The Ministry, Vol. 03, No. 01

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry, we continue the series of messages concerning the God-ordained way as the present practice in God’s economy. In this message, Brother Lee provides some of the details concerning the practice of the home meetings and small group meetings. In laboring to care for the home meetings, we must learn to minister God’s word at every opportune time, giving “injections” to fight the adverse environments and to supply nutrition in order for the saints to grow. When we labor diligently with perseverance to speak the Lord’s word and care for the meetings in the homes, His Spirit will follow our labor and our words with His work, and there will surely be positive results. The next three messages are a continuation of messages given in the full-time training in Anaheim in the fall of 1997 concerning the grafted life. Message Four presents how God created man in such a way that he would be similar to Him in life so that based upon this similarity he could become intrinsically one with Him. Message Five stresses the fact that God’s judicial redemption is the glorious procedure by which and through which we were grafted into Christ through believing into Him. Message Six gives a further word concerning the matter of God’s judicial redemption for our experience of God’s organic salvation in the grafted life. In the following section we include a portion of the memorial meeting for our beloved Brother Howard Higashi, who was unexpectedly taken away to be with the Lord on November 27, 1998. A message is also included which was given by Brother Howard in the full-time training in Anaheim concerning the gospel, in which he shares his own testimony of receiving the Lord. Our dear Brother Howard was a faithful worker, a steadfast pursuer, and a fervent lover of Christ from the beginning of his salvation in the Lord’s recovery thirty years ago until his going to be with the Lord. He is one of the Lord’s overcomers in this present age. Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Europe and in the southern Philippines.

Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 01

Book Description

In this issue we will continue four lines of ministry. The first line--The History of the Lord's Recovery--contains chapters 2 through 5 of Fellowship concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991–1992. These chapters contain fellowship concerning the practice of the group meetings in the God-ordained way, the practice of the vital groups with much consideration, prayer, and labor, and practical fellowship concerning the group meetings. The second line--Words for New Believers--continues with chapters 15 through 18 of Basic Principles of the Experience of Life, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1963. The chapters in this section speak of dealing with the Spirit, the anointing, and transformation. The third line--Maturing in Life--contains chapters 1 through 4 of The Way to Practice the Lord's Present Move, which are in volume 5 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1985. These chapters speak of the need of the present world, the divine truths in the Lord's recovery, and the blessing on the Lord's recovery, and of going by rising up by being filled with the consummated Spirit essentially and economically. They further speak of the Word and the Spirit for the meetings and of our need to be experienced in the Word and filled with the Spirit for the increase and the meetings. The fourth line--The High Peak of the Divine Revelation--continues with chapters 3 through 6 of The History of God in His Union with Man, which are in volume 4 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991–1992. These chapters focus on God's history in time through His restoration of the judged universe and creation of man, through His saving of man from his fall, through His working on His saints from Abel to Noah and His judging of the world from Cain to Babel, and through His working on His elect from Abraham to Joseph.

The Ministry, Vol. 03, No. 05

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry, we include a message by Brother Lee to the co-workers, elders, and full-timers in Taipei concerning the practice of the new way. Because the homes of the saints are the life pulse in the practice of the new way, we need to endeavor with all the energy, strength, and time that the Lord has given us to recover a proper atmosphere in the homes. The first thing we must do is to make every saint’s home a home for meeting. Then we must learn the proper way to meet in the homes. We need to help every attendee to function, and we should use the proper materials in the meetings. In particular, however, we need to prepare for the meetings by praying and thoroughly confessing before the Lord so that we may be beside ourselves in the exercise and release of our spirit. Only by being “crazy” in spirit can we conduct a meeting properly and make it come alive. The next three messages in this issue are a continuation of the Crystallization-study of the Epistle to the Hebrews and were given in the winter training of 1998 in Anaheim. Message Thirteen stresses the great turn from the realm of Christ’s earthly ministry to His heavenly ministry. Message Fourteen presents the definition and enactment of the new covenant, and Message Fifteen shows the execution and application of this new covenant. Last of all, we include several reports from conferences in England, France, Kyrgyzstan, and Holland.

The Ministry, Vol. 05, No. 01

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry we continue to see that the salvation of God is a matter of the Spirit and not the letter. According to God’s salvation, to repent is to turn from the things outside of God to God Himself, because the central thought of God’s salvation is that God Himself wants to come into man to be his life and nature. Then out of this life and nature there will be a result, that is, the excellent fruit borne of the Holy Spirit as the issue of the operation of God after He has entered into man. If we draw near to God, treasure Him, and live before Him in this way, we will live out His virtues by living in another realm, a realm in which the life of God is being expressed through us. In this issue we also include the last six messages of the Crystallization- study of Revelation held in the winter of 1999 in Long Beach, California. Message Seven strongly indicates that spiritual warfare is a necessity, as seen by the vision of the war in heaven and the war at Armageddon. God wants His creature man to deal with His fallen creature Satan; for this, the human will must stand with the divine will. The burden of Message Eight is that all the saints in the Lord’s recovery would be perfected in this age to reign with Christ in the kingdom of a thousand years in the next age. Messages Nine, Ten, Eleven, and Twelve conclude the training with the vision of the New Jerusalem as the ultimate consummation of several wonderful items. It is the consummation of the divine economy, of the divine building, of the divine romance, of the new covenant of grace, of the new creation, of the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, and of the Triune God as our entrance, constitution, existence, enjoyment, living, and expression. Hallelujah! Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Armenia and Holland.

The Ministry, Vol. 06, No. 03

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry we include six messages given during the 2001 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, November 22-25. The general subject of the conference was "The World Situation and the New Revival." The burden for this series of messages can be expressed in the following four statements: 1) in His economy, God desires to make Christ the centrality and universality of His move on earth, 2) God's ultimate move in His recovery is to work Himself into us that we may live Him out and express Him as the Body, 3) the Lord's recovery is for the preparation of the bride of Christ, who is composed of all His overcomers, and 4) the corporate Christ, Christ with His overcoming bride, will come as a stone to crush the aggregate of human government to bring in God's kingdom. Last of all, we include a report concerning a recent conference in Ghana, West Africa.

The Ministry of God's Word

Book Description

The most important work of God on earth is the speaking out of His word through man. In the Old Testament God's word was released through the ministry of the prophets, and in the New Testament it was released through the ministry of the Lord Jesus and later through the apostles. Even though God is pleased to allow us to speak His word, the greatest measure of our usefulness as a minister of the Word is not the amount of our Bible knowledge or even the ability to eloquently present the truth; rather, it is the degree to which our inward parts have been molded and shaped by the Holy Spirit. The Ministry of God's Word contains a series of messages given by Watchman Nee in 1948 and 1949 after nearly thirty years of ministry. These messages are deep, profound, subjective, and full of light, revealing both the depth of his experience and extent of our need to open to the Holy Spirit's inward operation.

Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 03

Book Description

In this issue we will continue four lines of ministry. The first line--The History of the Lord's Recovery--contains chapters 10 through 13 of Fellowship concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991–1992. These chapters cover the building up of the vital groups, the need for one accord, prayer, and the release of the Spirit for blending, and exercising our spirit with prayer for the release of the Holy Spirit and for participation in the outpouring of the Spirit as power from on high for the dynamic impact in preaching the gospel and ministering Christ to others. The second line--Words for New Believers--contains chapters 5 through 8 of Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, Volume 1, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932–1949. These chapters cover topics related to repentance and believing, forgiveness, cleansing, and sanctification. The third line--Maturing in Life--contains chapters 9 and 10 of The Way to Practice the Lord's Present Move, which are in volume 5 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1985. These chapters speak of how to be watchful in life and faithful in service. The line then continues with chapters 1 and 2 of a new book, Reward and Punishment, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1955. These chapters cover the nature and function of the kingdom reward and God's thought concerning the kingdom reward. The fourth line--The High Peak of the Divine Revelation--continues with chapters 11 through 13 of The History of God in His Union with Man, which are in volume 4 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991–1992. These chapters focus on God's history in time from the creation of the universe to the final judgment at the great white throne. The line then continues with chapter 1 of a new book, God's New Testament Economy, which is in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984. This chapter contains an introductory word concerning God's economy, which is His plan to dispense Himself into redeemed humanity.

Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 05

Book Description

In this issue we will continue four lines of ministry. The first line--The History of the Lord's Recovery--contains chapters 18 through 21 of Fellowship concerning the Urgent Need of the Vital Groups, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1991–1992. These chapters cover mutual teaching in the group meetings by mutual asking and mutual answering, paying the price to learn the divine truths and practice the mutual teaching in the vital groups, the vision needed to carry out the vital groups, and how to contact and gain people. The second line--Words for New Believers--contains chapters 13 through 16 of Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, Volume 1, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932–1949. These chapters cover topics related to release--freedom, salvation, the assurance of salvation, and the security of salvation. The third line--Maturing in Life--continues with chapters 7 and 8 of Reward and Punishment, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1955. These chapters cover obtaining the reward and maturing in life to be raptured and receive the reward. The line then continues with chapters 1 and 2 of a new book, The Future of the Church, which are in volume 2 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1955. These chapters cover the marriage dinner of the Lamb and the appearance of the kingdom of the heavens. The fourth line--The High Peak of the Divine Revelation--continues with chapters 6 through 9 of God's New Testament Economy, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984. These chapters cover the Son's sending of the Spirit and the Son's ascension and the baptism in the Spirit.

Ministry Digest, Vol. 03, No. 12

Book Description

In this issue we will continue four lines of ministry. The first line--The History of the Lord's Recovery--contains chapters 11 through 14 of The Recovery of the Church according to the Pattern on the Mountain, which are in volume 1 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1950–1951. This section includes topics related to the salvation of God, following the Lord according to the inner man, and four laws. The second line--Words for New Believers--contains chapters 41 through 44 of Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, Volume 4, which are in volume 4 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1932–1949. These chapters cover topics related to being in Adam and in Christ, the two natures of the believers, three kinds of life and four laws, and union with Christ. The third line--Maturing in Life--contains chapters 17 through 20 of The Kingdom, which are in volume 2 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1972. These chapters speak of transformation as it relates to a seed in the parable of the ten virgins, its development in the Epistles, and its harvest in the book of Revelation. It also contains a chapter related to being baptized into the Triune God. The fourth line--The High Peak of the Divine Revelation--continues with chapters 34 through 37 of God's New Testament Economy, which are in volume 3 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984. This section contains four chapters on the New Jerusalem that cover the basic elements of its structure; its triune entrance; its wall, foundation, and street; and its dimensions, temple, and light.