The Middle Voice in Baltic

Book Description

The fifth volume in the VARGReB series is a monograph presenting a collection of studies on middle-voice grams in Baltic, that is, on a widely ramified family of constructions with different syntactic and semantic properties but sharing a morphological marker of reflexive origin. Though the emphasis is on Baltic, ample attention is given to other languages as well, especially to Slavonic. The book offers many new insights into questions of syntactic and semantic interpretation, correct demarcation and diachronic explanation of middle-voice grams. The relationship between reflexive and middle, the workings of metonymy, changes in syntactic structure and lexical input as factors determining diachronic shifts within the middle-voice domain and transitions from one middle-voice gram to another – these are among the topics discussed in the book, which, beyond its relevance to Baltic and Slavonic scholarship, is also a contribution to the typology of the middle voice.

The Hittite Middle Voice

Book Description

In this book, Inglese offers a new description of the middle voice in Hittite, both from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective. The analysis is based on a corpus of original Hittite texts and is framed within current trends in linguistic typology.

Voice and Argument Structure in Baltic

Book Description

The second volume in the VARGReB series deals with voice in the wider sense, encompassing both alternations that preserve semantic valency, with passives as the most typical instance, and valency-changing devices such as the causative. Regarding the former, special attention is given to event-structural conditions on passivization, non-canonical passives, and the relation between passives and (active) impersonals. Papers dealing with causatives focus on valency patterns and argument marking in canonical as well as extended uses of causative morphology. Other articles consider converse constructions and the argument structure of middles, which seem to hold a position between voice in the narrow sense and valency-changing operations. An introductory article provides background information on the repertoire of voice alternations in Baltic from a cross-linguistic perspective. Representing different approaches and methods, the contributions to this volume offer fine-grained analyses of data from contemporary Latvian and Lithuanian.

The Icelandic Middle Voice

Book Description

The Middle Voice and Connected Constructions in Ibero-Romance

Book Description

The reflexive constructions that are the focus of this book are the constructions broadly described with the term “middle”: i.e., those that can appear in all persons, and in which the reflexive marker (RM) cannot be understood as a full referential pronoun. One goal of this study is to provide a corpus-based typology of middle and related uses that allow us to compare the behaviour of the RM in these constructions with previous typological accounts, where competing models (based either on changes of diathesis or on the semantics of the verbal event) can be found. A second goal is to shed light on the evolution of the different functions of the RM, by exploring the factors that affect its productivity, with a specific focus on those verbs where reflexive marking is most variable, that is, anticausative verbs and verbs with no change of valency. These reflexive constructions show a notable difference in productivity in Spanish and Galician, although the languages are closely related and contiguous. The languages are thus good candidates for a contrastive and variationist analysis serving these two goals. The semantic class of the predicate, its aspectual properties and the animacy of the subject are some of the most relevant factors that are taken into account to understand the motivations behind the presence (or absence) of the RM. By relying on a corpus of interviews from rural communities across peninsular Spain (except Catalonia), space as a relevant extra-linguistic variable is taken into account, helping uncover previously unknown geographical patterns.

Middle Voice in Modern Greek

Book Description

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the inflectional middle category in Modern Greek. Against the theoretical backdrop of cognitive linguistics, it is argued that a wide range of seemingly disparate middle structures in Modern Greek comprise a complex semantic network, and that this network is organized around two prototypical middle event types, which are noninitiative emotional response and spontaneous change of state. In those cases where middle structures have active counterparts, middle and active variants of the same verb stem are compared in order to demonstrate more clearly the semantic distinctions and pragmatic functions encoded by inflectional middle voice in Modern Greek. Major semantic groupings of middle structures treated include emotional response in particular and psycho-emotive experience in general, spontaneous change of state and/or the resulting state, agent-induced events in which an agent subject is (emotionally) involved with or affected by some aspect of the designated situation, passive-like events in which a patient subject is affected by a nonfocal agent, implicit or specified, and reflexive-like events in which a patient subject and an unspecified agent may overlap to varying degrees.

Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics

Book Description

This book presents the most comprehensive coverage of the field of Indo-European Linguistics in a century, focusing on the entire Indo-European family and treating each major branch and most minor languages. The collaborative work of 120 scholars from 22 countries, Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics combines the exhaustive coverage of an encyclopedia with the in-depth treatment of individual monographic studies.

Syntax and Morphology of Yiddish Dialects

Book Description

Der Faschismus des 20. Jahrhunderts hat die jüdische Kultur in Europa in ihrer ursprünglichen Form und Verbreitung weitgehend zerstört. Die Überlebenden brachten ihre Kultur in neue Umgebungen, wo sie teilweise wiederbelebt wurde. Auch die Sprachen fielen dem zum Opfer oder wurden im Zuge der Assimilation und Akkulturation aufgegeben oder zumindest durch die verschiedenen neuen Kontaktsituationen stark beeinflusst. Als in den 1950er Jahren absehbar war, dass viele Überlebende, die in den alten europäischen Territorien aufgewachsen waren, ihre Muttersprache nicht an ihre Kinder und Enkel weitergeben würden, erkannte Uriel Weinreich die Notwendigkeit und Chance, Sprache und Kultur dieser Sprecher systematisch zu dokumentieren. Im Rahmen seines Projekts 'Language and Culture Archive of Ashkenazic Jewry' (LCAAJ) sammelten 18 Interviewer zwischen 1959 und 1972 auf der Grundlage eines umfangreichen Fragebogens Interviews mit fast 1.000 Informanten. Das im Rahmen des LCAAJ gesammelte Material ist ein unerschöpflicher Fundus und die beste Quelle, die wir zu den historischen jiddischen Dialekten Mitteleuropas haben. Mit der Veröffentlichung der digitalisierten Kopien der schriftlichen Aufzeichnungen (Feldnotizen) durch die Columbia Libraries im Jahr 2018 wurden die Rohdaten des LCAAJ der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Zwischen 2017 und 2022 hat das Projekt 'Syntax of Eastern Yiddish Dialects' (SEYD) diese Feldnotizen im Hinblick auf syntaktische und auch morphologische Strukturen ausgewertet. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert eine Auswahl dieser Phänomene. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den empirischen Daten sowie deren Einbettung in einen (mikro)typologischen Kontext. Eine Vielzahl von Karten veranschaulicht die räumliche Dimension der grammatischen Variation in den ehemaligen europäischen jiddischen Dialekten.

Grammatical Voice

Book Description

The first ever textbook devoted to the cross-linguistic study of voice, covering various topics and discussing data from numerous languages.