Antifouling Compounds

Book Description

Awareness of the dangers of toxic components in antifouling coatings has raised interest in the potential for nontoxic alternatives. Marine organisms from bacteria to invertebrates and plants use chemicals to communicate and defend themselves. This book explores natural based antifoulants, their ecological functions, methods of characterisation and possible uses in antifouling. The text takes on the challenge of identifying such compounds, designing sustainable production and incorporating them into antifouling coatings.

Animal Locomotion

Book Description

The physical principles of swimming and flying in animals are intriguingly different from those of ships and airplanes. The study of animal locomotion therefore holds a special place not only at the frontiers of pure fluid dynamics research, but also in the applied field of biomimetics, which aims to emulate salient aspects of the performance and function of living organisms. For example, fluid dynamic loads are so significant for swimming fish that they are expected to have developed efficient flow control procedures through the evolutionary process of adaptation by natural selection, which might in turn be applied to the design of robotic swimmers. And yet, sharply contrasting views as to the energetic efficiency of oscillatory propulsion – especially for marine animals – demand a careful assessment of the forces and energy expended at realistic Reynolds numbers. For this and many other research questions, an experimental approach is often the most appropriate methodology. This holds as much for flying animals as it does for swimming ones, and similar experimental challenges apply – studying tethered as opposed to free locomotion, or studying the flow around robotic models as opposed to real animals. This book provides a wide-ranging snapshot of the state-of-the-art in experimental research on the physics of swimming and flying animals. The resulting picture reflects not only upon the questions that are of interest in current pure and applied research, but also upon the experimental techniques that are available to answer them.

Attachment Mechanism of Barnacles

Book Description

The initial attachment of the barnacle is shown to be a purely mechanical hold by the suction cups of the cyprid antennae. An adhesive cement may be secreted for reinforcement but is not essential for permanent attachment. The Balanidae have permanent, periodically functioning glands which are located in the living mantle tissue. These glands develop directly from the cyprid cement glands. The cement glands and the rest of the cementing apparatus of the Balanidae are basically identical with those of the Lepadidae. The cementing apparatus is flushed after each cement secretion. In this way, old ducts are kept open for emergency repair or reattachment. This emergency secretion is expected to be chemically identical to the cyprid and the normally secreted adult cement.

Barnacle Biology

Book Description

This text gives an overview of almost all aspects of barnacle biology covering advances made since Charles Darwin to the present day.

The Biochemistry of Primary Attachment in the Serpulid Larvae Hydroides Elegans

Book Description

The serpulid polychaete, Hydroides elegans, is a prominent fouling organism in tropical marine waters. Fouling is first caused by the formation of an unmineralized primary tube and thread by settling larvae. This is replaced by a mineralized secondary attachment tube during metamorphosis. Biochemical analysis of the primary and secondary tubes suggests a composition rich in acidic amino acids and glycine. Dopa is transiently present in new growth. The latter finding, particularly, may indicate a functional similarity to the adhesive proteins of mussels, ascidians, and sabellariids.

Larvae and Evolution

Book Description

Many biological facts are irreconcilable with the assumption that larvae and adults evolved from the same genetic stock. The author of this book draws attention to these, and presents his alternative hypothesis that larvae have been transferred from one taxon to another. In his previous book (Larvae and Evolution, 1992), the author used larval transfer to explain developmental anomalies in eight animal phyla. In the present book, he claims that the basic forms of all larvae and all embryos have been transferred from foreign taxa. This leads to a new, comprehensive theory on the origin of embryos and larvae, replacing the discredited 'recapitulation' theory of Haeckel (1866). Metamorphosis, previously unexplained, represents a change in taxon during development.