The Mercifully Brief, Real World Guide to Raising Thousands (if Not Tens of Thousands) of Dollars with Email

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Perhaps you're skeptical.After reading the title of this book, you?re saying: ?Sure, Red Cross and Salvation Army can raise tons of money with email, but my agency isn?t a brand name. You?re telling me I can do the same!?? Well, no. Author Madeline Stanionis isn?t claiming that. She?s President of Donordigital, not Pollyanna. What she is saying is that you can raise a healthy amount - thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars - if you approach email fundraising with a measure of intelligence and creativity.And you?ve got to hand it to Stanionis. Any consultant who would give away the store as she does in this book has something grander in mind than her own self interest.And give away the store is what the author does. Generously dispensing advice, insider tips, and recommendations she usually commands tidy sums for, Stanionis reveals precisely what you need to do, step by step, to raise substantial money with email.And while it?s not as simple as sending hastily written emails every week or month, neither is it unduly complicated or time-consuming.At heart, raising thousands of dollars with email is all about building your list, using timing to your advantage, crafting a series of coherent messages, presenting your email in a visually appealing way, and carefully observing your returns for clues that can guide your future efforts.That?s it really. And any organization following Stanionis? trenchant advice will see immediate results.Further, there?s plenty of material in the book to customize and adapt, as Stanionis offers a wealth of sample emails from diverse organizations.And taking it a step further, in the Resources section of the book, the author shows you how to identify just the help you might need (a "messaging vendor" who can send your emails, for example).Other books talk about ?Internet fundraising," which usually encompasses e-commerce strategies such as online shopping malls and auctions. That?s all well and good, but many of us want to know one simple thing - how can we raise more money with email? And do it now? Raising Thousands (if Not Tens of Thousands) of Dollars with Email puts that question to rest.

The Mercifully Brief, Real-world Guide To-- Raising $1,000 Gifts by Mail

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Whoever heard of raising $1,000 gifts (not to mention $3,000, $4,000 and $5,000 gifts) by mail? That's the realm of face-to-face fundraising, right?Not exclusively, says Mal Warwick, in his book, The Mercifully Brief, Real World Guide to Raising $1,000 Gifts by Mail.And Warwick should know. He's spent the last decade perfecting the art of high dollar direct mail.Take just one mailing Warwick cites (he has scores of them to draw from). Nearly $150,000 was raised from just 2,400 people, many of whom had never given more than $100 to the cause.Just as remarkable, the final fundraising cost for this effort was eight cents! per dollar raised.How do you do this? Must you tap a professional firm or be a prizewinning writer?Absolutely not. Warwick touts self-reliance. He shows you - with carefully selected examples and illustrations - how to succeed on your own, walking you step by step through the process of identifying your prospects, crafting the right letter, the right brochure, the right response device, and the right envelope. In this admirably slim book, Warwick convinces even the most doubting Thomas. Commit to the strategies he outlines, and you'll be startled, if not astounded, by the results.

Raising More Money with Newsletters Than You Ever Thought Possible

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Today, many organizations are raising more money with their newsletter than with traditional mail appeals.And after reading Tom Ahern's riveting book, Raising More Money with Newsletters than You Ever Thought Possible, it's easy to understand why.Great newsletters, as distinguished from the mundane ones many of us receive, have so much more going for them.For starters, they deliver real news (not tired features such as "From the Director's Desk'' and "Introducing Our New Staff"). They make the donor feel important. They use emotional triggers to spur action. They're designed in a way to attract both browsers and readers. And they don't depend on dry statistics to make the organization's case.The essence of Raising Money with Newsletters than You Ever Thought Possible centers around seven fatal flaws, as Ahern calls them. And along the way to discussing ? and dissecting ? these flaws, the reader is treated to such chapters as:o Making news out of thin airo What a front page is foro Lower the grade level of your writingo Anecdotes versus statso How should it look? A proven formulaTransforming your newsletter into a substantial money raiser isn't all that difficult. As Ahern himself says, "You don?t need a degree in journalism to publish a newsletter that will keep your donors inspired (and generous). You just need a few skills and insights."Read this book. Pick up those skills. And be assured that the ratio of time spent versus gains realized might well be the most cost-effective of your entire career.

Fundraising Basics: A Complete Guide

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As nonprofit organizations face heightened scrutiny by the general public, donors, regulators, and members of Congress, the Third Edition of the essential book on the basics of fundraising provides new, up-to-date and valuable information that every fundraiser needs to know. With ethics and accountability being the primary theme of the Third Edition, this practical guide will continue to provide an overview of the field and give development staff, managers, and directors a platform from which to operate their fundraising programs. The new edition also provides much needed information on giving trends, computer hardware and software available for fundraisers, cost estimates and workflow timetables, and the importance of the Internet. This primer remains a must-have for anyone new to the fundraising arena.

Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission

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Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission is a practical resource that will help nonprofit professionals make smart, strategic decisions about technology. The book shows how to effectively manage technology and offers practical advice for decision makers and staff alike who often have little or no experience with technology. With contributions from the top experts in the nonprofit technology field, this must-have guide addresses technology planning and people. It includes the tools you need to get the work done, and the knowledge that will help you communicate better, evaluate technology investments, raise money, and more. Written in nontechnical language the book covers a broad spectrum of topics including: Achieving IT Alignment with Your Mission STEVE HEYE, YMCA of the USA Managing Technology Change DAHNA GOLDSTEIN, PhilanTech Measuring the Return on Investment of Technology BETH KANTER, trainer, blogger and consultant IT Planning and Prioritizing PETER CAMPBELL, Earthjustice Finding and Keeping the Right People JAMES L. WEINBERG and CASSIE SCARANO, Commongood Careers Budgeting For and Funding Technology SCOTT MCCALLUM and KEITH R. THODE, Aidmatrix Foundation Introduction to IT and Systems KEVIN LO and WILLOW COOK, TechSoup Global Where Are Your Stakeholders, and What Are They Doing Online? MICHAEL CERVINO, Beaconfire Consulting Effective Online Communications JOHN KENYON, nonprofit technology strategist Effective Online Fundraising MADELINE STANIONIS, Watershed The Future of IT in Nonprofits EDWARD GRANGER-HAPP, Save the Children Praise for Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission “This invaluable guide for nonprofit leaders proves that nonprofit organizations can and should embrace technology, rather than being scared of or intimidated by it!” —KRISTIE FERKETICH, SENIOR STRATEGIST, GOOGLE GRANTS, GOOGLE INC. “NTEN’s Managing Technology to Meet Your Mission can help leaders craft a technology strategy that makes sense and builds ROI while also providing inspiration for their staff and supporters!” —JONATHON D. COLMAN, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR AND WEB EVANGELISTA, DIGITAL MARKETING, THE NATURE CONSERVANCY

Seeing Through a Donor's Eyes

Book Description

Why should I give you my hard-earned money? Effective fundraisers answer this essential question every time they ask for a gift. What's their secret to success? They have a winning case for support. As Tom Ahern, America's premier fundraising writer, makes clear, a case isn't some fancy argument you only develop for capital campaigns, when you're chasing millions. Successful donor newsletters, websites, annual reports, donor acquisition programs, email, direct mail, advertising, planned giving programs, and, yes, capital campaigns, too all have one thing in common: behind each stands a well-reasoned, emotionally satisfying case for support. Donors are sure to have questions. Your case gives you great answers. Complements Ahern's acclaimed book, How to Write Fundraising Materials that Raise More


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The Cosmopolitan

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Youth's Penny Gazette

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