On Christian Veganism

The Lost Religion of Jesus

Book Description

Jesus' preaching was first and foremost about simple living, pacifism, and vegetarianism; he never intended to create a new religion separate from Judaism. Moreover, Jesus' radical Jewish ethics, rather than a new theology, distinguished him and his followers from other Jews. It was the earliest followers of Jesus, the Jewish Christians, who understood Jesus better than any of the gentile Christian groups, which are the spiritual ancestors of modern Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox churches. In this detailed and accessible study, Keith Akers uncovers the history of Jewish Christianity from its origins in the Essenes and John the Baptist, through Jesus, until its disappearance into Islamic mysticism sometime in the seventh or eighth century. Akers argues that only by really understanding this mysterious and much misunderstood strand of early Christianity can we get to the heart of the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth.

Vegetarian Christian Saints

Book Description

Roberts shares the life stories of 150 individuals canonized into sainthood who were committed to vegetarianism. Each story has a distinct message and the potential to further peace upon the planet.

The Vegan Bible

Book Description

The Vegan Guide to the Holy Scriptures leads you down a path towards The Garden of Eden. That fantasy land of Peace and Loving-kindness may be our next evolutionary step. Most people realize that the way the world of Death and Disease has taken over is not right or healthy in any way. The Veganism Movement will heal mankind thus healing the world as well. The modern thinking Vegan is ready to meet and overcome any non-Vegan resistance by learning every thing connected to the purpose of Veganism. There is a spiritual side of Veganism to consider and The Vegan Bible is a great place to begin researching the real history of our Mother earth and Father God. Most people never knew that the God of The Holy Bible is Vegan. This one little fact changes the face of society from innocent meat eaters to a mob of evil dead-flesh worshipers, especially the ones that refuse to accept the truth of our Vegan world. Don't be one of them. The right way is always the best way to live and enjoy the good health and clean conscious that the Vegan way of life represents. Now you will have all of the Vegan Holy Scriptures at your fingertips to rise over anyone whom decides to support their meat eating habits by miss-quoting The Holy Scriptures. The Vegan Bible proves that God and Jesus Christ are Vegans as well as some of the Holiest Prophets. Was Cain really the cold hearted monster we were taught he was or was he just an angry Vegan unwilling to control his temper? And who is this Lord God character that keeps on trying to ruin everyone's lives? Was Jesus Christ targeted by the religious leaders of His time for taking a firm stand against animal sacrifices? Did He offer his life as a one time human sacrifice to try and save them. By threatening the financial security of those selling the sacrificial animals this put a price on his head. His teachings of Love were not only aimed at people but they were for all living creatures. His personal sacrifice did put an end to most religiously motivated animal sacrifice in the world. Before Jesus Christ there was only a blood thirsty Lord God to pay off with daily sacrifices which was for sale at the Holy Temples. Now we face a world lost in a cloud of ignorance teaching our children it is normal and right to consume dead animal flesh and this has got to stop. We must learn everything there is to know about Veganism so we can begin to heal our world and save our souls. I have dedicated the rest of my life to the study and research of the Ancient Vegan Creation Story as it is found in every copy of the Bible that exist. Proving that we have an all-loving Father God that is Vegan was only the beginning of what I have discovered. The magnitude of this one important fact has yet to reach the ears of the normal every day church goer. The implications of the facts presented in the pages of The Vegan Bible is destined to cause some uproar with the religious institutions and their religious dogma. Why was it such a crime in the dark ages to be a Christian? Did the term Christian mean Vegan and were they hunted, tortured, burned and killed for the same reason that Jesus Christ was. Have you ever seen a normal person go into a fit of rage when you tried to explain Veganism to them? The Vegan Bible will help answer many religious questions and provide morally correct Vegan answers. It used to be just a matter of Faith but now the Medical Science is proving our Vegan heritage. Veganism is growing and it will influence the greater populations of every country. I hope that you are ready for The Vegan Apocalypse. Thank You.

The What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook

Book Description

In the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook, you'll discover an enormously effective'and delicious'way of eating based on Biblical principles. You'll find that you can lose weight, prevent disease, enjoy more balanced meals, and attain vibrant health by changing the way you eat. A companion to the bestselling What Would Jesus Eat?, this cookbook offers inspired ideas for good eating and good living. Modeled on Jesus' example, The What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook emphasizes whole foods that are low in fat, salt, and sugar and high in nutrients and satisfying flavor. This modern approach to an ancient way of eating offers a healthy alternative to today's fast food culture.

How Jesus Became Christian

Book Description

In How Jesus Became Christian, Barrie Wilson asks "How did a young rabbi become the god of a religion he wouldn’t recognize, one which was established through the use of calculated anti-Semitism?" Colourfully recreating the world of Jesus Christ, Wilson brings the answer to life by looking at the rivalry between the "Jesus movement," informed by the teachings of Matthew and adhering to Torah worship, and the "Christ movement," headed by Paul, which shunned Torah. Wilson suggests that Paul’s movement was not rooted in the teachings and sayings of the historical Jesus, but solely in Paul’s mystical vision of Christ, a man Paul actually never met. He then shows how Paul established the new religion through anti-Semitic propaganda, which ultimately crushed the Jesus Movement. Sure to be controversial, this is an exciting, well-written popular religious history that cuts to the heart of the differences between Christianity and Judaism, to the origins of one of the world’s great religions and, ultimately, to the question of who Jesus Christ really was – a Jew or a Christian.

Is God a Vegetarian?

Book Description

Is God a Vegetarian? is one of the most complete explorations of vegetarianism in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Young, a linguistics and New Testament scholar, attempts to answer the question being asked with greater and greater frequency: "Are Christians morally obligated to be vegetarians?" Many people are confused about the apparent mixed messages within the Bible. On the one hand, God prescribes a vegetarian diet in the Garden of Eden and the apocalyptic visions of Isaiah and John imply the restoration of a vegetarian diet. However, it is also clear that God permits, Jesus partakes in, and Paul sanctions the eating of flesh. Does the Bible give any clear guidance? Close readings of key biblical texts pertaining to dietary customs, vegetarianism, and animal rights make up the substance of the book. Rather than ignoring or offering a literal, twentieth-century interpretation of the passages, the author analyzes the voices of these conflicting dietary motifs within their own social contexts. Interwoven throughout these readings are discussions of contemporary issues, such as animal testing and experimentation, the fur industry, raising animals in factories, and the effects of meat-eating on human health. Thirteen chapters cover such topics as -- the vegetarian diet in the Garden of Eden -- the clothing of the first humans in animal skins -- God's permitting humans to eat meat -- animal sacrifice -- the dietary habits of Jesus and the early apostles -- Paul's condemnation of vegetarianism as heresy -- the dietary views of the early church fathers -- the peaceable kingdom. The author provides two vegetarian recipes at the end of each chapter. An epilogue includes guidelines for becoming a vegetarian and a recommended reading list. Insightful and challenging, Is God a Vegetarian? poses provocative questions for vegetarians, Christians, and anyone reflecting upon her personal choices and ethical role in our world today.

The Clementine Homilies

Book Description

What Would Jesus REALLY Eat?

Book Description

Until relatively recently, vegetarianism was considered a positive dietary alternative for Christians. Often considered a preference for those seeking better spiritual awareness for a season, biblical tradition still acknowledged that a plant-based diet wasn’t any more spiritual or moral than eating meat, therefore meat-eating was considered legitimate for humans; not prohibited and was even blessed by God. But, increasingly, and especially in light of the current Green movement that wants to at least limit the eating of meat, alongside the relentless calls by other secular organizations and activists to end meat-eating altogether, it is now more important than ever for people to know what the Bible and biblical tradition have to say about the subject. Within Christian circles, well-meaning people have been pressuring fellow Christians to turn from eating meat- a practice once historically understood as a Christian freedom- and are now asking them to embrace abstinence, but what many are calling “just a new bondage.” Christian leaders are warning the Christian community not to adopt a false commandment that is mostly based on secular activist’s personal convictions. Familiar choruses are now resonating throughout Christian communities: “Meat-eating isn’t compassionate.” “Animals have rights too.” “Aren’t you concerned about animal suffering?” “We should include animals into the moral community.” “Would you kill and eat your dog Lassie?” In response to this clamor, Castle Quay Books has brought together a broad group of scholars who have applied their expertise in a wide range of fields including biblical studies, theology, philosophy, resource management, communication, and generational animal farming, to write an accessible response for all Christians. Contributors to the discussion cover both sides of the debate with their host of important views. Writers include well known authors such as Dr. Walter Kaiser, Dr. Wes Jamison, and Dr. Paul Copan, as well as other well-known authors.